The next live hang out is scheduled for October 22, 2014 at 7pm EST. Check my Google+ page for details:
In this program we talked about fluctuating temp gauges, alternator problems, battery problems, dome lights that don’t work, BMW intakes, combined repairs, evap issues, HID headlights, engine and transmission swaps, noisy engines after oil changes, and clearing carbon deposits by gunning the engine.
If I didn’t get to your question I apologize. Questions posted after the event ends will not be answered. Questions posted to the YouTube video will not be answered. Next show is October 22, 2014 7pm EST though, or visit
Videos discussed in this hang out.
How To Bleed a Cooling System:
Testing an Alternator:
Alternator Testing:
Load Testing a Battery:
How To Check Battery Terminals:
Basic Electrical troubleshooting 1:
Basic Electrical troubleshooting 2:
Vacuum leaks:
Voltage leaks:
Power Balance:
Compression testing:
Leak down testing:
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Oil:
How To Install an HID Kit:
2004 Honda Element HID Fog Lights (Part 1):
2004 Honda Element HID Fog Lights (Part 2):
Spill Free Funnel:
Useful Articles.
Engine overheat
No start problems
Idle issues
Performance issues
Diagnosing Noises
Diagnosing Vibrations
Electrical Problems
Brake Issues
Transmission issues
HVAC problems
Buying a Used Car
Discussion about this Video:
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Information on Premium Membership:
Stay Dirty
Due to factors beyond the control of EricTheCarGuy, it cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information.  EricTheCarGuy assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. EricTheCarGuy recommends safe practices when working with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this video.  Due to factors beyond the control of EricTheCarGuy, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not EricTheCarGuy.
The problem with smoking the EVAP system on many cars is that you need some background knowledge of how the system works. Some valves on the systems are normally open and sometimes they're normally closed which can lead you to believe you have a leak in one area when really the system is working properly. I hate EVAP work, it's just as annoying as trying to find a problem with AC systems imho.
I have a 2-door cupe`Mazda 929 from 1976,-nothing is wrong with it,yet.Digg`n your "how to" video`s! greetings from Norway.
Is there a possibility of you doing a video on "how to do a 3×3 transmission fluid change"?
hi eric can you tell me how to get to the glow plugg relay behind fuse box in my vw sharan tdi 1.9.1998.cheers
the first question for ford ranger with jumping temp gauge.  I had a car do this and it was a bad water pump.  check the water pump.
HID lights should be banned!  I'm amazed they were ever approved. I feel like I need to be wearing a welder's face shield every time I have one oncomming or blinding me through the rearview mirror.
500,000!! Way to go Eric!!
I have a question when replacing a brake master cylinder and you want to bleed your entire brake system of air. Which wheel or caliper/drum do you bleed first? The wheel furthest from the brake master cylinder or the wheel closest to the brake master cylinder?
Hey Eric I hav a 01 sunfire that's farting, what Kood it B?
Hello Eric,
I realize, as STATED in your video, that you DO NOT (generally) respond to questions posted here, and that questions SHOULD BE POSTED TO .
With that said, one of your questions was about an EVAP code.
 I would like to add that the person asking SHOULD have his EVAP CANISTER removed and inspected! I have seen MANY times where the EVAP charcoal canister ruptures and releases HUNDREDS of tiny carbon pellets into the EVAP VENT VALVE clogging it, but… the refueling related problems locked it in for me… The carbon pellets get splashed into the fuel fill tube's vent and prevents air from purging from the tank during fueling, which kicks off the fueling nozzle. This also FLOODS the EVAP vacuum line with raw fuel. Frequently small pieces of these carbon pellets, make it all the way to the purge control valve and clog it open, causing a "flow control" error. Sadly, the best solution is to remove and thoroughly clean the fuel tank, and REPLACE the EVAP CANISTER and VENT VALVE. If  a "flow control" error occurs, I'd recommend replacing the purge control valve.
 If the CANISTER HAS ruptured, carbon pellets WILL spill out all over, when removed for inspection.
Jesus Christ, how about you people asking questions do some research of your own! the information is out there already!! are you that confused in the head to think hehas time to solve your problem for free?
Evap problems are a bitch >.<ÂÂÂÂÂ
My first live event not caught after the fact. 🙂 I recommend clicking on the reminder button. I believe I found that on my subscription page.
