‘Yeah, I’m 81’: Dr. Anthony Fauci on if he’s taken his 2nd booster shot – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks to Dr. Anthony Fauci about Americans getting a second booster shot, and the threat of another new variant as travel increases and mask mandates decline.

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By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “‘Yeah, I’m 81’: Dr. Anthony Fauci on if he’s taken his 2nd booster shot”
  1. I just have a question because I am fully vaccinated with one booster but I thought we were supposed to be coming to the end of the pandemic so why are we still giving out posters? Why the need for second booster if this is supposed to be the end game? I pretty much can answer my own question, because it is not the end game, they are going to be so many mutations and they are going to be bad. People want to act as if it is over and fantasize that it never happened but reality is coming with vengeance. As long as the world suffers from this virus and it's spikes there will be mutations and there will be more dangerous variants. No fourth shot for me. Either we get a handle on this virus or it kills me but that is enough of the vaccines

  2. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and chief adviser to the White House, recently warned that the more contagious BA. 2 subvariant of Omicron could trigger another COVID-19 wave in the United States.

    The US Congress, however, recently passed a bill to cut $15.6 billion in epidemic relief to allocate more "assistance" to Ukraine. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the decision "heartbreaking", but said "Ukrainians are dying". NBC reporter Jake Sherman responded to her saying, "Americans are dying of COVID-19".

    Some White House officials also said that the US government is running out of funds to fight the epidemic and that if Congress does not approve more funding, monoclonal antibody therapies to treat COVID-19 patients will run out of supply by the end of May and booster shots will not be available. That the US has the money to fuel the Russia-Ukraine conflict but not to fight the pandemic is the biggest irony to its self-proclaimed "human rights supremacy" democracy.

  3. 97 million still have not gotten there first shot.

    Restrictions removed because both CDC is to afraid of the violent antivaxers. But if you watch the CDC they are wearing masks indoors. We all know it is not safe. I should say educated people know it is not safe

    Basically welcome to the wild west. It's profit over the lives of people.

    Also people are to into themselves and do not care who they hurt or give and infections disease too

  4. What a liar. We all know he never had a vax just like not one member of the government has had it because they exempted themselves only peasant workers are being targeted

  5. Why the hell are so many people not awake to the corruption that covid is used for power and control? This guy was on tape saying that if you have the flu, you already have natural immunity.

  6. Take a shot Americans… aim it right… don’t miss

  7. Mentiras y mas mentiras para encerrarnos acá un especialista y no un seudodoctorcito vendido, Vicente Soriano, ex asesor de la OMS y profesor de la UNIR, ha hecho un repaso de la evolución de la pandemia y predice que el final de la crisis del coronavirus está más cerca de lo que creemos. “Para Semana Santa esto se ha acabado”, ha sentenciado; “los primeros antivirales se han aprobado y van a aparecer más en los próximos meses: inhibidores de la polimerasa y de la proteasa para que la gente pueda hacerse el test de antígenos en casa y, en el caso de dar positivo, puedan empezar a tomarse unas pastillas”, ha explicado Soriano.
    Además, destaca que el coronavirus tiene similitudes con la gripe aviar, virus que puede ayudarnos a predecir cuánto va a durar la pandemia del covid y su posible final: "

  8. Way past retirement age. Lucky government officials and elected representatives seem to keep their jobs till they are carried out unlike the rest of us who are forced out of our jobs at 65.

  9. I had bit ever thing this year. I was gonna get my booster January 10th then end up caught omicron ba1 came close been misdiagnosed as strep throat. Had no pneumonia. Vaccinated 2 doses since August 2021. Plus I had strep since January 20th. Recovered early February then new sore throat developed late February with white spot in tonsil with no other symptoms that time they didn't test me for no strep nor covid. I was diagnosed as tonsil stone or possibly mono. Then i developed noro virus late March and lasted 3 days. Plan getting booster was a struggle cause I developed almost ever infection came in my way. Now I finally got appointment April 5th for booster and I hope it works out. It's been 8 months now 2 months over 6 months thanks to previous infections.

  10. Newfoundland Ca., has the highest percent of vaccinated of all the provinces and confirmed yesterday it also has the highest number of deaths. Think about that for a minute.

  11. I was in the class behind this vile monster at Regis H.S. He was
    ALREADY pushing that "Don't shake hands!" and recommending to the
    principal that everybody wear scarves inside the school! He was a creep
    even before he became the highest paid federal employee and labeled a
    "murderer" by LGBT activist Larry Kramer years later for his mishandling
    of the AIDS epidemic.

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