Twitter executives leave company amid staff shake-up

Twitter executives leave company amid staff shake-up

Two top executives are leaving Twitter as a temporary hiring freeze goes into effect and Elon Musk tries to raise $44 billion to buy the company.

#ABCNews #Executives #Twitter


25 thoughts on “Twitter executives leave company amid staff shake-up

  1. Buh-bye 🤣🤣

  2. The wisest thing that should be on everyone mind currently should be to invest in different streams of income that doesn't depend on the govt. Especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in Gold, silver and digital currencies(BTC, ETH.

  3. Next crackdown on the Twitter Orgies. Please…😛

  4. Send the FemiNazis to the Gas chambers 😈

  5. See ya, groomers 👋🏻

  6. Eres un ídolo QUINZAA.Monster siempre en mi corazón,hermosa,amorq,elecciones,culturales.❤️ Son unos de los mejores conciertos.

  7. If everyone except the Twinkle Toy Shoes right-wingers left Twitter, Elon would basically have his own Truth Social echo chamber… and a $46,000,000,000 bill. That would be hilarious.😀👍

  8. These are just scapegoats sacrificed to save the Feminazis 🇺🇦

  9. The worse ones are the Female lieutenants, 
    the PC Brigade, the Feminazis.

  10. Ese atuendo me vuelve loco SEXTINDER.Uno loco contigo y tienes ese cuerpo curvilíneo, hiciste un buen trabajo modelándolo también. También me gusta el último atuendo. Me encantay cómo los cinturones de liga se.

  11. Twitter is the loser. Elon Musk the melon husk… Tanks Tesla for Twitter the loser.

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