War in Ukraine: March 15, 2022 – Car Mod Pros Portal

Thousands have evacuated the Ukrainian city of Mariupol during a pause in attacks from Russia.

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By carmodpros


36 thoughts on “War in Ukraine: March 15, 2022”
  1. Indonesia ❤ Rusia 🇷🇺 uraaaaa

  2. If you want to understand Putins respect for the lives of his own people, just remember that former FSB agent who got assasinated in the UK with polonium for starting to spill the beans about how Putin ordered the FSB to blow up several residential highrizes in the suburbs of Moscow and blamed it on Chechnian terrorists so that he could start the second Chechnian war.
    A man who lived in one of the buildings spotted etchnically russian men behaving suspiciously around the building he lived in, so he called the police, who found and disarmed a bomb in the basement.
    Over a hundred Russian civilians died during that false flag operation.

    If you want a Russian soldiers perspective on how Putin waged war in Chechnia read The Colors of War by Arkadji Babtienko, where you get an inside view of how Russia treats its soldiers. The author was a soldier in both wars and has been living in exile in Ukraine for a few years.
    If you want detailed info about Putins corruption I recommend Anna Politkovskaja's Putins Russia, she was murdered on Putins birthday by a fanatic because Putins propaganda had painted her as a traitor and lover of Chechnian terrorists.

    One of the things people say about the war in Ukraine is that apparently Putin has a legitimate fear that if Ukraine joins NATO, that NATO wold plant nuclear missiles in Ukraine. That is obvious BS because other former Memberstates of the USSR, like the baltic states, have joined NATO 18 years ago and that hasn't happened.
    Latvia is about as close to Moscow as Ukraine and Estonia is in spitting distance of st Petersburg.

    Before the invasion of Ukraine, NATO had 1000 troops stationed in the three baltic states combined. How is that a threat against Russia?
    There is no legitimate fear of NATO invading Russia. That is just age old Soviet propaganda fearmongering that Putin uses as a pretext to invade sovereign Ukraine.
    Furthermore NATO does not exist to destroy Russia, nore does it actively expand to surround Russia. As can be plainly seen right now, Eastern European countries have a legitimate fear of being invaded by Russia, and have sought safety, as sovereign nations, by becoming members of NATO.

    Finaly Russia has more nuklear weapons than the USA. NATO would never risk attacking Russia. NATO members have to much to lose.
    This is why the situation is so dire, because Putin has less to lose every day.

    Nazies: Of coarse there are nazies in Ukraine, but the president is jewish. Tell me of one European country where there are no nazies.
    Found this on the page on Neo-nazism on Wikipedia: "However, members of far-right groups played a greater role on the pro-Russian side of the conflict than on the Ukrainian side, especially at the beginning.[85] Leaders of the Donetsk People's Republic are closely linked to the neo-Nazi party Russian National Unity (RNU) led by Alexander Barkashov, which recruits fighters.[85][86][87] A member of RNU, Pavel Gubarev, was the first "governor" of the Donetsk People's Republic.[85][88] In particular, RNU is linked to the Russian Orthodox Army, a separatist group in Donbas, and Barkashov is said to have given instructions to its commander Dmitry Boytsov according to a published audio recording.[87] Volunteers from several other Russian far-right groups have joined the separatist militias, including members of the Eurasian Youth Union, the Russian Imperial Movement, and the banned Slavic Union and Movement Against Illegal Immigration.[87] Other neo-Nazi groups fighting as part of the Donetsk People's Republic include the 'Svarozhich', 'Rusich' and 'Ratibor' battalions, which have Slavic swastikas on their badges.[85]"

    I remember reading an article a decade ago, claiming that half of the worlds Neo-Nazies are in Russia. An other page on Wikipedia about nazi organizations around the world says that one neonazi organization in Russia claims to have 150000 members around the country.

    There were reports in Swedish press a few years ago of Swedish nazies going to military style combat training camps in Russia organized by Russian Nazies, because nazies are not allowed in the Swedish military. Some of these Nazies have been prosecuted in Sweden for doing that.

    I can recommend the Lex Friedman Podcast #63 and #248 that delve in to Russian autocratic history and Putin. Lex is Russian.

