Uvalde school massacre fallout

Uvalde school massacre fallout

The Texas Department of Public Safety has announced a revision to its protocols, urging officers to take a more aggressive approach to school shootings going forward.


23 thoughts on “Uvalde school massacre fallout

  1. REALITY CHECK – Read the ALERRT Center Robb Elementary School Attack Response and Recommendations that lists all the clock times that the gunman fired his AR-15 after his several shots when the first officers arrived. Every officer who was in the building for the approximate next 70 minutes would have definitely heard all of the sporadic occasions the gunman fired, shooting more children. So, it is absolutely ludicrous for Arredondo or any of those other officers to conclude that the gunman had simply barricaded himself. Plus, they knew he was in 2 rooms where children & teachers were when the gunman had fired so many bullets the air in the hallway was very smoky & lots of empty bullet shells were on the floor of the hallway in front of the rooms. Any reasonable person would have concluded the 2 rooms were full of children & teachers, with some of them bleeding out.

  2. Wow, how comforting that the same officers who didn't do anything are present again. Does anyone wonder why a parent or child would not have an anxiety attack? Yes, the officers are suspended WITH PAY! So basically a paid vacation.

  3. Yeah I just can't believe it,, officers at the schools as the kid,s go back to school and there still standing around again like totem pole,s doing squat ,,and yeah the schools are not even ready,,the school board had all summer to put up the fencing and other thing,s that the schools needed,,no is doing enough yet to bet protect these children and so what's there excuse now ,, every thing should of been checked out and ready ,,ha I would even consider sending my child back to any school until it safe and there,s decent security not a bunch oh coward,s and chicken,s that can't protect anything ,,,our children deserve a place where they can feel secure not have to worry about anything ,,so get with it uvalde school board take care of the children they are prescious

  4. Cowards listening to the police chief 40 of them. Your jobs and pensions should be taken away and your in jail. I told my state rep I would've gone in there with a knife and no body Armour through another window just to protect them and he agrees with me and I live in a republican state so your malfunction is not caring and your expecting to get a raise and lol hell no you don't deserve it cowards

  5. What is it with you idiots in the news media? Does Uvalde school system own stock in your media system? You have kept the Uvalde school shooting in your headlines and first and foremost in your news for the last 6 to 8 months and each of these glorious news articles is usually about how someone felt about how slow the police reacted or how the children feel about walking on hallways that were bloody a few months ago or some other stupid, asinine, idiotic question about a shooting at a school that happened 6 or 8 months ago and that the news media is pumping for all the views and all the subscriptions they can get! You people are the reason there are so many school shootings!! What else do our young people have to look at? All your stories about school shootings! Thank you for allowing us to be number one in the world for school shootings and murdering of our own children by our own media!

  6. Cop = Coward On Patrol. 🙄🤔🤬

  7. We're still talking about Uvalde? 🥱

  8. Don't know why Steven McCraw still has a job when he thinks his officers did a perfect job at uvalde and if it happens again he said he will have his officers respond in the same exact manner yet he is in charge of public saftey. What a fucking joke.

  9. It’s easier to be a bitch as a group

  10. the uvalde police department committed accessory to mass murder by protecting the shooter for over an hour while stopping armed citizens from entering the school and stopping the shooter they even disarmed a police officer that was in the building if that does not tell you what's really going on then i don't know what will they sacrificed those children to push gun control laws and that is a crime

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