SCOTUS to hear case of high school coach suspended for praying on football field l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Supreme Court will hear arguments in a dispute between Washington public school officials and Joe Kennedy, a former assistant football coach who wanted to pray on the field after games.

#ABCNews #SCOTUS #Prayer #JoeKennedy #Washington


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “SCOTUS to hear case of high school coach suspended for praying on football field l GMA”
  1. People are allowed to smoke, drink, walk around almost nude, be rude etc in public so he must be allowed to pray in public. If the devil is allowed in public, religion should be allowed. He didn't force anybody to pray with him.

  2. This is about Washington state. think about Seattle! its so liberal there, they dont like it and many are atheists.And lets face it.
    FOOTBALL IS dangerous. This is so harmless and its a good thing too. what is wrong with people?

  3. 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

  4. Ok, if you say a prayer in school it outrages parents, but those same parents support GOP members wearing a Christian Cross on TV while lying to the American public? It doesn't add up…, WTF ???

  5. If praying is seen as a danger and punishable offence, we are lost indeed.
    (How come those that pray 5 times a day are allowed to put down their prayer mats anywhere then?)
    This is all about hatred of Christ, which he himself warned would happen…

  6. If that was a Muslim there would be riots. He has the freedom to do that. Another institution trying to OVERIDE YOR RIGHTS

  7. If big guys are going to hit me over and over then I want prayer to protect myself from injuries or I'm not playing football

  8. ❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/elizeid de mejor

    1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos

    , no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos

    desde pantalla,, se que estuvo

    Sorprendente .

  9. if u don't want to see this man prayin, then why u lookin…
    cuz u know u should b prayin too & u feel convicted..

  10. i respect The Supreme Court more than the other branches combined; Ideas(Fabric Of Society). However i just can't understand why a religious organization that has it's own recognized nation has a contract with The State that would bar an American family from adopting a child. See that way i'm not challenging the decision i'm challenging deeper related content that would open the door to reversing a previous decision so i don't get popped like Broly trying to go around Vegeta the second time like trying to go around a mountain takes an extra day.

  11. Imagine if we say "be gay at your house, not in public places so you don't influence the mind of young kids"
    People would go wild
    But we can say "don't show your faith in public cause you influence the mind of young kids" and be okay with it.
    Hypocrite society

  12. Not sure if it's a 1st amendment violation one way or another – but he's the coach in a very specific athletics/football culture that demands and requires conformity and absolute obedience by the players who happen to be kids. This guy is not innocent. He's playing games with kids' heads. If he wants to pray – he should do it in a more appropriate place – in his own home, place of worship, in the woods or park, whatever – but not at a public school event with kids who are required to do whatever the coach tells them to do and with the whole school and parents as a captive audience to his little stunt. Yes, he needs to be fired especially since he refused to follow a totally reasonable district directive – it's called insubordination. And the school is not violating his freedom of religion anymore than they are when they forbid a teacher from leading students in their own religious ceremony. Oh, and one more thing, religion is required by state and national Social Studies/History standards to be taught in schools and kids ARE allowed to pray so long as it does not interfere with classes – so public school DOES NOT forbid religion. Most teachers are pretty religious actually.

    BTW, why would God give a sh** about who wins a high school football game anyway??? Aren't there bigger fish for God to be asked for at this point??

  13. All these religious prayer shows of hypocrites, need to stop.
    Christ didn't come to force people into public prayers nor did he come to coerce or force people into obeying man made religious abominations.
    Christ didn't come to rip away human rights from the unbelievers, but to expose all these religious hypocrites masquerading as light. To expose them for the evil they really are. The Real Christ is hated by all religions, especially by the Christians. They love their perverted man made christ, their greedy christ, their "let me pray before the whole world christ"
    That is not the Christ written about in the scriptures. Don't ever forget that all innocent blood shed on Earth is thanks to lovers of crime filled religions, they had the Real Christ murdered, so they could continue public prayer shows and continue building their unauthorized by God places of worship
    Matthew 6:5-6 “When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in their places of worship where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get. But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you
    Leviticus 26:31 I will leave your sanctuaries desolate
    Hebrews 3:6 But Christ, as the Son, is in charge of God’s entire house. And we are God’s house, if we keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ
    1 Corinthians 3:9 For we labor with God and you are the crop and the building of God

  14. I can see that Washington is not a right to work state. In my State you can be fired for any reason or no reason at all. You can be fired for being a redhead or having bad breath or just because the boss doesn't like you or for praying or not praying. You can take it to the Supreme Court but it will do you absolutely no good. It is State law.
    If Washington state went "right to work" they wouldn't have to listen to this silly BS. Yes coach… We fired you because you were having a bad hair day. Good luck and have a nice rest of your day.

  15. As an atheist I feel the man can pray when he wants however when you start influencing young minds into your little ritual your going too far. There might be kids who are not religious or have different faiths who will no doubt feel awkward in this situation.
    Do you need attention when you pray and you must do it on the field? Is that a religious requirement these days? Religion’s ability to brainwash especially the young is powerful.

  16. I guarantee that if I were in that class and yelled “ALAH AKBAR” they’d frown at me. And if they frowned at me, point given, now STFU. Keep religions in churches/mosques and keep it out of public schools

  17. Anyone can pray anytime from anywhere, that’s it… it’s simple & to see that his team mates want to pray with him is heartwarming to me & to try to ban this moment is simply wrong!

  18. Anyone can pray anytime from anywhere, that’s it… it’s simple & to see that his team mates want to pray with him is heartwarming to me & to try to ban this moment is simply wrong!

  19. I played football in HS in the south. The assumption by most coaches was that everyone was christian and would naturally want this type of thing. They never made anything official, but always spoke and acted like it was part of the program. There wasn't an opportunity to avoid the after game prayer without being stared at and later "counseled" about the apparently lack of faith. FCA events weren't forced, but if they weren't attended then those of us who weren't religious would be "talked to" about "being a part of the team" if we didn't attend. It sucked, and has no place in public schools. All it did was serve to "out" those of us who were athiest or non-religious, and create a division where one didn't exist otherwise. School officials practicing religion at public school settings DOES show favor to religion. Public institutions can't represent and serve us all when they give favor to religion.

  20. Religious Grooming. I saw a coach do this when I was a kid and ALL of the parents were up in arms. Faith has no place in public school.

  21. As an atheist I feel the man can pray when he wants however when you start influencing young minds into your little ritual your going too far. There might be kids who are not religious or have different faiths who will no doubt feel awkward in this situation.
    Do you need attention when you pray and you must do it on the field? Is that a religious requirement these days? Religion’s ability to brainwash especially the young is powerful.

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