    Ukraine left the USSR because 92% of its population voted to leave.
    Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal in 1994 in exchange for Russia promising to respect its borders for ever.

    If you want my opinion I'd say Putin is obviously a Russian nationalist who wants to make Russia great again by conquest and he has made it blatantly obvious that he sees Ukraine as a part of Russia no matter what the Ukrainians have to say about it.

  3. Fake news liar 🙉🙉🙉

  4. I thought we have UN Nato and all the bull. We cant do nothing to keep the world peace. Remember. The one who created all this. The almighty Allah SWT plan is the perfect plan. May Allah make an ease for our death and put us in heaven by his mercy.

  5. The Almighty CREATOR is The ONLY JUDGE among HIS Creatures. HE is The All KNOWER, The All HAKIM, The All SCHEMER, The All AVENGER. “REVENGE” Belongs to ALLAH. Yet, the arrogant, and wicked human beings are only following their own nonsense conjectures. ALLAH has been blessing humans with all kinds of Provisions, Health, Wealth, Art, Science, Discoveries, Securities and all. Yet, the wicked and unappreciative humans never thanked HIM. That is how humans have brought Disasters upon themselves. The Almighty Creator Is In Full Control Of HIS Creations. Can you Stop Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Floods, Fires, and WARs? The Worst Is On The Way. These days you don't hear any name of ALLAH with these so much Disasters.

  6. Joe Biden is a deep state puppet trying to drag the US into a war to cover up Ukrainian corruption. This deep state drama is about two things… Energy transfer and the establishment of a Rothschilds central banking system inside the Russian federation. Ukraine is where our corrupt politicians send their children to learn corruption. There is a reason it's the number one political money launderer in the world. The international community needs to focus their efforts on de-escalation and ending this conflict, not retribution and escalation.

  7. "I will raise all my connections, the whole world, as soon as I can, so that, damn, there is no scorched field left of this Russia. Russians should be shot with atomic weapons."
    – Tymoshenko. Prime Minister of Ukraine 2007-2020

    "Our children will go to schools and kindergartens, and their children will sit in basements (about Donbass)"
    – Poroshenko. President of Ukraine 2014-2020

    "I don't feel sorry for them (residents of the DPR and LPR) absolutely. I feel sorry for those soldiers and officers who were killed there for these scum"
    – Andrey Reva. Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine 2016-2019

    14 thousand dead people, 150 children, and how many wounded? And this is not even my opinion, but simple facts..

    Sorry, I'm from Russia and I translated these quotes to Google.
    Russia does not know how to cover information and we are terribly sorry that no one talks about how Ukraine has been killing its people for 8 years….

  8. Please! 💙💙💙💛💛💛

    I ask for a donation for the citizens of Ukraine. Huge thank you man!

    BTC 3NGkx4AYLqE4X28RQBi5GdL1SAMbb4cxN2

  9. Don’t worry Ukraine your Savior United state of America is on their way with a big FAT Checkbook $$$$$$$$$$ …. The United States of America president is heading your way with the treasury department. Sending you more American money then you will be able to spend it. United States of America is a very rich rich rich rich rich rich country with plenty of gold and silver. The president of United States will give you all the artillery and ammo and rockets you need and also help rebuild your country. We will keep giving you billions and billions of dollars. We the people of United States are working hard in overtime for our tax money to help you. The president of United States and our government are very nice people and squeeze them for every nickel you can get from them. Just tell them what they want to hear and they were open Fort Knox for you. And United States Will put China and their corner and they will end up bowing down to Joe Biden. Joe Biden and Elon Musk believe they are God and they will save the world and you.
    They will be your savior and deliverer.

  10. The United States and NATO are ultimately responsible for the war in Ukraine The leaders of this country are extremely anti-human, they wage war in a planned way and destroy one country and one people. Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Iran, these countries have been destroyed by the United States and NATO. The United States and NATO should be judged.

  11. Sorry I invade your privacy ,am from Ukraine my husband was killed today and my son ,bank are shut down . No food to eat today I beg you in the name of God to assist me with anything, no amount is small my daughters need to eat to survive I would appreciate any amount due to the bank being shut down. The only means of receiving money from you is through bitcoin. Please save a life almighty God will bless you .

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