House panel grills oil company CEOs amid skyrocketing gas prices – Car Mod Pros Portal

A House Energy and Commerce subcommittee questioned executives from BP America, Chevron, Shell, ExxonMobil and other major oil companies about rising gas prices.

#ABCNews #oil #GasPrices #energy #commerce #Congress


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “House panel grills oil company CEOs amid skyrocketing gas prices”
  1. Biden shut down pipelines restrict competion within oil companies that causes the oil prices crisis.
    Furthermore, the United States of America is a biggest corporation in the world. Biden and the Demoncrat are controlled this corporations.
    You cannot blame anyone but yourself.

  2. This is crazy to me. Oil price is control by supply and demand. If the supply low, demand goes high equals to Price increase! Countries are banning Russia oil (who play a huge role in supply of oil and gas) will definitely will increase oil price. Why The House panel grills this CEO!! ANYONE PLS HELP ME UNDERSTAND THIS!

  3. This is funny, remember when the US oil industry called President Trump to ask him to ask OPEC to cut oil production and they did, now they’re claiming it’s the war, the pipeline cancellation, President Biden pushing for EVs, what other excuses will they use, bottom line, Big Oil lost money during the Covid lockdown, how quickly people forget oil prices went negative during the Covid lockdown, the reality is this, they could easily increase oil production, but why would they, they are being told everyone is buying an EV (they aren’t), the smart play here would be to push pump prices as low as possible, thus, making the switch to EV payoff to take longer at the current high prices, the EV payoff (or breakeven) is happening much faster and the bad thing is, their fuel customers that can afford to switch to EVs are, so what happens, when more of their customers make the switch to an EV, big picture, Big Oil if smart would become Big Energy anyway there’s plenty of blame to go around republicans, democrats, big oil, oil-producing countries, etc

  4. Just more misdirection to divert attention from Biden's disasterous policies that have caused inflation and gas prices. Let's see, they blamed the pandemic, consumers, Putin, and now oil companies — none of whom cancelled U.S. pipelines, allowed Putin's pipeline, banned drilling on federal land, clearly stated a goal of eliminating an entire industry with nothing ready to replace it, and slow-walking permits to oil companies, which effectively makes it impossible to develop the "thousands of leases" they supposedly have. Midterms coming up so these Democrat propaganda events will increase in an attempt to tamp down a red wave has already formed and is gathering strength.

  5. Headline after headline over decades that CEOs were grilled by the house. And the results? All theatrics. Shame on Exxon and Chevron.

  6. Ok. Let me get this straight. The Green New Deal geniuses get the demented buffoon in the White House to strangle production. Now they are yelling at the energy producers for not not producing as much. That about right?

  7. Are you ripping the American people off? Congress should've asked this question long ago and it's a question everyone already knows the answer to I think a major boycott is in order ask yourself is this trip necessary let them drown in the crap like they did during the start of the pandemic remember the oil producers had to pay people to take it this way we can take politics out of it and put it in are hands where it should be

  8. These CEO,s should be brought before a court who can get answers . This is truly greed and oil companies rule the world ,governments are like toothless dragons . Wake up world we need to stop this destruction of our world by stopping this greed ,so we can save this world for the next generation .

  9. As an oil share holder… Politicians keep your corrupt hands out of oil corporations.. You don't run companies.. Wait until China finish with the Chinese virus crisis oil is going to blow up in our faces..

  10. There are over 9000 APPROVED oil drilling permits in the US. Sounds to me like the present administration is just passing the buck instead of doing what is right for all Americans. Playing the blame game never accomplishes anything

  11. US oil companies reported record profits of 215 billion dollars for 2021. In other words corporate america profits off of your misfortune.

  12. " these prices are outrageous" what the hell are you complaining about. This is exactly what you voted for. Wide open borders, and $10 a gallon gas. Joe Biden told everyone he was going to shut down the gas and oil industry. And it's literally the only promise he has kept.

  13. Vote to get rid of Biden, AOC and the Squad in the next election 🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙👍👍👍..Let's Go Brandon!!!👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  14. Protest outside Oil company CEO's houses and treat them and their family members as if they were US vote officials.

    Photos of Russian oligarchs and their yachts are shown in the media. Where are the photos of European and American Oil executives?

    Looks like the Russian oligarchs spent the Russian weapons money on yachts & holiday resorts.

  15. One solution might be for every American to invest in energy companies, or short them to earn enough gains to pay for their gas on a weekly basis. Then the "government" can tax the gains and invest in renewable energy. Does everyone win in that scenario? Oh wait the people that are struggling to pay for gas to get to work to create profit for companies to further economic growth and innovation may have a "hard time" participating in said cycle. However they might be able to if they were able to save just a little each month and get off "government assistance." How on earth can we set forth a path for them to do so?

  16. If the price of oil is decided by the oil companies, the taxes are decided by the government, so for the consumer there is no relief 😡😠🤬

  17. The democrats have done everything they can since jan 2021 to decrease US oil production. Now they blame oil producers for high gas prices they are responsible for.

  18. Since most don't know what they're talking about when it comes to oil production, just shut up and sit down. American policies/comments(Biden) since January has made the world worst than it's ever been in my life time…….yes, even worst that Carter. Oil prices are quoted on speculation which move up and down daily and are not fixed. Most of you folks have never owned a business and have no clue. I hope the Dems enjoy their time in the sun….because the American people are not stupid(most anyway) and come this November you'll be looking for another job!!!

  19. Really you liberals are a piece of work. Higher prices means lower demand. Lower demand means less oil production, less fossil fuel consumption, less harm to the environment. Yet as soon as you start to feel a little pain from a drop in oil production, it's nevermind, give us more oil please. You really are a piece of work.

  20. There are over 9000 APPROVED oil drilling permits in the US. Sounds to me like the present administration is just passing the buck instead of doing what is right for all Americans. Playing the blame game never accomplishes anything

  21. Do you REALLY think they are patriotic? That they care about saving people money? I cannot go on vacation because had prices are too high. Think that BPASSHOLE CARES?

  22. I wouldn't call it "loyal devoted customer"
    Specially when the Car Oligarchs & the oil Barons colluded for it to be this way ! Building thier dedicated base of money depositors to their schemes!

    Back in the day there was Electric cables already wired up from the trolly's and stuff downtown's? But these 2 industries wanted untold wealth and got laws passed to not build one I guess, lol

  23. It’s time to expand on renewable energy. People have invented motor vehicles that run on H2O but guess who influenced who to scrap that idea? F8ck these oil and gas companies.

  24. What! No Way! You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off. Now Hunters Laptop$$$$$$$

  25. It's just a big dog and pony show. If they really cared they would stop giving the gas companies billions in subsidies from our tax money!! They just want everyone to see this and saw, wow, look at them go after theses guys.

  26. Greed….. price of barrels went back down and prices didn’t, in some places went up even more. Oh, now it’s something else driving the price up. It’s all B.S.

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