Delegations from Ukraine, Russia meet virtually for 4th round of talks Monday | ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

Ukraine’s lead negotiator Mykhailo Podolyak tweeted a photo of the meeting, writing “Communication is being held yet it’s hard. The reason for the discord is too different political systems.”

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By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Delegations from Ukraine, Russia meet virtually for 4th round of talks Monday | ABCNL”
  1. "Hello! Some acquaintances of mine have just left Mariupol!
    It's chaos over there! People get shot by Azov, the regiment does not let people out of the city! Mariupol has almost vanished! The fighting is raging in the city centre and at the Ilyich [plant]! According to some unverified information, Azov men are now firing on houses with tanks from the Petrovsky Park!
    It is utter chaos over there!
    And THE MOST IMPORTANT THING concerns the people who have left Mariupol and who want to publish the truth on Instagram — all their stories get blocked! They are prevented from uploading information about Mariupol! This is something horrible!
    Make this public. Let people know the truth! Several families whom I know in person have already left, and all of them tell the same story!
    Keep it anonymous, please."

  2. A big kid bullying a little kid is not a “negotiation”. It’s just straight up robbery

  3. Russia have brought to light the fact that those surrounding countries who claim neutrality are in fact pawns of the US/NATO by supplying arms to Ukraine. At least the Swiss played by the rules and supported both the Allies and Nazi during their war. Russia will be ok.

  4. I believe that's the secret to financial stability is having the right investment consultant or ideas to enable people earn more money. I don't know who agrees with me but either.

  5. Virtual indeed……
    🇺🇦⚡Zelensky published a video in which he allegedly visited a hospital with wounded soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 13 March.

    But on the footage, a physician, Inna Derusova, was seen, who died on February 26. The death of the woman was confirmed by her relatives. Then Zelensky himself awarded her the title of Hero of Ukraine posthumously.

    It turns out that the published video of the meeting of the President of Ukraine with wounded soldiers on March 13 is a fake. The video was recorded back in February, before the death of Inna Derusova.

    Earlier, many media outlets wrote that Zelensky left Ukraine a long time ago, and all videos with him and recordings allegedly from Kyiv were made in advance.

  6. Biden has no clue. Laughing stock of the entire world for real. First time in history many foreign leaders just do not answer the phone calls from Biden/Harris.

  7. Biden's disapproval rating on Ukraine – how the heck could he have done any better without plunging the U.S into WW3? Honestly, some of you US people are hard to please…….

  8. Practicing Democracy is standing firmly on the side of Majority of the People.

    The Democracts respect and protect the Right of each and Every Human Being by any cause without any hesitation.

    Whoever believes and practices Democracy should not just watch the tragedy of any human being, but act promptly taking suitable action against the Perpetrators or Invaders or Bulliers.

    Staff in United Nations, UN seem to practice Democracy and protect Human Rights of the People of the World.

    UN must start developing new Policy that UN must act like the Police of the World.

    UN must protect any country not to be bullied, intimidated or invaded by any other country.

    UN must organize and facilitate formation of Coalition Army formed by contribution of every member Nation. This troop must be sent to any dispute area to prevent further broken up war among the disputed Groups or Nations.

    The dispute must be solved in Democratic way by election of leaders or Referendum of the native people in that area.
    UN troop must stay there as a referee for election or referendum and remain there until the dispute is completely resolved.

    This will prevent further damage of every member Nation and Refugee or Humantarian crisis.
    This will eradicate the real cause of poverty which is mostly created by a small group of Military Dictators.

    Refugee Crisis in Ukraine must be handled promptly by eradicating the real cause of this crisis.
    That is taking prompt military action against the Invaders, Putin's army in Ukrainian Territory.
    UN must facilitate to creat – No Fly Zone for Putin' s army on Ukraine.
    – UN coalition troop must destroy any tanks or rocket launhers or Ships that is attacking or destroying any towns and cities of Ukraine.
    That is more cost effective way of dealing this Refugee crisis and stand firmly on the side of majority of People.
    This is a kind of protecting the Rights of Human Being in Ukraine.

    The real Democrat must stand on the side of Majority of People and protect the right of each and every Human of our world without any fear or any hesitation for standing on the side of Justice.

    UN must act now by sending Coalition troops formed by participation of every member nation to Ukraine and stop all Putin's Invader army from destroying Ukraine towns and Cities creating the real cause of Humantarian Crisis.
    This must be the role model for the world and protection of further invasion war in different regions of the world.

    UN failed to do for Tibet.
    UN failed to do for Afghan.
    UN failed to do for many countries where the Democratic Governments were overthrown by a small groups of military dictators causing Humantarian Crisis and poverty of majority of poor innocent people.

    UN must develope new policy and act now to solve these Humantarian Crisis. Sincere.. be Brave
    to do the Act of Justice.
    The Democrat.🇺🇳🇺🇦🇺🇳….

  9. So now Ukraine wants to tell Russia they will not join NATO and stay neutral. That would end the war. People like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are saying that would make the Ukraine Putin agents. All the democrats crying the same call. I think it's easy to see the swamp is pushing this war.

  10. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you."
              – Psalm 50 :15

  11. Vote to get rid of Biden and the Squad in the next election 🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓

  12. Every Ukrainian is killed because of Biden. Why and how– Biden told the world on TV that he will not send military to Ukraine if Russia attack. This "Not Sending Military " was à gree signal to Putin- go ahead, US and NATO wouldn't be there to help Ukraine. Second, Biden and Pantegon denied portland jet offerts to Ukraine.
    Now who is responsable of Ukrainians dearh?
    Why Biden's quitteess would have more Power. Putin world not know what US will do if Russia attack. Kamala is laughting puppit. She knows nothing

    Please put yourself in Ukrainians place.
    Please don't say he is right because he if from your party. Be faire

  13. Wake up America this is your Destiny, See what the republicans and their governors are doing, setting you up for Disaster, Destruction. Why do you think they want their ex-prez back, DICTATORSHIP. People Save America for God sake and VOTE THEM OUT.

  14. FINALLY we can get back to being hysterical about covid. What about those truckers? Did we ever throw them in prison? What about the Jan. 6 neo Nazi political prisoners? Did we execute them yet?

  15. 😶peace talks with puking. That's is SHRUGGING not worth the online chat, phone call…….SHRUGGING harsh reality that evil manical gnome is on a set course to try world domination. He is not going to consider peace. UGH it sucks knowing that prick just won't stop. There, SHRUGGING it is what it is……SHRUGGING …………want the idiot to stop, just go away……. but like all power greedy dicks they usually have to be chased down and killed. SHRUGGING

  16. The Word. " I will make mortals more rare than gold, for this, I will make Heaven tremble and the Earth will be Shaken from its place. An end has come upon the four corners of the world, Disaster upon disaster, it is Here." The Doors to the Kingdom of Heaven are Closing, " To ALL the leaders of the world, the nether world is all astir preparing for your

    coming to greet you There."

  17. Fake news CNN is pushing Russian disinformation on Ukraine and President Trump haven’t they learned there lesson

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