War in Ukraine: March 18, 2022 – Car Mod Pros Portal

Russian missiles have hit the western Ukrainian city of Lviv for the first time Friday.

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By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “War in Ukraine: March 18, 2022”
  1. I have something to say, to help our country.get a way.=>is to find a way to sign a world peace treaty.so that the whole world can protect you to get through this tribulation. The way to sign this world peace treaty is as follows: How many times have passed I don't know where I have been. There were many people in the past. but are you there, am I there? only know that the present, here, now; I am having a human life, with a lifespan of no more than 100 years. There are many people in history but, are you there, am I there. Currently, there are many things to worry about: first; climate change, drought, natural disaster, disease. second; labor accident. third; life is hard and hard. War is a must. Please develop these ideas to make it perfect and then spread it around the world to arouse and agree to sign a peace treaty. world peace. and of course, no one wants to sign. but. it's the dream of the world. and you guys are the only way. good luck

  2. So I’ve been trying my best to stay up to date with everything that’s going on and I can honestly say that theAnalysis.news is one of the only media outlets that adequately captures the perspectives of Russian/Ukrainians during this time. His page deserves more attention – https://youtu.be/9ds8krz8UNg

  3. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. There is no other intermediary. May Jesus Bless you, trust Him, give your life – and He will take care of it :pray Convert yourself and believe in the Gospel – Romans 10 8-10 But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. : Why this division, in the evil world we are in, we will be treated as objects and put to fight against each other. This is not what human life should be about. What is the point of wars, the constant enrichment of small units that they erode on the people they use in their plan. It is clear where this is going, we are only a pawn in the game and evil wants to use us for its purposes. There isn't much time left. No matter where you come from, who you are: Christ Is Waiting for you now. Wake up while there's still a chance. May God Keep u in His care.

    An interesting thing about a disease that was created in laboratories by man. You don't remember any other flu: avian, swine, hiv virus that was also created by the human hand. The whole system of pharmacy [I recommend checking the meaning of the word pharmakeia] is not about treatment, but about stuffing the wallets of regular customers, leading them to death.

    it's all business, people do not mean night: just look at what is happening in the world. Evil has no friends, does not know what love or loyalty is – it fights against its own. How to overcome evil? A simple way: apply love to him and wait for reactions. Evil doesn't know what it is, the easiest way to deal with the problem. [MT 24] And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. 10And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. […]

    Christ is more powerful than the evil that now rules in this world. "

    Remember that I have won the world <3" Jesus Is Coming – rejoice, the Lord Is near.

    Just a moment longer and the Bridegroom will come and take His Bride.

  4. The European Union, NATO and the United Nations should give Ukraine missiles and bombs of equal capacity to the Ukrainians to counter Russian terrorism. They should also give them planes of equal capacity such at the "warthog" which will defend against Russian tanks and missile launchers. We should be asking for volunteers to fight for Ukraine and arm them with the latest modern weapons so they can defend their homeland. We cannot hold back a single bullet.

  5. Russia is having weapons of mass distriction (WMD), what are we waiting for, let's do same thing what we did with evil sadam's country.

  6. (Al-Baqara) 2 : 62

    Indeed, those who are believed (from among the people of the last Messenger), those who are Jews, Christians, Sabeans, and anyone who believed in Lord Allah and the Last Day and does honorable deeds, have their reward with their Lord, and there shall be no fear upon them and for them will not be grieved.

    This verse is repeated in verse 5: 69. As explained in verses 4: 163-164, for all 313 Messengers from Noah to Muhammad, Lord’s Book Adhikr was revealed. Adhikr revealed to Messenger Muhammad contains all the 312 previous Books and their upright Explanations as explained in verses 5: 48 and 16: 44. Whoever testifies and follows It, he will enter Paradise. The Arabic Quran reading hypocrites and their blind followers who hide and reject even the 40 names of Adhikr are the Fujjar who will enter Hell.

