Buffalo in shock after mass shooting – Car Mod Pros Portal

Haunting images from the scene show bystanders comforting one another.


#WorldNewsTonight #Buffalo #BuffaloMassShooting #Shootings


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Buffalo in shock after mass shooting”
  1. I'm 💔 this is chaos I pray the gunman is convicted & face life without parole🙏🙏🙏 stop the hate crime enough is enough

  2. So now hes keeping silent probably because they told him to so that it can appear that he has a mental problem, but he went to that store, plotted and sighted out the place, came back and killed 10 people and injured others. if it was a black man that was 18 years old with no prior record he would be put in prison as an adult but no parole. The young adult is being heavily poitected. Why? I heard the stire has mainly Bkack people shopping and one of them offered him a drink.

  3. Imagine another mass shooting in America…who would have guessed… No doubt it'll be blamed on something stupid so the real issue isn't addressed.

  4. The Truth: They dont want you to know the helmet cam footage was a Deep Fake that was exposed months before the Staged event. Yes, the entire narrative is based on a CGI that was revealed months ago on the deep web.

  5. Come black live matter show you true shade you riot for black drug addict but won't riot for real change you ignore the science and allow media to pay you off Jesus Christ would flip the table on your race for your greedy ways the moment your given a chance for equality and you spew inverse oppression….

  6. Mononucleosis changes the true and false value of the brocas immune signaling transduction so my snake did what with extra bit your Lumeinators came out so do the enslaved 1/2

  7. Negative blood and the neutral design system you create an opposition of a higher percentage so they think the mononucleosis is god while a small percentage thinks it the devil this is due to polarization of blood and how columns are aligned parallel meaning for me it's the opposite so you play devil to create a smaller percentage for negative profits if they don't revert to overly religious view you bake them until a crime happens ..you do this to negative for antigen harvesting ..that pure evil Ann frank would agree right

  8. No condolences here your were warned years ago stop using the parrmagnetics on people electrodes for their parasympathetic system …your a sick industry who ignores those for your owners profit karma is coming white people have different mylin and the shrumen effects blue eye people differently we pass light and infrared and it phases threw us faster..medical place electrodes to slow down our parasympathetic system so we can eat ..you allowed the industry starve a collective sub consciousness system for white people when the sun emf was about change you knew and preped for this you attacked me a host for the system I hate you 😑 😒

  9. No condolences here your were warned years ago stop using the parrmagnetics on people electrodes for their parasympathetic system …your a sick industry who ignores those for your owners profit karma is coming white people have different mylin and the shrumen effects blue eye people differently we pass light and infrared and it phases threw us faster..medical place electrodes to slow down our parasympathetic system so we can eat ..you allowed the industry starve a collective sub consciousness system for white people when the sun emf was about change you knew and preped for this you me a host for the system I hate you 😑 😒

  10. It’s Buffalo. I’m not surprised by the boy’s actions.

  11. "Dallas Police arrested a black male suspect who is accused of being the gunman in a shocking suspected hate-crime shooting on an Asian hair salon…"

    Any takers if this will be in the news for weeks at a time?

  12. I need to make it a law if you do not own a gun license then you get caught with a gun should be a life sentence that will take away most of the dumbasses

  13. “Haunting images from the scene, bystanders seen comforting each other under an umbrella “

    I see a lady trying not to get wet, no haunting images no comforting going on?? 0:59

  14. Mostly because it wasn’t a black person killing the black people. If the shooter were black we’d barely hear a peep from the media.
    Frank James anyone?

  15. my parents next store neighbor was one of the people who were shot. he was hit in the upper leg and the bullet exited his ankle. Has been undergoing surgeries to repair his leg since it happen. He was just transferred there a couple weeks ago too. the community loved him and he loved them back. This is getting way to close to home and im sick to my stomach. We no matter what color you are need to take this personal and change needs to happen idc

  16. I'm glad that in Europe the right to own a gun is not as loose as in the American states. It would be one big madhouse. I can't imagine being aware of walking down the street and knowing that the society I live in is irresponsible and there are more than many psychopaths, and many of them may own a gun. What does it give me that I can also have a gun, if someone starts shooting at me from close range, I will not have any chance to draw a gun and shoot someone who is trying to kill me.
    Just to think that Germany has once again more inhabitants, but half as many murders as my country. It shows the potential of aggression in my country and I do not trust them to such an extent that I would feel safe among so many potential murderers.
    Edit: It must be crazy and stressful in the long run, it's definitely not healthy for the body. You never know what someone is thinking or what is going on in their life. Today everything may be okay, but tomorrow he will argue with someone from his family, he will have something bad in his head and start shooting people. And two days earlier, he was in a gun shop and bought, because he has a clean record and has the full right to do so😳

  17. I Would Like Us To Talk About The Wounded Too!!!!..Is It Because They Will Eventually Be Eye Witnesses…That Reporters Never Cover Them??…We Must Reject Domestic Terrorism With The Exact Same Aggressiveness As Foriegn Terrorists….We Went To War After 9/11….We Should Have An Equal Law Enforcement Response By The Federal Government…The FBI ….Needs Some Of That Money 💰 The Pentagon Is Sending To Ukraine 🇺🇦!!!!..Protect The Homeland From Domestic Terrorists!!!…Run Rupert Murdock Out Of The Tabloid Alternative Facts Cable News Business!!!!. ENOUGH HATE RANTS FROM FOX NEWS!!!!!.. #voteblue #everyzip #everyelection

  18. I’m disappointed in anyone who believes this is real. Though America was better.. did they bring out the dummies out as victims lol

  19. Nothing to c here folks no one died like Vegas Orlando. It’s all paid actors victims and bystanders. Biden likes paying actors well

  20. 🤣 ARE you guys shocked Biden sent more shooters to talk gun control that’s never gonna work 🤣 this was orchestrated by Biden gotta keep that racism narrative alive.. guns are never going no where you fuckin idiot Biden.. guns don’t kill people the people u send to push your false racist narratives kill people.

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