Duramax Goober Calls Out Our Cummins Galaxie (The Galaxie’s Second Grudge Race)

Duramax Goober Calls Out Our Cummins Galaxie (The Galaxie’s Second Grudge Race)

Lining up with our boy Jeremy for some good old fashioned grudge racing!
RESTOCKED Cleetus Merch! – https://cleetusmcfarland.com/

NEXT Cleetus and Cars dates:
Aug 24th Houston
Nov 23th Bradenton

Here’s the new Cleetus2 Channel – https://goo.gl/Ph2wyo

Here’s our Full Schedule for 2019!

Holley’s new channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeQfJXzg0gnfuM4tgmagCCw

-Leroy’s Injectors! – http://fuelinjectorclinic.com
-Leroy’s BILLET Intake! – https://frankensteined.net (10% off one if you use coupon code “GODBLESSAMERICA”)
-Leroy’s Clutch (LT1-RR Triple Disc) – monsterclutches.com
-Leroy’s ECU (Holley Dominator) – https://goo.gl/JjvakM
-Precision Turbo (turbos, BOV, waste gates) – http://www.precisionturbo.net
-Jeremy’s Shop, Fasterproms (tuning) – (813) 476-7364
-Texas Speed & Performance – (512) 863-0900
-Motion Raceworks – https://www.motionraceworks.com
-ProFab Performance Plus – (727) 849-9300
-RPM Transmissions – www.rpmtransmissions.com
-Billet T4 Flanges – www.streetcarrfabrication.com

**Social Media:
Instagram – https://goo.gl/LZvy5e
Facebook – https://goo.gl/gdwhh1

**SEND ME FAN MAIL… (bald eagles welcome)
Cleetus McFarland
12961 44th St N. Ste B
Clearwater, FL 33762
United States of America


41 thoughts on “Duramax Goober Calls Out Our Cummins Galaxie (The Galaxie’s Second Grudge Race)

  1. Great Video! Super Fin to watch! Love this stuff! This is my kind of fun day! Also, I wanted to comment on the statement that you made about "diesels are made to idle"… Newer data shows that this is actually quite bad for diesels. Reason being is this… As an engine revs through each gear and then settles out at cruising speed, the combustion gases on the up stroke will move behind the upper compression rings at a higher and designed rate for ample outward pressure against the cylinder walls, ultimately sealing the combustion chamber properly and keeping the air fuel mixture above the piston. At idle rpms, the air/fuel mixture is not being forced behind the compression rings at as high of a rate and doesn't seal off he combustion chamber as well. So what this does when a diesel is allowed to idle for more than a few minutes is it allowed small amounts of diesel fuel to enter into the crank case and that thins out the oil. Which is referred to as fuel contamination. This leads to premature wear on diesel components such as main and connecting rod bearings, main and rod journals as well as cylinder walls…

    So although once in a while is technically okay to let a diesel engine idle over a few minutes, it's highly discouraged these days to let it idle for over a few minutes. You are better to shut it off and restart it… Or if your case… Get that starter replaced! ha ha… Initial warm up for diesel engines needs to have a light (driving) load to raech full operating temps. They will not reach operating temps idling.

    Duramax recommendation which can be transferred to all diesel engines is as follows: (these are recommendations for warming up a cold engine)

    1. >32 degrees- Idle for 30-60 seconds idle before driving (drive light and easy after these short warm up times)
    2. 0- 32 degrees- idle for 1-3 minutes
    3. <0 degrees- idle fro 3-5 minutes

    Hope this helps! Once again… GREAT and FUN Video to watch! Felt like I was right there!

  2. Let’s race

  3. Detroit and dmax for life😎👍and the 7.3powerstroke and idi

  4. Cleetus, if you're diggin' on classics, I so wish I had a pic of my dad's '66 Dodge Polara convertable to share with you. I was only about 10 at the time w/o a hint of appreciation of it's beauty at the time. Sadly, it met it's demise via my brother taking it out and wrecking it. (Yes, by frolicking carelessly with it).😢😪

  5. Never do a burnout on stock tires. They get hot and lose traction. You notice when you start doing a burnout on stock tires, they have more traction when they're cold than when they get hot. That's why he left a whole bunch of rubber and did a lot of spinning on his run. Also, you lose more traction two pounds under than if you're 2 pounds over on air.

  6. If this ever comes up for sale I have a spot for it in New Zealand 😎

  7. Woahhhh, sexual harassment 😂

  8. Although I don't really support your homosexuality, I do have to say you have a cool channel with some cool vehicles. Where do u get the money to build all these cars?People say that there is a lot of money in gay porno, I just couldn't degrade myself and my anus like that but I'm not judging. Cool channel dude.

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