Monkeypox confirmed in US – Car Mod Pros Portal

A Massachusetts man is in isolation after being diagnosed with the first case of monkeypox in the U.S. this year. ABC News’ Andrea Fujii has more.


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “Monkeypox confirmed in US”
  1. May God bless Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my Genital Herpes virus permanently with his natural herbs supplements after suffering from Herpes virus for so many years.

  2. This has been a Challenging time. And I Appreciate you so much Dr Ogoh on YouTube. You have Created a life that I thought was lost, Thanks for Curing my #monkeypox with your Herbal Medication. Thanks doctor.✌

  3. This has been a Challenging time. And I Appreciate you so much Dr Ogoh on YouTube. You have Created a life that I thought was lost, Thanks for Curing my #monkeypox with your Herbal Medication. Thanks doctor.✌

  4. Once again I want to appreciate #dretiko for helping me with his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus completely, i really suffered from this disease for the past 1 year, Right now I'm Herpes virus negative after using the herbal medicine dretiko sent to me

  5. I’m super excited, I have just been cured from hsv 2 after using your medicine. Thank you #dretiko if you are also having some problem I advise you to talk with #dretiko

  6. I’m super excited, I have just been cured from hsv 2 after using your medicine. Thank you #dretiko if you are also having some problem I advise you to talk with #dretiko

  7. Monkeypox I Kid You Not,
    Back in March 2021, The Nuclear Threat Initiative teamed up with the Munich Security Conference.
    They ran an exercise on global Pandemic preparedness.This included 19 senior leaders and experts from Europe, Asia,
    Africa and the Americas.Combinig decades of combined experience in public health, bio technology,international security
    and philanthropy.
    The exercise scenario portrayed a deadly global pandemic invoving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus,that first emerges
    in the fictional country of Brinia and eventually spreads globally.
    As part of the scenario development process, a virtual consultation with experts was also run by NTI in december 2020.
    Call Interpol weve been had.

  8. His positivist is amazing and very empowering, thank you #Dretiko for your kindness and for assisting me cure hsv2 permanently, I didn't have any side effects and the herbs works super great

  9. His positivist is amazing and very empowering, thank you #Dretiko for your kindness and for assisting me cure hsv2 permanently, I didn't have any side effects and the herbs works super great

  10. Thanks you so much Dr Etiko on YouTube for all you do in my life and my family. I went for a test today after taking the medication i ordered from DRETIKO and I tested Herpes negative. Thanks doctor I will keep letting the world know about your good work sir.

  11. I can’t stop thanking and recommending Dr Igudia on YouTube to everyone who suffers from Genital Herpes virus because I was once suffering from Herpes Virus too, But with the help of Dr Igudia I was able to get rid off it totally with his herbs medication.

  12. Well the hell with elections!! This is far dangerous than choosing our leaders who don't have any idea what to do!

  13. The new pandemic, quick get out your vaccines and make people take them fast!! This was planned and it will continue to grow, but this is a plan and tactic 100%

  14. And once again we have the media pumping up a disease 🙄.. how long til another vaccine is forced on us?

  15. I had Genital Herpes Virus for over 11 years and over all these years was my worst experience in my life but all that changed when I came online and saw a lot of people talking about this great Dr Igudia on his YouTube channel who has the cure to Herpes virus. After ordering his herbal medication that was indeed the total end of my Herpes virus

  16. We've got to bring dr fauci to justice before its too late.we knew his work would continue to destroy the world.he is the nazi idea of a wouldn't be surprising if he had something to do with this as well.democrats want to control citizens thru constant fear.take back america.

  17. Monkey pox has a low fatality rate but long monkey is worrisome …symptoms are typically the urge to pick fleas out of your friends butts.

  18. 2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19)
    2021 Omicron Variant (Omicron-virus)
    2021 Delta Variant (Delta-virus)
    2022 Monkeypox virus (Monkey-virus)
    2023 What’s next new virus?

  19. Of course they share the most outrageous photo of an infected kiddo to get everyone PANICKED. I'll bet the average patient isn't near that bad. Honestly though, I'd consider the smallpox vaccine because I've heard it helps decrease the incidence of cold sores on the mouth – which are an annoying life problem for me. Unless it's a "new & improved" version. I know many people in the military who got it and are fine.

  20. When did people start using “men having sex with men”, instead of “gay”?
    Although I never used the word “gay”, to mean homosexual.
    In the Christmas carol “Deck the Halls”, at the phrase “don we now our gay apparel”, how many men run out and put on pantyhose and high heels? I haven’t seen any.
    Just sayin’.

  21. Male, heterosexual, and married, so you know I'm not smashing often. If, by chance I contract this, I can assure all of 1 thing…I will drop drawers and yank it when folks stare followed by tossing handfuls of feces. When in Rome they say.

  22. Fascinating they gamed this out last year, to the month. Wow, how unusually accurate. What are the chances. Hopefully they will lock us all down some more and destroy more of the western economy.

  23. WTF what are the governments all around the world creating in Labs a virus to eliminate all races of human beings!
    You can't tell me that this was an accident somehow someway it escaped from a lab and who what where and why? You guys are doing this on purpose why and any excuse you give me or the American people and the people all around the world is not good enough!

  24. 2022: Sickness, Disease, lack of cures and viral research should no longer be tolerated. Big Pharma sponsored Deathcare for profit system must be disbanded. Get enraged. Get focused. Get even. #EndBioWarfare

  25. Sounds like ill gates and Faustus at it again corona monkey bats pangolins im sure Mickey Mouse virus wont be far off with these people messin with bio labs maybe if we deal with the people messin around with bio labs its literally the plot from 12 monkeys so if we deal with the crazy bio cult poof your cured see I got the cure for aids HIV cancer plague monkey pox lice made in a lab like hmm not building a bio lab in middle of city its beyond incompetence they on drugs crack meth something so either crazy or drug induced crazy the thought of putting a lab and messin around with this stuff they irresponsible but like crazy drug induced hitlerish the nazis were on a lot of drugs hitler was on so much drugs in echo chamber on everyone on drugs with you its like drug induced psychosis and any bright idea goes extreme case of the bright idea fairy and pixie dust

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