In an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Kate Bedingfield, Biden Deputy Campaign Manager and Communications Director, talks about how President-elect Biden plans to govern.» Subscribe to NBC News:
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Full Bedingfield: Biden ‘Going To Make Good On … Commitments’ | Meet The Press | NBC News


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “Full Bedingfield: Biden ‘Going To Make Good On … Commitments’ | Meet The Press | NBC News”
  1. Will American rights be only available to those who take the covod-19 vaccine?
    Please investigate and report on:

    How were/are planned goals of any vaccinations arrived at…what were/are actual results…what were/are actual general effects, sicknesses, and deaths from vaccinations?

    When and how were/the above determined?
    What are "All" ingredients in proposed vaccines, under what formats and how many "Actual" people were tested, what were "Actual" results, what were "Actual" side effects, what were "Actual" sicknesses/deaths/achievements?

    Under what law(s) will vaccines be administered?


    Beyond the Noise Biden crimes

    Fauci disobeying President on researchong covid-19 and Fauci rejection of successful Hydroxichloroquine:

    Trump rejection of corona tests in Wuhan and hydroxichloroquin.

    Beyond the Noise Biden crimes


  2. It is such a major change in life for everyone even those who can't see the woods for the trees …. even Judges from the GOP has said this was the safest election ever …. it is time for America to Unite, for the GOP to move out of the White House and to work with the incoming President…. God Bless America

  3. This chick is a real nut, she doubled down on Trump being comparable to Hitler. Folks such talk is nonsense coming from an "educated" woman who is a crazy leftist. Hitler was responsible for mass murder, he waged war on humanity! Trump has been fighting off frivolous angry attacks from liberals, progressives, and regular democrat establishment politicians since 2016 lol. Someone give this chick a history lesson on who Hitler really was and what he did.

  4. She is a disgrace voice and should be banned from mainstream and sociol media, if I continue to see her fish smelling face im going to vommit! The American people want justice, voting fraud will stand accountable alot of people are going to jail. I will laugh when the truth stands and exposes what was done in the 2020 election. My God have mercy on your treason souls #BidenwillnotbePresident

  5. So lovely to see a White House spokesperson without blonde hair and ringlets. Its a great sign that the US is about to get run by people looking and acting like adults.

  6. w All together, including the children, we pass to the Eternal Father !!!Indications for the treatment * Dear brothers! I take this opportunity to offer you mutual and collective cooperation through prayer, let me explain it right away: together with some of you, I formed a prayer group called "ReteTrinità", which consists of a community of universal brotherhood based on love of God the Father. Every evening after lunch or before going to bed, we hold prayers in each of the houses with other participants scattered around different parts of the world. The prayer takes place on the knees and with the union of the hands, starting moderately with Pater, Avemaria, Gloria; (Importantly … we do not share our hands, because the Eternal communicates with the soul and we lose contact.) The moment we begin to pray, we may be disturbed by external forces, such as thoughts, useless things, delirium and much other . another. everything leaves the prayers, because even if we wanted to find something, it would be impossible to do, so we will start with a greeting addressed to God and with the phrase "Hello, God .."; Immediately, there is a message about the problems that concern us, asking for help from the Eternal. Our prayer group draws from the church three main prayers, pater, ave and gloria (the simplest and best known by people) and offers them the opportunity to speak with God in the family, where you can talk about everything with the Almighty, from small everyday
    things to serious problems, in a word, true 360 degree dialogue. Between one joke and the other, and at the end of the conversation, it is necessary to repeat once Pater, Avemaria, Gloria; Therefore, praying together, the presence of God is present simultaneously in all hearts, and this facilitates His intervention. Having benefited, it was decided to repeat the morning and / or afternoon prayers. Obviously, if your daily duties do not allow you to pray in the morning or in the afternoon, do not worry: you can transfer it to another hour of the day, the Eternal understands and knows why you are doing it. However, it is important that the evening prayer be performed without fail. I guarantee you the absolute benefit of the method used so far and I assure you that dialogue with the Almighty frees the soul from pollution and brings peace and prosperity. I express my most sincere congratulations on my behalf and on behalf of the other brothers in the prayer group, hoping to be more numerous. a hug Marcantonio Nunnari I received this teaching of prayer in a social network from a girl, who advised me to read it carefully, not to delete it, to offer it to the family and to give it to friends, because it will be appreciated better than any good food, as it is useful to improve the soul! he sent it to make God known

