The New 240z Tube Frame Chassis Has Arrived!

The New 240z Tube Frame Chassis Has Arrived!

In todays episode we get everything sorted out and ready to start assembling the tube frame chassis.

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Speak EZ – Matt Large
You Know – Mefree
Fareoh – Cloud Ten


41 thoughts on “The New 240z Tube Frame Chassis Has Arrived!

  1. Just came back after watching the final episode of this car and man I still can’t believe this car looks so good

  2. Hi, I discover your chanel yesterday, I'm so impressed you seem to know about all the things in cars like mecanic, electric, electronic, etc. Did you take full of lessons or did learned just by trying and make mistakes? Bravo and keep it on. 🙂

  3. Side note: If you want to move a car without wheels/axles, get the wheels for shopping-carts.
    4-8 of them can easily support a a stripped car, and they can roll all directions.

  4. I know I’m late, but maybe for a future trivia game. Two Guys One Brain? Two Guys Half A Brain?

  5. All year summer in Malaysia 😂

  6. Loving this so far…. I can’t help but think that you’d function so much better in that workshop with it being a lot more organised and tidy. I’d love to see a mega clear out/overhaul of the workshop and paint booth *finances dependant obviously*

  7. this build is coming along really good chris! seemed like just a concept not that long ago, now it’s coming to life!

  8. Team name – b is for 2 L’s

  9. Two guys – one buck 😁

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