Bear takes a dip to cool off in California lake

Bear takes a dip to cool off in California lake

A fishing guide on a lake in California thought he saw a floating log—turns out, it was a bear.

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26 thoughts on “Bear takes a dip to cool off in California lake

  1. Smart Bear 🐻

  2. Leave it alone it’s fuckin hot and he’s FAAAAAAAAAAAR FROM STUPID

  3. If I was bear i would sue you for slander asap 😆

  4. I live near there. My uncle likes to fish in that lake. wtf 😳🐻

  5. ✍️✍️I'm so opportune that irrespective of the economy crisis and financial conditions I am still able to earn $ 19,500 returns from my initial $ 6,500 every 10 days . Crypto investment is the really profitable …

  6. So UN-cool😢

  7. Couldn’t leave it be …

  8. Yeah MF it’s hot in Cali rn

  9. In a yearly poll from June 2022, 80% of people said they no longer trust the government, I wonder why? A review. Passing an inflation reduction bill that has little to do with inflation and everything to do with removing fossil fuel from our economy while adding 87,000 new IRS employees, CRT, open borders, defunding the police, Afghanistan, giving billions to Ukraine that has no hope of making it to Ukraine, limiting our own oil production while begging Saudi Arabia and Venezuela to make up the difference, when that failed draining our strategic reserve, congress inserting 45 billion dollars into the defense budget, and presiding over the first inflation since Obama's inflation. Then the Government issues dire water warning to the western US, while allowing millions of people to illegally cross the border, while allowing environmentalist to block desalination plants.
    Hell of a year and a half.

  10. Stupid humans at it again 🤣🤣🤣

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