Live Rescue: Too Much to Drink (S3) | A&E

Live Rescue: Too Much to Drink  (S3) | A&E

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A woman in her 40s, has drank too much vodka and passed out in front of a hotel in this clip from 12.19.20. #LiveRescue
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“Live Rescue follows firefighters, paramedics and EMTs from across the country as they bravely put their lives on the line responding to emergency rescue calls. Emmy® Award-winner Matt Iseman joins Live Rescue with impressive media and medical credentials.

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43 thoughts on “Live Rescue: Too Much to Drink (S3) | A&E

  1. “too much to drink” while there’s a whole argument going on, they could’ve got a better title LOL omg

  2. Just a typical day in Florida 💀

  3. who else’s misses live pd. so stupid that it had to get cancelled.

  4. EMTs and first responders…Bless them all, our everyday hero’s!

  5. Never seen a weed overdose. Yet it's illegal 🤔
    Had she just smoked. The only thing messed up would be a bag of chips.

  6. Surprised they didn’t call for PD.

  7. Ya that’s a save. everybody needs her but she needed that save.I hope someone can help her.

  8. It's good to see American in mask.. 😅

  9. Watching this makes me so glad to be free (several months) from that addictive, deadly poison and the hopeless, pointless lifestyle it often leads to, which is demonstrated in this video.

  10. 2:59 WTF😂😂😂

  11. I’m a emt in Manhattan and let me just tell you, I get these kinds of calls all day. Literally all day. Or I’ll get a call for a unconscious or cardiac arrest and I’ll get there and the guy is just drunk sleeping.

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