My Thoughts About What Happened Yesterday – Car Mod Pros Portal

I messed up. Simple and put. That is how I feel. And I respect how everyone feels about yesterdays video. I just want to say what I will in this video. And then its time to move on. Thank you for taking the time to hear my thoughts on all this.

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By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “My Thoughts About What Happened Yesterday”
  1. You are both living way too much in your heads and letting paranoia take the wheel. You're also listening to these commenters way too much, who aren't really listening or seeing the though processes you guys are struggling with. Both of you carry trauma's from prison with you, Danny even more so, and they don't really apply to outside life. Not in a healthy way at least. It's good to listen to your viewers and try to keep them happy to keep them watching, but Danny didn't seem to be money hungry. He'd gotten a taste of having his life turned around and wanted to simply focus on that, which is completely normal behavior, healthy behavior even. It's not healthy for a man who spent 40 years locked up to only surround himself with former felons and relive his prison years, he needs some normalcy.

    You viewers are really twisted individuals and just seem to want to fuel the drama instead of encouraging the channel to get back to more positive content. I like the stories and the cooking videos, I don't like this drama and divisiveness.

  2. Dudes giving this man shit about making money off Danny's videos…uh ya that's the idea however the money came after Danny had been helped in ways beyond belief. Without APS he could of easily landed back in.prison having had committed crimes out of desperation to get off the streets. 9 months I believe he was homeless after making parole obviously either the resources weren't their, or he was incapable of knowing what to do to help himself considering he spent 40 years in prison where everything is handed to you.
    Whether he is grateful or not only he really knows. However he made an agreement to obtain.public.exposure and once it benefitted him to the max he wanted out the same spotlight that saved his fucking life.

  3. Joe I lonely too it's what prison does to you. It causes you to not trust people and makes you feel completely ostracized. The idea of us only being a number, stripped of individuality is mentally destructive. Yet platforms like this bring ex cons together who are all feeling the mental negative effects of penitentiary life. Yes the negative effects vary from person to.person but so much of them are common to all.ex cons

  4. Joe you get caught up in "doing good" and growing your channel, and you take things too far too fast. Danny was always who he was. Plenty could see it and told you this and that about giving him too much money, or making too much money off of him, etc, and I can't remember any time where you acknowledged those comments.

    You're doing the same thing now with the business ventures. One fails, you jump on the next, you come up with prices and register this and that, and make videos, etc, and things look up till they fall apart.

    I personally think you need a new "guy" like Cody, but someone in finance. I wish I lived closer to you because I'd love to get involved and help out with your ventures and make sure you're only going as far as reasonable, and only giving out certain amount of money, and only when it makes sense. I watch you give out money to strangers on the street running clear scams, and starting up businesses you don't understand with your big boy youtube money, or handing out money to drug addicts that we all know are smoking up all the money.

    In the end it is what it is with Danny. I think his new "wife" has his ear now and it's all over. I've seen it happen with my own friends who don't have criminal pasts, don't have money troubles, housing troubles, etc, and they just turn into different people. They act like you've never been there for them, and only this new person has ever been there when they needed them, but they do the same thing Danny did, and are SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY when you come around again. I can't tell you the amount of times I've heard something along the lines of "How come we don't do this more often" from someone that should know DAMN WELL why we don't fucking do ANYTHING more often.

    You've gotta move on from that one, and learn from this like you've learned from other ventures with giving people money. Make limits, set boundaries, write contracts when you need to. You're not just using your own money for all of this, don't forget that.

  5. I dont know why I even watch this channel, Ive been subscribed for a few years now. Ive never been to prison, and most likely never will be (fingers crossed) but I love watching your videos man.

  6. Joe, Joe, Joe. I just want you to realize, the only reason any of us feel some type of way about the Danny situation is that we love you and what you tried to do for him. Yeah some of us tried to help, and definitely wouldn't have done so without you quarterbacking it, but I don't think anyone hold you responsible for how Danny fumbled the whole situation. We feel like he took advantage of us but more importantly took advantage of you. I feel you Dude, but I really don't think you have anything to apologize for. What I was saying yesterday is the number one thing I hold against Danny now, is he made us as a group less inclined to help someone else in his situation moving forward. I hope we don't remain so cynical and realize that even though he acted like a s******, we changed his life, and you are gifted with the ability to help do that not only for him but for others in the future as well, and I hope you are still willing to do so. Don't worry that people will hold potential failures on you oh, that's not on you, we have to take responsibility for our decisions to get involved or not. Guys, don't donate your last dollar, if you're not giving it to Joe then realize in the end it ain't on him oh, it's on us, and the potential of doing a lot of good and changing someone's life overpowers the potential of losing a bit of dough and the hurt of getting f**** over. I hope this reaches y'all and I hope this reaches Joe. Much love y'all

  7. Joe,please be a little kinder to yourself. You have chosen to stand up and try to make a difference in this world for the good. Trying to make this world a better and fairer place on a scale that reaches so many is a brave action. You’ve chosen a tricky path, despite all the difficulties in which it entails, not many of us are brave enough to do this, I certainly am not.
    For the last 10 years I have been fighting a life threatening illness, in which has left me very isolated.
    We are all on a journey, we do our best, and we make mistakes. Your intentions have never strayed from good
    And that’s what counts. Please don’t allow Danny’s misperceptions cloud your judgement, I’ve personally enjoyed watching your show as you bravely traverse a difficult path in which may include disappointments, however you always pick yourself up and continue on. Keep fighting the good fight!

