Plus, the daughter of Rodney King reacts to Derek Chauvin’s guilty verdict.

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By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “NAACP president on Chauvin trial verdict, shooting of Ma’Khia Bryant”
  1. A taser is all that was needed not , tasers take down 200 to 300 pound inmates everyday so don’t tell me it wouldn’t have worked on a 16 year old girl, if he had time to grab his gun and shoot then he had time to grab his taser

  2. Has no one seen the video of the Muslim woman seining the knife towards an officer? The police 100% backed the officer in that shooting as they should for potentially saving the life of the woman wearing pink in the video.

  3. Preach ‼️‼️‼️

  4. So why is it black lives matter only when cops kill but when black on black crime is excepted no black lives 🤔protest then

  5. Did he even see the video? A taser is a one shot weapon and only accurate at a certain distance. It isn't a magic bullet. Plus he had maybe a few seconds to make any decision on what to do. Given how fast things fell apart and how blood thirsty Bryant was, it was beyond justified.

  6. This man speaking is completely single minded and blind! He sees one side and ignores everything. All he sees is black and white. Disgusting

  7. When is everyone going to finally stop talking about people’s skin color and more about the content of one’s character? Let’s follow Martin Luther King’s advice. It is simple to understand. Two young girls were fighting and one girl had a knife and was trying to stab the other one right in front of the officer. Crazy but true. The police officer was called to come help and with only a few seconds to decide, he acted and saved the unarmed young teenage girl’s life. It doesn’t matter if their skin color was blue, green, orange, black or white. You try being a police officer. I am sure you would come to realize it isn’t easy and police aren’t being appreciated for all the crap they have to put up with. I am not a police. You couldn’t pay me enough to do that job.

  8. The girl was apparently living in a foster home. Sounds to me like the parents failed this child. Bad parenting resulting in a child’s death. Charge the father.

  9. If these punks did this in front of a cop that pulled a gun what do u think they would do knowing a cop pulled a taser.. still nobody cares about that dirt all that kicked a girl in the head .. scums

  10. "A situation in Ohio where a taser should've been used but instead a gun was used"? Really?! Did you watch the same video as the rest of us Mr. NAACP President? You need to learn about tasers AND crowd control. That officer was walking up to a scene that erupted into brawls, he drew is firearm because of the situation: multiple people, # of threats unknown, people in the group could be armed. He drew his gun as a scare-tactic; people usually stop fighting if a person has a gun. The officer had his gun angled downward not at anyone, passive-aggressive . UNTIL he saw the knife-wielding girl in mid-swing. When you're faced with life-or-death situations like this, when another (defenseless) person's life is in your hands, what would you do? Taser? Do you know why a taser would be a huge gamble in this situation? If not check out the video below. We can't have prominent leaders anywhere making uneducated responses. The majority are dumb as it is, stupid replies add fuel to the ignorant-fires. Are Black people more likely to be assaulted by cops? Yes, I grew up in the ghetto, I've experienced & witnessed hardworking straight-edge folk be profiled & mistreated by cops; anyone that says otherwise either never lived in the hood or is living on another planet. BUT not every case are like the ones where the fault lands squarely on the bad and/or racist cop. Would Ma’Khia still be alive if she hadn't attempted to kill someone? More than likely.

  11. Being black doesnt excuse you. If this was a Mexican person a white person or an Asian person doing the stabbing I feel no one would argue as much but because its a young black woman its a problem. If you're trying to stab someone with intent to kill you don't get to argue if it turned out bad for you/them

  12. Imagine if that was your daughter in the pink. Are you really going to take a risk that a taser is going to stop someone who is directly in front of and mid swinging a knife at someone? Nah I wouldn't either.

  13. A taser is unreliable to be used when it comes to a life or death situation. If both probes to not inter into the body the taser will not work. I am so sick of people pushing this on the cops. How about this stop doing crimes. When a cop says stop, STOP and don't run into a car to get a weapon or run when you had gun charges or PULL a Knife and try to KILL someone. Start blaming the criminals!!!

  14. There's new video/audio from a neighbor's security camera. Ma'khia Bryant can be heard screaming "I'm gonna stab the f**k out of you bitch" before she clearly attempts to do so.
    YouTube keeps removing it.

  15. So like what do y’all want him to do instead of using deadly force to stop her from mid-stabbing the other girl ?! Because if he stood there and watched her stab her it would be his fault because he didn’t stop her , but when he shoots her yall wanna get mad , her adrenaline as pumping I know it was so one shot to the leg could still give her leeway to take a swing at the other girl he tried to warn her , she didn’t listen , she brought it upon herself to grab a knife and charge at someone who was unarmed , gen z is getting worse by the hour .

  16. Ask that man if he would’ve wanted a taser to be used if a person was mid swing towards his neck with a knife. I’d love to hear the answer. Such a sad and terrible situation to occur. I can’t help but think, what would’ve happened if she wasn’t attacking another human being with a knife.?. I have a feeling. Probably getting tackled and hand cuffed. It’s sad and obvious that this officer did what he had to do to save a bystanders life.

  17. “Consistent with the threat” a knife is a fucking deadly weapon. And it takes more courage and Intensity to stab someone than pull a trigger

  18. This is dude is full of crap. I don’t understand this group mentality amongst SOME blacks. As if they all share the same struggle. How about we have an AMERICAN mind set and not racially. I’m glad the girl was saved and sadden the other girl died. I’m sorry for the father, but he should have stopped it. The office did the right thing by saving a life

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