    The sign of the cross,

    Our Father

    who is in heaven, holy is his name, your kingdom is coming, your will is being done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our bread day by day, and forgive our sins as we forgive those who trespass and sin against us, and help us not to fall into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen

    Hail Mary,

    full of grace, the Lord is with you. You are blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus.** Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen

    Glory be to the Father,

    to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning, as it is now and as it will be forever to come. Amen

  7. The Republican Senate should behave in the same way the Democrats behaved towards EVERY single nominee President Trump put forward. The very same…. and then block them.

  8. America isn't for sale, I don't care how hungry the left is to take down our republic to replace it with chaos and Marxist/Communist like government. I don't care if he gets 100 million left wing votes.
    Its still a betrayal of our republic.

  9. You really only deserve what you offered to us.
    Cruel people do not deserve to be rewared.
    You offered no quarter and shall receive none in return.
    We are not your cattle and America isn't for sale.

  10. Not going to happen. A Republican senate will save us from CCP policies. Those that attacked us as Nazis, racists and Russia bots for 4 years, those that physically attacked us and children for being conservatives and pro lifers, not want us to play nice. Not going to happen, we will never unify with the evil on the left. You gave no quarter and you'll get none from us. We are Americans, not your cattle.

  11. Is airing false claims and disallowing certain truths on News Progams and various Networks'…illegal, fraudulent, punishable by law?

  12. I took my American Flag down so as not to let Harris/ Biden voters attacking my home. I live in a democrat neighborhood and my wife and I have decided to move to a place we can feel save again. Harris is going to blow this country up when she takes over and you better not tip off the left who you are and where you live. They have said they are going to go after Trump supporters yesterday and I believe them.

  13. Maybe I'm starting to get too saturated with news, because this news woman constantly saying "ah" every few words feels very annoying.

  14. I think I'm going to have to go over to Newsmax to get the actual real news this is all fake bologna and Chuck is nothing more than a spokesman for the demen Democrat Party

  15. Excuse me but who made Chuck clod the official in charge of presidential elections this is not certified it is not official yet excuse me to Chuck

  16. After 4 years of obstruction, violence, and 12 years of TREASON, now you want to "work together" … NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a DUTY today, and its to remove the traitors!

  17. democrats divide a country while Trump is president

    Democrats: this country is divided!!!

    biden is “projected” winner

    Democrats: wow this country is united once more.

  18. 70,000,000 voted against Biden…. no State has ratified anything yet…let the process play out…can’t fulfill empty promises that were made just for votes…
    Please don’t take credit for the economy or the vaccine !!

  19. What togheter?Life is not "togheter",life is "americain"this is comunist life,then to much people and problems.You have no rights,people do not decide fo the others,as you make comunism.Don t worry I ll solve all this dictature.

  20. Biden may seem old and sleepy, but he doesnt need to do everything by himself. He just needs to put right people in the right places. And he has got lots of experience so I'm hopeful that he will succeed in that. If the senate doesnt get in the way, I have high hopes from this presidency. I hope this opportunity doesnt get wasted with senate debates and dem party inner circle petty bickering.

  21. In 2016, America elected a president kissing up to Russia.
    In 2020, America elected a president kissing up to China.
    In regard to Hong Kong and Taiwan, Biden is definitely a pushover due to his family’s business ties with CCP government; so is Harris.

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