I usually don't gave a question for events because I've learned so much here, at and from my other beloved channels.
I just come because sometimes it's nice to learn from someone else's problems.
I was too late
Question: I have 94 chevy C1500 with a 5.7L. I am having a intermittent loss of power and vehicle dies when I come to a stop and with it in drive. Start ups don't always do the normal high idle and then come down. I have replaced the fuel pump, fuel filter,TPS, Rotor button and Distributor cap. Clean out the IAC and EGR valve. I also rebuilt the TBI. I am still having this issue and I have one code for the O2 sensor, have one ordered and will replace. Any idea on what could be causing the loss of power and why would it be intermittent. Thanks for all the help.ÂÂÂÂÂ
Hey Eric! I have a 2002 Chrysler Sebring LX 2.7L, I have heard lots of rumours that the 2.7 Dodge-Chrysler engine is terrible  and the water pump must be replaced every 80000 miles or the whole engine can blow… Have you heard of any trouble with these engines?
I have a 2003 Nissan Murano. Transmission makes a whining noise and quits moving. If you let it sit for 5 minutes itll drive again and repeat the whining? No codes present. Really weird any ideas?
also i have a 2001 kia sportage 4×4 it has 127000 miles on it. and whenever i engage the 4hi i start to speed up from a stop and once i hit about 10mph i get this loud grinding type noise coming from the right front wheel. i have checked all the vacuum hoses to the hubs for cracks and leaks but all are good i cannot figure out what it could be i also checked the transfer case and its perfectly fine 2lo will engage great and pull like it should what should i check next?
How's plans on the ford going?
where do i ask questions since he doesnt take youtube questions?
When should I change my tires? I have 50K miles on them … they are from month 4 of 2012 .. we don't have an american nickel here to do the nickel test ..ÂÂÂÂÂ
hey eric huge fan and longtime follower here. but i was wondering could you help me better understand how the honda frankenstein engine mods work? with so many honda parts being interchangeable its really hard for me to keep track of what can be put on what
Hi Eric, I have a 2001 Jeep Cherokee and I recently replaced a cracked head, but that it is running I see oild coming out from the valve cover and also there's a flapping sound when I accelerate but it does goes away. I will replace the valve cover gasket but I am not sure from where the flapping might be coming from. Any recommendations?ÂÂÂÂÂ
On My BMW 3 series (2002) (second car) I have a fault on the rear break light. Bulbs are fine, wires fine, a small bit of resistance, but would that shut off the bulb?
Hey eric i am having extreme diarrhea how can i fix that?ÂÂÂÂÂ
I have a 1999 jeep cherokee sport and the problem I am having is sometimes after I start the car and start accelerating the engine starts hesitating and loosing power. After a few seconds it stops and runs fine. It wont do it again for a while. Please help
Hey Eric, do you feel as though you are running out of repair ideas?
Hey Eric I have a 1992 Nissan stanza 5 speed. The car runs good but it's been having a weird nosing going from the bottom I the engine (it sounds like) what can I do to find out where that nose is coming from?
Hey Eric….I have a 1991 Nissan P/U Truck 2.4L with AC,  with a  very bad idle and getting worse. I did the basics like check for vacuum leaks and bad hoses etc. Cleaned out throttle body and rechecked all hoses leading to throttle body. All good. Where should I go from here. I do have an exhaust leak but its past the O2 sensor half way down the exhaust pipe.. I was thinking maybe the EGR? MAF?IAC? What about the purge canister? When I get gas, the air rushes out of the gas filler hole.  Spark plugs and wires and dist cap look good. Maybe a check list from you? Thanks Eric!
Have 2001 acura cl type s automatic transmission, has had hard shifting on cold starts, havent changed transmission fluid yet, also 2nd time this has happened which happened today, the car dies out the revs on idle are low then just dies, you can start it back up, cel was on this happened and now cel is off what should i be checking
hey i have a 1994 ford Taurus LX V6 3.8L and when i am driving my car will start to studer but only when it get warm PLZ HELP its vary annoying thank you PS love the vids ÂÂÂÂÂ
Hey Eric, I have a 1990 Holden Commodore and the oil light very rarely but sometimes comes on. When i turn the car off and start it again it will go away… Why is it doing that?