‘The Cult Next Door: The Mystery and Madness of Heaven’s Gate’ – Car Mod Pros Portal

The extraordinary Diane Sawyer Event Special premieres Friday night, March 11 at 9|8c on ABC & stream on Hulu.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “‘The Cult Next Door: The Mystery and Madness of Heaven’s Gate’”
  1. Excellent doc. Gives insight into how religious corruption specifically Christian religious extremism controls and manipulate people to do horrible horrific things even to this day😳 ☮️the fake media does a good job not covering religious corruption in the US which have powerful political ties because US White Supremacy groups also Jim Jones, David Koresh cults identify/identified themselves as Christians

  2. Beware of leaders saying “believe only me” , “attacks on the free press”….. evil, rantings on and on about lost elections, ego maniacs, self serving CON artists, lies about everything

  3. Leave it to ABC News (mainstream media) to ignore the greatest cult next door: Christianity. Of course, ABC News wants you to think that Christianity is somehow NOT a cult. It, next to Islam, is the biggest cult on the planet. Christianity is the belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie, who was his own father, can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree. Of course, that's not a cult at all. Makes perfect sense.

  4. So much to unpack in this documentary but I do want to point out something I was disappointed by. There were two instances where the documentary referenced two bible verses (partially) as the basis by which 1. followers were to leave their children 2. people were to castrate themselves. Neither scripture SAID or instructs any such thing. I don't think adults with college degrees putting together a body of information did NOT know this. It was blatant misinformation. Here are those scriptures….

    "So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple. "- Luke 14:33 ………. does this explicitly encourage parents to abandon their kids? NO.

    "For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it.”…….Does this explicitly encourage men to castrate themselves? NO

    So again it is blatant misinformation to report that the Bible SAYS to do these things.

  5. Someone please tell me the difference between this "Cult" and "Religion" – BOTH promise a wonderful "life" AFTER Death. What we call a cult has few members and has harmed no one but themselves, whereas Religions have billions of members and have MASS MURDERED innocents! Native Americans, Mayans, innocent people like Giordano Bruno, Gays, lesbians, people labelled as blasphemers!
    A Mass murdering cult is respected whereas this cult is abused!
    How are we this brainwashed?

  6. After seeing the eyes of Applewhite we have identified the father of Representative Adam Schiff👀👀👀

  7. How gullible and stupid you have to be to let someone talk you into believing that a ufo is coming to get you…smdh. The stupidity and simple mindness of people 🙄

  8. '97 was a crazy year for me.. bought a tamagotchi, saw titanic in theaters, princess Diana died and hail bop in the sky, not to mention the SNL aired their cult skit. Love the 90s

  9. Isn't that the question that is always asked when dealing with some cult insanity is: "what happened here"? Or how could this happen? Isn't that what was asked with Charlies Manson and "family", with Jonestown and Jim Jones, with David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco Tx., recently with Nxivm.

    It's sociopaths getting their hands on some lost or easily manipulated or not so easily manipulated souls and taking control over them and nothing good ever comes from that. Everybody should study up on narcissists and sociopaths because it could save your life. Their 10% of the population and most just get stuck dealing with one in a "relationship" or a boss/supervisor or cowrker..

  10. Heavens Gate isn't half the cult that MSM and the 2 major political branches are. Should of done a cult show on Bohemian Grove, Bilderbergs, and World Economic Forum. The real cults and cult leaders.

  11. The left uses the Climate OCD Religious Cult to push their Agenda and gain control. Their nemesis is western civilization, capitalism and individual rights and liberties.

  12. I interviewed for this and was told by my interviewer, who was not diane sawyer that Pmmody would be interviewed, which I was glad to see. I've been in touch with Pmmody but not in the last 10 or so years. She was on the doc I think was called, The UFO Cult or The Cult that the BBC did initially but maybe sold or licensed to others over the years. Pmmody left the classroom in either late 1992 or early 1993 before Frank (Andody) left in early 1993, both before I did in September of 1994. Pmmody is the second of the two former who seem to be interviewed. I guess they didn't count me because I'm old hat to them. In the trailer amidst all the out of context manipulations that paint a negative light to their choices of how, when and where to exit their human vehicles, they made at least one big mistake that may not have been an honest mistake. They said that someone castrated themselves, which didn't happen in Srrody's case that I witnessed and didn't I doubt happened in the other 6 cases as I understand it, which there is evidence to back up. However, it is true that all 7 including DO had the castration procedure and it was all of their own volition, which there is also ample evidence of as there is with their exits. The point is that no one removed their own testicles which is what is removed in a castration operation.