    Islam is the natural way of life satisfied by the Creator Lord to all creatures from the first man Adam till the Last Day as explained in verses 3: 19 and 85. Every creature takes birth in Islam. Only the one who accepts Adhikr as the Guidance, Mercy, and Herald will become a true Muslim who submit wholly to Lord as told in verse 16: 89. And such one will only die as true Muslim as explained in verses 3: 101-102.

    But today Islam is comparatively reflected more among Jains, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Christians, atheists, etc. who belong to the Messenger Muhammad’s community than his people who are undeservingly claiming that we are Muslims. They are the kafirs as told in verses 4: 150-151. The entire mankind from the appointment of Muhammad as the Messenger till the Last Day belongs to his ‘community (Ummath)’, whereas his ‘people (Qoum)’ includes addressees of Messenger’s time, as well as the Arabic Quran reading Fujjar till the Last Day. The Fujjar are mentioned as the worthless people in verse 25: 18, the worst people in the land in verse 98: 6, and the worst creatures near Lord in verse 8: 22.

    From among the last Messenger's people, only those who become believer utilizing Adhikr as the Ticket can only return to Paradise. The wrath affected hypocrites and their strayed followers mentioned in verse 1: 7 who are reading the Arabic Quran will return to Hell as told in verses 2: 39; 9: 67-68; 18: 101; 25: 34, 65-66, and 48: 6. No one can make anyone a believer. Adhikr is the Insight mentioned in verse 6: 104, Guidance mentioned in verse 17: 15, and the Truth mentioned in verses 10: 108 and 39: 41. So whoever transforms his/her Jinn soulmate mentioned in verses 43: 36-39 into a believer with Adhikr and changes his decree from ledger Sijjeen of Hell (83: 7) into ledger Illiyeen of Paradise (83: 18) can only become a believer who will only prosper.

    On the Day of Judgment, mankind will be separated into three groups. (1) Companions of Right hand-those who will receive the Recording Book in the right hand and will enter the Paradise after Trial. It is told in verses 56: 38-40 that they are a portion from the early era (from Adam to Messenger Muhammad) and a portion from the last era (from the period of Messenger Muhammad to the Last Day). Today anyone from the community of Messenger Muhammad can include in this group if he/she is forming a belief in the Lord and Hereafter utilizing Adhikr and doing good deeds beneficial to 1000 communities of Lord’s creatures. For that, there is no need of converting religion or costumes as seen today among Fujjar. From the people of Messenger Muhammad only one in a thousand as explained in verse 4: 118 who testify and follow Adhikr will be included in this group. (2) Companions of the left hand who will receive the Recording Book in the left hand include the hypocrites and their blind followers. The hypocrites and their blind followers are coming only from the people of 313 Messengers in all periods. Among them the hypocrites will enter Hell without Trial as explained in verse 4: 145 whereas their followers will enter Hell after Trial as explained in verse 39: 71. Today from mankind people of Messenger Muhammad are only included in this group. (3) The forerunners (Sabiqs) who will enter Paradise without Trial. Such are those who will be sitting nearest to Lord Allah in Paradise as told in verses 54: 54-55. Lord has explained through His Messenger that the number of forerunners to Paradise is 70,000 from among whole mankind. They are a large number from the early era whereas a few from the Last era. From the people (Quom) of Messenger Muhammad, there are only two Sabiqs (forerunners to Paradise). One is Ukkasha who was one of the comrades of Messenger, and the other is the Three-Time-Knower mentioned in verse 25: 59 who is the author of Adhikr which is the Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book. The other Sabiqs from the last Era is from the other people belonging to Messenger's community (Ummath) who live here remembering the Lord with their soul and having no sexual passion as told in verses 56: 7-14. See explanation 3: 7-10; 4: 140 and 150-151.

    From Adhikr-the Best Interpretation of Lord's Book

    Please find the attached.


  7. NO one notices the Kiev – – become – – KY – IV spell craft ?

    You IV – – as in needles – —

    and KY – – as in the gel Rockefeller MED used to cram things up your butt – –

    Rockefeller MAO smiles.

