President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a virtual speech that Ukraine is outgunned 20-to-1 on the eastern front. Zelenskyy also said that up to 100 Ukrainian soldiers are dying each day.
#WorldNewsTonight #Ukraine #Russia #Zelenskyy PUTIN LAY DOWN YOUR ARMS~~~~`
Seems to be a western spy who had a russian diplomats position. Happy to get rid of this spy. Can be easily substituted by a loyal russian, engaged high ranked person loving his country. But the other way around we russians also have our spies in US and european key positions 😉 Russia will never allow the west to violate russian interests without letting the west pay a high price. If necessary we'll occupy entire europe. Especially britains should be careful of being loudmouths. Considerations, plans are on the table to vaporize GB in multiple nuclear blasts. This can happen suddenly, you'd not have the time to clean and wash your ass after sitting in the toilet 😉
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Germany has not yet delivered the promised heavy defensive weapons! Mr. Scholz, do you support Putin? Your Secretary of Defense is sabotaging! Meanwhile, Germany is paying Putin billions, which are used to kill Ukrainians! Shame on the politicians who help Putin to kill Ukrainians! Unfortunately, now corrupt politicians in Europe are trying to help Putin lift sanctions and destroy Ukraine! They support a serial killer!
save people's lives even if it means slavery. Let Ukraine's military do a complete surrender to clear the path for Peace. Signal your military,navy airforce and other surrender, defeat and peace to stop loss of lives! Come to your self senses. You and Ukraine to SURRENDER today. Contact Russian military to sign total surrender
Since February, Zelensky's unable to save Ukrainian lives is proven.What kind of leadership, taking million, billion, had you surrendered, life would have been saved. Let Russia acknowledge that you are defeated! What has world got do?
Ukraine, ceasefire, surrender and war is over.
Good job Russia
The whole world suffers because of zelinsky's narzism and his support for nazis battalions – Ukrainians must understand and end it
u don't quit u sabatoge Putins efforts to kill civilians
Wherever dwell the mad dogs of man
There is corruption, plunder and hate.
In every city, town or village
Those who promote distrust deserve their fate.
All are born as an innocent child
Till misled by others along the way.
God has always loved His children
Though it breaks His heart when they stray.
The mad dogs of man never repent
For they have no sense of shame or sorrow.
Worshiping dominance and the dark side of life
Abusing victims as if there were no tomorrow.
God gives us the will to sin no more
And to overcome evil unwilling to cease.
The mad dogs of man must be stopped
Who murder, rape and destroy world peace.
Samson, Solomon, Moses and David
Were chosen by God to stand tall.
They faced great odds and the fear of death
Refusing to ignore their call.
The time has come for the people of Earth
To band together to restrain the horde.
Standing firm against tyranny where it exists
Putting the mad dogs of man to the sword.
By Kansas City Poet Tom Zart
Google = Most Published Poet
Tom’s 1,650 Poems Are Free To Share!
Google = George Bush Tom Zart
This NEWS MEDIA is so FAKE !! THAT they begin to believe their own lies !!!??? And the Russian army is not even in this WAR !! Its JUST a group of Russian soldiers of fortune that is fighting in Ukraine !! Russia didn't even declare war on Ukraine !!!? Where the F*** do THIS FAKE MEDIA get this lies from !!!??? Unbelievable FAKE NEWS !!! Greetings from Serbia 🇷🇸
Why is people telling so much lies.
May Andrey Sheptytsky, Blessed Vasyl Velychkovsky and all Ukrainian saints, First Testament Prophets, Jewish holy men and women, St Michael, Raphael and Gabriel and all the angels, intercede with the Almighty for the removal of Putin and his minions from power. May Ukraine be freed of Russian oppression. May Our Lady of Zarvanytsia (Ukraine's Lourdes) help with this.
Usa did it all in the middle east. Usa state propaganda is so insulting to its population.
Ucranios, Make it Rain Steel and Lead on Vlad/Mini me PUTA and the Chechen Chicken Invader War Criminals!
But I thought you said Russia was days away from collapse weeks ago…..
The cool thing is when humanity looks back they'll see that this is just fake news all driven for profit. Sure there's really A-war going on But ABC has nothing but spin and agenda total trash fake news channel
I've said once and I'll say it again, Go Russia!
Jesus Christ called people everywhere to repent, therefore, if you confess with your lips the Lord Jesus and believe with all your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life. told other people how good he is, how he saves, heals and liberates and gives eternal life135
By now, everyone see tattoos on Ukraine soldiers, all nazi symbols, and you are supporting them? Half of Ukraine people wore under Ukraine nazi, now they so happy to see Russian soldiers. It will be no nazi in Ukraine, soon. And that diplomat, I am wondering, how much money he got paid for saying that. If he doesn't like Russia so much, it's a big world….
Now, 80% of Russian people supporting Putin. Can we say the same? I do believe, Biden, the worst president ever in the USA history. He is destroying Europe, and USA, and making Russia stronger than ever. I like to ask everyone who is thinking Russia doing this wrong:
If you were living under nazi regime, will you want someone to freed you from it??? And please, don't tell me it's no nazi in Ukraine, and Ukraine army just like to have nazi symbols on their bodies.
Ukraine army putting weapons in the schools, hospitals, between houses – because they know, Russian army will try not to kill civilians.
Ukraine total collapse coming soon!
russia couldnt even take Napoleon lmao
Ever time the world says Russia is loosing more Ukrainians are dying. I don’t see the Ukrainian soldiers that torture and killed Russian soldiers cold blooded being charged of war crimes
China and russia playing same game,.. Real Estate Acquisition global Stage… A Future LOOK= , By a russia "Winter Celebration" putin PLOWED through Ukraine to Poland's /Nato Border. Is that what "west" Support did 2022? If ukraine wins conventional war, putin goes bio/chem war,… then field nukes to take ukraine. Non stop. He'll win no matter what. Do you understand where this war goes?? Only way is internal force by kremlin and russia population Enmass, ie, Cant jail Whole russia population,… to retire or grave. "that has always been russia way". "Heaven's Angels are weeping" at west's "holding back" , on the west's reluctance, and west's ultimate demise. Go Ukraine, but, ukraine can't do magic, !! Ukraine Needs BIG TOOLS, Not, just "fire crackers" !! Dont let tv news be like iraq , forgotten.. This is a Free World, NOT Communist Control ..!!