  8. I keep hearing about the GoFundMe money and how it changed his life. When the GoFundMe was going on He (Danny) made it seem like he was here for the long hall. He did Not have to take the money. My Biggest part of writing this,is, When Danny asked to take those videos down THAT took money out of Joe’s pockets!!! Not ok!
    Joe, please do not let this situation get in the way of your “Big Picture”!

  9. Danny the murderer is still manipulating with his anger and violence to get people in life to support him we supported him 40 years in prison while all he did was raise hell in there he gets out we all support Danny the murderer Etc he raises hell and gets his way again when's this guy's violence and anger going to stop better yet when are we APS Army could have put a stop to it this guy has done nothing for himself in life he's put himself in all the bad situations he's been in all he did was raise hell for 40 years while we footed the bill there have him in lockup and have to suit up a lot of men to control him and this is still going on in his after prison life leave him alone so he can go back home to prison I'm willing to support him there

  10. Joe you helped this guy a lot. He was ok doing all the videos, he seemed really happy and grateful in all of them, he got a bit of money through gofundme…….but suddenly the guy wants privacy because he's married, oh wait, now according to you he wants to do videos again, weird. I thought he wanted privacy. I wish you all the best Joe. I'll keep watching your videos, as long as Danny is not in them.

  11. God & Human same.. both just couldn't handle $$$. Both will eat each other up when comes to power.

    Remember the day u start doing what u do. Stop being a typical fucking $$$ slave & people's mind slave. And also remember, he wouldn't asked u to remove his videos if $$$ is important to him.

    Most of the time, it has nothing to do with Danny or Joe. Sink that ego & sit still for at least 10 minutes in a room (alone). Then… you will see the parasitic human garbage which think they owned you & Danny bcos of that $$$ they AGREE to GIVE pulling ur string left right upside down. Parasitic human garbage love dramas.

    Come the fuck on & calm the fuck down… let ur ego die & talk close door. Don't ruin this beautiful relationship because of WANTING TO WIN, WANTING TO RIGHT. Never ever serve VIEWERS EXPECTATION, follow ur heart.. the original self! U can't please everyone nor fulfil everyone's expectation from ur so called SUPPORTERS unless u want to become their MIND SLAVE.

  12. Its not your fault that you put yourself out there to help another person the APS army got behind you, and i feel like danny spat in your face and alot of people feel like danny spat in there faces too and dude you gotta stop blaming yourself when someone fucks you over. I feel that danny isnt as grateful as he should be i mean if it wasn't for you joe he would be in prison i honestly believe that he owes you alot for that i mean you changed his life.

  13. You are mostly just ignorant .if man changed way he deals with life taking good steps is hard fact he didnt messed up even he has psychological issues is to applaud and he is not going to become viegin girl after 40 years of insanity ,ir at least big part of it.fact you helped him doesnt mean he is able to deal with masses which also doesnt mean he didnt like to be up in good way maybe once in his life .he at least has excuse you just come out selfish ignorant and calculated.i can just guess but i doubt you as free "decent "people dont have anger outbursts dont argue or shout insult …and so on and you even didnt go trough prison and solitary and all the rest.

  14. Oh come on man… This is in't about you. This about your mission. You don't always win. Your not here to win. Go to NA. You're not a rescuer, your job is to reveal what is going on and help life's soldiers who have been broken in prison.

  15. Thanks joe for being 100% I respect you and your chanel. Being alone is somthing we all need…maybee you need it more than others after being in prison yourself. Danny as well…keep up the good work!! Thanks for being legit

  16. This guy is a leech.he basically used Danny to make money . Can't blame Danny here ,cause he would not have thought about getting millions of views which in turn affected his privacy.

    Privacy comes first before money , unless it's big money and fame.

    Most likely Danny got paid peanuts.
    Once Danny realised that it's not worth it, he quit .

    Is it bad to quit ? Definitely no.
    Is it bad to publicly talk about the fallout to get more views ? Definitely Yes

    Team Danny

  17. you people have no idea what all the time in prison and seg does to a persons mind.
    his parent was the jailerman warden jones and think what kind of monster they create when the only emotion that is seen your entire life is hatred both from the jailer man and other inmates.
    danny came out better than anyone gave him credit for. it aint easy bein green ya know!!!!!
    i love danny like family cuz where hes gone is hell. emotionaly devoured by hatred until your own feelings towards yourself is HATRED i hope all you compassionless pigs get to experiance the evil broughhjt upon danny by his government jailer man warden jones Parental example………………… be gone with u!!!

  18. Bruhv,you need to stop listening to people opinions and do whatever you think is right,if you mess up making the choice take it as a lesson and dont make the same mistake ,and if you don't and happy with yourself keep doing it, Danny leaving and all that bs isn't worth more than you yourself ,and move on and find some great ideas and keep yourself happy , feel no anger against anybody, have no grudge ,move on ,it'll be hard but in future when you look back at it you'll be happy with yourself

  19. Joe honestly have you thought about therapy man? You have some serious trauma and I think it can be worked through. I love this channel and I really feel a fondness for you personally, but this is not the place to work through your feelings. I know the venting helps, getting your emotions out helps, but it only hurts you in the long run. You have to learn to be okay with these feelings, this wall you've built up is a defense from prison but you are out now. You've been out for years, you have a wife, you're planning on being a dad, you have your shit together. You have to be comfortable with the fact that you have your shit together and put down those walls. Not to go out trusting everyone, but the people you can trust. People outside of the prison circle, with the same interests as you outside of being in prison that can help you move past the comfort of familiarity. Please Joe, I want you to look into seeing a therapist.

  20. Joe God bless you trying to help Danny we were all cheering for you. Don't take responsibility for Danny bad attitude and all his many disappointments.


  22. I’m not watching these videos anymore because you joe can’t get out of your damn feelings

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