Ukraine emergency services evacuate building, put out fire in Kyiv – Car Mod Pros Portal

Ukrainian emergency services shared footage of them evacuating a building and putting out a fire after debris from a downed rocket hit an apartment building in Kyiv.


By carmodpros


21 thoughts on “Ukraine emergency services evacuate building, put out fire in Kyiv”
  1. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble
    and He will deliver you."
               -Psalm 50 :15


    $US1.7 Trillion was spent on the multiple failed F-35 fighter jets. That is enough to house ALL the US homeless 29 times over.

    2021 a F-35 was downed due to failure. 2022 a F-35 failed to land on a big US carrier and fell off into the South China sea.

    Just imagine if Americans could walk down the street without having to walk around makeshift homeless shelters.

  3. Protest outside oil executive houses and send them and their family members threats.

    Protest Oil company and Supermarket executives like they are Vote officials and Fauci.

    Poland, the land of Auschwitz Birkenau and Krakow Plaszow death camps helps Ukraine.

    Auction oligarch yachts, place multiple bounties on Putin and then help black students escape this pinkies-only war.

  4. Huh. You'd think Zelensky would have taken one of the ceasefire agreements Putin has offered, to save his country and people. The terms were not unreasonable, certainly not compared to potentially not existing next week. This conflict is still going on, because of stubborn pride. When citizens take up arms, to fight in a war and the rest evacuate, then there's actually really no such thing as 'civilian targets' anymore. They've assumably joined the war, as combatants. This emotional manipulation by Zelensky and the media is putting people through horrible, unnecessary things.

  5. The Nazi army of Ukraine, retreating, leaves behind scorched earth (the city of Volnovakha, DPR). And they will surrender Lviv without a fight – this is their capital of neo-Nazis under the historical name of Galicia. Galicians are not Ukrainians, they are a separate nationality. Everything beyond the Dnieper is the land of Russians, the Nazis leave scorched earth.

  6. Again, What's going on in the Middle East? Why did the United Snates of America waste our TAX DOLLARS on Over 700 Jet's to be Created by April of 2021?

    Especially while there is a so called pandemic happening and there are still over 250,000 homeless Adults in America?

    Again who's writing these Narratives? 

    Over 30 Major News Organizations Linked to George Soros …

    China is the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions, interesting has anyone in Beijing, China catch/caught this so called Virus, yet?

    We've been asking this question since June of 2020. 

    BTW when was their first case reported?

    It's a scary life to live when you know what's about to happen to you, especially once people start catching wind to WHO'S ALL INVOLVED.

    So let's get this straight A society which kills millions of unborn babies a year for convenience, has shut itself down and is now preaching about the safety of adults?

    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

    Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is a normal product of metabolism within the body’s cells. The blood carries this carbon dioxide waste to the lungs to be exhaled out of the system. When there is an elevated level of CO2 within the blood, complications occur. Doctors refer to this medical condition as hypercapnia, or hypercarbia. This can occur through health problems, environmental exposure to carbon dioxide or unsafe scuba diving practices or faulty diving equipment 1⭐

    This is a verified and trusted source

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Acute Health Effects of Carbon Dioxide

    Goto Source

    Shortness of Breath

    Too much carbon dioxide within the blood causes the body’s pH level to plummet and become dangerously acidic, explains Auburn University at Montgomery School of Sciences. The higher the acidic quality, the more difficult it is for the blood’s hemoglobin to pick up oxygen. The result is rapid breathing in order to increase lowered oxygen levels and, eventually, difficulty in catching one’s breath.


    The Advantages & Disadvantages of Carbon Dioxide

    Learn More

    A study revealed in a report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exposed 42 volunteers to inhalation of 7.6 and 10.4 percent of carbon dioxide within 2.5 to 10 minutes 1⭐


    This is a verified and trusted source

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Acute Health Effects of Carbon Dioxide

    Goto Source

     Headaches were a common adverse effect experienced by the study group individuals.

    Increased Heart Rate

    The human body reacts to carbon dioxide retention. As available oxygen lowers and carbon dioxide levels begin to rise, receptors within the body sense a problem and send messages to the heart to beat faster, according to Auburn University. This is an attempt to increase the amount of blood going to the lungs in hopes that CO2 is released and more oxygen inhaled.

    Dizziness or Confusion.

    What are the Effects of Smoking on the Cardiovascular System?

    Learn More

    In the same study results revealed by the EPA, the other most common side affect from excessive carbon dioxide exposure was dizziness. Those who inhaled high concentrations in only one minute had initial dizziness and then experienced bouts of confusion and inability to focus or reason.


    If 30 percent or more of carbon dioxide is inhaled, the body begins to convulse within 1.5 minutes, states the EPA. By this time, the body is unable to get rid of the carbon dioxide and obtain oxygen fast enough on its own. The body’s receptors begin to lose control of body movement.

    Unconsciousness or Coma

    Humans exposed to high concentrations of carbon dioxide in a short time frame can experience catastrophic, lethal effects, according to the EPA. Instant exposure to 17 to 30 percent of CO2 after only one minute can result in unconsciousness and coma.

    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

    Respiratory Arrest

    Medical conditions which cause weakening of the lungs can result in dangerously high levels of carbon dioxide. If the muscles are not strong enough to expand the lungs to sufficiently inhale, only a small amount of air and little to no carbon dioxide is exhaled. If untreated, this leads to lower and lower oxygen levels and eventually, cessation of breathing.

    The Wrap Up

    Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is a normal product of metabolism within the body’s cells. Doctors refer to this medical condition as hypercapnia, or hypercarbia. As available oxygen lowers and carbon dioxide levels begin to rise, receptors within the body sense a problem and send messages to the heart to beat faster, according to Auburn University. In the same study results revealed by the EPA, the other most common side affect from excessive carbon dioxide exposure was dizziness. If untreated, this leads to lower and lower oxygen levels and eventually, CESSATION of BREATHING.

  7. My God, could this have been prevented? Why can't an entire world stop evil Putin– one evil soul? Putin self-proclaims to be " the chosen one by God". Putin chose murder of Innocence & freedom & destruction of a sovereign country during Lent.
    –Audrey in Chicago

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