Paddleboarders have close encounter with pod of whales

Paddleboarders have close encounter with pod of whales

Two paddleboarders enjoyed a close encounter with a pod of whales off the coast of Argentina, with one seen petting a whale while the other was pushed off his board by one of the animals.

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21 thoughts on “Paddleboarders have close encounter with pod of whales

  1. All i know is i would have pooped waaay more than a human can in that situation!😳😳

  2. There are laws protecting these an animal’s from encroachment!!!
    To support this is a travesty!!
    Get the hell away from them as they breach!!!!!!!

  3. Love this thank you 🌛🌜🎉🍀😄

  4. They can see the hairs on their snout😍😍😍

  5. wow. We have whale watching tours about 30 minutes from my house. BUT, this is next level encounter. Scarily freaky and exciting, but not for me. lol

  6. Very beautiful moment and not one blood curdling scream. Now if it was Me— 🥲🗣🔊

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