  8. Putin is unhinged. The only way taking these territories makes sense is to take them fairly in tact. When you destroy towns and resources it's no longer of any key value. Russia doesn't have the economy or resources to rebuild the damage they're causing. Rebuilding means demolition of damaged areas and cleanup before rebuilding can even take place. If your economy is crippled to begin with how do you expect to turn the Ukraine into a valuable asset again.

  9. Hebrew s 13:18-19 pray for us for we are confident that we have a good conscience in all things desiring to live honourably but I especially urge you to do this that I may be restored to you the sooner

  10. It seems woefully unbalanced that Russian invaders in Ukraine are targeting Ukranian Civilians while Russia remains war-free. Seems the way to end the war is to level Moscow and destroy some of Putins toys too. Of course the great minds in the West would never consider this. Might make for a war…But what the fuvvyk do we have now??? If you were, or had family who are buried under tons of rubble from a fancy Russian bomb, would you be thinking "gee, I don't want a war to start…" bunchashittve!!@ This is exactly why their ARE wars!

  11. Yes Putin is to blame for these crimes against humanity,however President Zelensky had been warned not to insist on the joining of Nato,Nato for the longest time since the cold war has been rubbing Russia in the wrong way always pushing deeper into Russia territory,they knew this was coming, all them shysters mentioned here are all to blame for the deaths of babies ,children and innocent civilians.

  12. This is awful let their husband go! It is not right! 😡😭🙏🏻

  13. What the world needs is more female leaders and I am certain the world would be a better and more peaceful place. Both men and women are equally intelligent, but women are far more compassionate and more likely to find peaceful solutions to conflict.

  14. What the hell is wrong with you Putin supporters? Do you really want another world war? Now it seems that, an unknown number of incognito, subversive, T***p supporters, are cheering on or supporting Putin's move in Ukraine, wright here in North America. Are you not listening to what he is saying in front of the crowds he addresses in Russia? Let me give you a hint. He is using the same excuses that mankind has herd countless times just before the fecal matter hits the oscillator, and I'm just paraphrasing, 'racial purity and inherent wright', what ever the hell that means. You may think that the internal bickering inside the U.S. is paralysing any push back, but I suspect you would be wrong. Besides, the U.S. is not the only country outside Ukraine that is being affected, and maybe even, eventually, threatened. What does it gain a man to conquer the world and loos one's sole?

  15. The US knows exactly how many rockets have been fired on Ukraine but did not want to provide the planes Ukraine needed to win this war before so many innocents have been slaughtered.

  16. Я вьетнамец, надеюсь солидарность Беларусь+Россия+Украина снова будет стабильной. В этой войне проигравшими должны быть США и НАТО, потому что они являются первопричиной разобщенности и разделения братьев. Я ненавижу ложь и трусость западного мира. Бог накажет Америку и НАТО, где бы они ни появились на земле. Бог так справедлив к нам!

  17. If the United States 🇺🇸 don’t have nothing to hide why they refuse at the organism of biological weapons to do an inspección hahaha for sure never ever forget about it they are killing the humanity around the world with this biological agents

  18. Zelensky on Russia's relentless attack on Mariupol: "terror that will be remembered for centuries to come"
    – Why doesn't Biden give defense weapons to Ukraine, like MIGS or air defense systems!? How do they ignore the mass killing of innocent Ukrainians and do nothing to stop this Human disaster?
    -The Russian News Agency TASS, on Mar 11:
    Putin said: "he has no doubt Biden would reach an agreement with Russia to lift war sanctions!
    The Americans are ready to sign all the documents of the Nuclear agreement with the Iran regime immediately, as well as with Venezuela!"- Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Mar 15: Moscow had received a written guarantee from the US that the new sanctions against Russia would not prevent cooperation within the framework of the Iran nuclear agreement (worth $15 B)!

  19. "So we're here today to bring Russia to account, to speak the truth on their lies and disinformation" followed by silence….because everything Russia has accused the United States of in Ukraine is TRUE. There is have 27 biological warfare labs in Ukraine funded and operated by the United States. Would the United stand for those labs funded and operated by Russia in Mexico or Canada? No, that would be against the interest of the United States, and we just can't have that. But it's OK to do on Russia's doorstep.

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