Republicans Weigh In On Cheney And The Future Of The GOP – Car Mod Pros Portal

GOP lawmakers are weighing in on Congresswoman Liz Cheney after she was ousted as a Republican leader and share their thoughts on the future of the party.» Subscribe to NBC News:
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Republicans Weigh In On Cheney And The Future Of The GOP


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Republicans Weigh In On Cheney And The Future Of The GOP”
  1. She is a classic
    example of why the Republican party never gets anything meaningful done
    for their constituents. The Democrats are a party devoid of honor,
    righteousness, integrity, and have neither love or respect for the
    principles upon which this great republic was founded. They are a
    corrupt party of misfits and power hungry swamp-rats who are destroying
    this country in too many ways to list. Why? Because its more important
    for these socialist Democrats to stay in power a few years longer than
    it is to do whats in the best interest of America. The only thing that I
    will acknowledge about the Democrats is that they stick together like
    glue to get their horrible agenda passed. The Republicans are a party
    of weak, timid, cowering wimps who are too afraid of the Democrats and
    the media to stand up for America and the people who put them in office.

  2. So with republicans, it's party over country. Trump isn't president any more. They should just get over it. 4 years of calling liberals "crybabies", "snowflakes" and worse, but observe the extremes they go to when their side loses.

  3. GOP is a crashed train .. not too many panel beaters are around. Don’t worry Joe Biden is geared up to help. GOP keep up with ur flip flop.

  4. How could anyone with a conscience still support an orange clown who botched the response to the pandemic and incited a riot at the Capitol?

  5. The country is not moving to specialism. History teaches is the truth. America was never heading down the same rabbit hole as Russia
    Democracy is a fragile entity and if the people don't keep it alive by not allowing it to fall apart by understand that the GOP is starting the shifting. First a tear then the rip then it's gone.

  6. Who would want to vote for a party that's delusional? The GQP are falling apart saying the left is crazy LOL try looking in the mirror. Pathetic.

  7. I left the GOP in 2020 because of all the spineless QTrumplican cowards and I voted Dems up and down the ticket and I will continue to do so in the future until ALL of the QTrumplicans are gone from the party no matter how long it takes!!! This is a war for the GOP and I'm sorry to say the way to win it is to VOTE all the Dems in until the GOP gets it together and rids themselves of the spineless QTrumplicans cowards!

  8. Corrupción en todo el mundo los políticos tienen que caer deben abandonar sus posiciones y pensar el la sociedad ellos se preocupan por ellos no por el pueblo Americano.

  9. The Republican Party has degenerated into a collection of extremist liars who worship a criminal cult leader. The whole bunch is focused on personal power. David Brooks was correct when he said the US could not win WW2 if it broke out today.

  10. The Republican party is no longer a Republican party but a cult following of Donald Trump who doesn’t know what is truth what is false. I am a lifelong Republican and now I’m definitely I am not. Don’t want to be part of this new Evil Empire

  11. Cheney Romney and Kissinger the most wrong politicians I've ever seen, they absolutely refuse to admit and see they are absolutely wrong, Kissinger's family disowned him, republican party disowned cheney and Romney.

  12. Remember when NBC gave John Sullivan $70,000 for filming the shooting inside the capitol or was he paid $70,000 to breach the capital?

  13. The GOP's destruction of the administrative state will bring into light the chaos in the military state?

  14. Liz Cheney's holding to the truth rather than bowing to criminal Trump
    is admirable. Brava. I hope all those cowardly 'voice call' voters in
    the basement who ousted her get their just due.

  15. There is no glp future what they did to Cheney was the Dale in their coffin they just showed their constituents and the world. That they are controlled and easily to be influence and control that they are not intelligent group of people but they just took out the one female that has been in there for generations and is a legacy of an actual Republican but they have done it killed any chances of the Republicans in there now to ever have a future.

  16. Liz Cheney has sided with democrats and all are antithetical to the United States Constitution and best interests of our citizens and allies.

  17. The GOP is like the wife that won’t leave her husband after she get the tar beaten out of her, EVERY night.

  18. “They will burn her like the witches burned in the Middle Ages !! The clown of the same speech, he is the actor to hunt the witches to burn these or those !! But to our consolation the Liars will not inherit the Rhino according to the Bible !! Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
    And with all delusion of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
    And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
    That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    2 Tessalonicenses 2:9-12

  19. MAGA is the future. It feels so good to kick another RINO out of the party. Even though we booted out many snakes, there are many more that need to be eradicated. Starting to sound like McCarthy needs a reminder of who is really leading the GOP. We may need to kick him to the curb if he does not start wising up. MAGA 2022.

  20. Loyalty to party over country, and loyalty to one man over the the Constitution.
    Wow, everything Republicans say they aren't.

  21. Anyone out of step is instantly attacked, even if its one of your own. This is like watching a snake eating its own tail; you know it isn’t going to end well.

  22. The GOP has become the Trump party of lies, racism, and fear mongering. The GOP has sold their soul to Trump long ago; it’s to far gone to save.

  23. how can they say Cheney is obsessed with one individual when they are backing their entire PARTY on the same, idiotic lump?

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