Jussie Smollett sentenced for false police reports | Nightline

Jussie Smollett sentenced for false police reports | Nightline

A judge sentenced the “Empire” actor to 150 days in jail and 30 months probation for his role in reporting a false hate crime that he staged in 2019.


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35 thoughts on “Jussie Smollett sentenced for false police reports | Nightline

  1. I staged a hate crime and got the attention of the country and sympathy from so many gullible race bating suckers….

    …then it just stopped

  2. And now as expected he gets to go home. Setting new standards. If you appeal your conviction and someone threatens you, you get to go home while you wait for your appeal decision. Rules for thee but not for me! Wonderful. I guess we have to let every person that appeals their conviction go home now.

  3. Jussie was going to sleep easy in the full knowledge that he would have destroyed the lives of two innocent men with his made-up crime. what a piece of trash he is, he deserves what his made up attackers would have got. He is delusional.

  4. whats crazy is if cameras seen 2 random people near the crime and they get arrested for questioning and charged, Smollet would of let them rot

  5. One thing that is disturbing Smollett could he not recognize who his attackers were? Not to mention their size? But Smollett hit him back after the attackers hit him.A hit from one of them would have knocked you the "blank out"! I don't think you would have been tussling about. You have to many people with icons status standing up for you. Did Smollett ever ask the men why they are lying? He got off light 150 days in jail and he will not be in the general population.

  6. Destroyed his life as he knew it?! where the F does he get off ( the judge) making such a grandiose statement? You are a judge. Not a God. He didn't kill little innocent girls attending choir practice. He didn't destroy millions of people's lives by giving them sub prime loans on overpriced crappy houses. Who in truth did he hurt? Himself? OK. His wallet? Maybe. But to say he has RUINED HIS LIFE? That's mighty white of you judge. Good thing thiers a white man in all his privileged glory to tell everyone that… don't get me started. ..

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