    I also don't know where that TI and DO meeting was but it was an internal meeting I believe I attended.

    Also we did have our free will – 100%, though TI told us in about 1978 that we needed to give them our will. DO told us after TI left her vehicle that TI told him, she thought her saying that would be the cause of half of the class to leave the group. I suspect we numbered around 60 students then and by 1993 we were down to 24 before I left.

    What hardly any people have come to recognize is that this was a very serious astronaut training program. The Next Level doesn't need new members. It's their joy to offer membership and their joy to see some pass their very difficult grade in this human school they constructed for new membership.

    Imagine if one was in the military boot camp and didn't want to get up when they were instructed to wake up by? A huge difference is that TI and DO didn't give any punishment to prod people into following all the procedures as the military would do. However unlike the military, TI and DO would expel some from the classroom after giving them ample warning. In that coursework, breaking any procedure knowingly was cause for dismissal from the class and some were dismissed for that reason. Others left because something they did or didn't do was too hard for them to take responsibility for. One called Steward (stuart) was one example of that. The 19 were sent out of the class for related reasons in 1976 some months after many of them joined after we stopped holding public meetings.

    It's the space alien souls, aka fallen angels and aka luciferians who have programmed many humans to believe they can become "gods" or go to some heaven after they die without hardly any effort at all. To believe that is showing their belief in what was called a "false god" – one who thinks so highly of themselves that they don't think they have anyone to answer to. Many new agers are also of that mindset, thinking they have found the ultimate path to the highest consciousness they can get to with some equivalence of the same minimal effort as many in traditional religions and spiritual groups. Many atheists are in the same boat thinking their intelligence and technology development can solve their's and the world's problems, like hunger, weather, environmental, wars, greed, etc.

    At best humans solve some problems in temporary ways or in ways that the Next Level enabled them to do so, that many don't know was with the Next Level's help.

    But all in all, these shows that are still being given a major effort to put together are mostly filled with garbage, deceit, manipulations of people's thoughts about it, while for a relative few stimulates their curiosity and DO said in DO's Final Exit video that can be enough for a Next Level crew to give each of them a "deposit" of Next Level Mind that if they seek it out can be grown to become a new Next Level body (that could be called a Soul).

    All humans don't have souls but all who want one can have one if they seek help from the highest source of truth they can imagine existing in the universe and them keep their eyes and ears open.

  13. Horribly horrible plus also completely craziness though dear!! 🦶🏾🦶🏾

  14. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you "
              -Psalm  50 :15

  15. HERE is Our Savior

    YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”

    From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: 
    "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)

    Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
    Yad – "Behold The Hand"
    He – "Behold the Breath"
    Vav – "Behold The NAIL" <— YaH’s Crucifixion
    He – "Behold the Breath"

    “Behold the HAND that Beholds The NAIL” 

    PROVES – YAH The Heavenly Father HIMSELF was Who they Crucified

    That is EXACTLY what Moses Wrote

    Here is what they mean

    YaH's Name:
    (Ya)d + (H)e, as YaH is what Moses called Him and YaH Declared: "this is My Name, this is My Name for all generations" (Exodus 3)

    YaH is The Creator of “MAN”:
    Yad He, (HAND BREATH), as YaH's "HAND" Formed man from the dust  of the Earth and His "BREATH" made him a living being (Adam)

    YaH's Sacrifice of Crucifixion for “MAN”:
    Vav He (NAIL BREATH), the "NAIL" through YaH’s "HAND", in Sacrifice of Crucifixion, that whosoever shall call YaH Savior, His “BREATH” brings forth life (Salvation)

    How YaH arrives:
    YaH arrives via the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 33:7:11, Isaiah 54, 55), where a Tent is erected outside the city, a cloud descends upon the entrance of the Tent and YaH appears…

    Why they demanded YaH to be Crucified:
    YaH was Crucified according to Hebrew law (Deuteronomy 21), to be Hung on an Almond Tree for BLASPHEMY as it was for His NAME they demanded Him Crucified. The Messiah claimed He was YaH…

    HE WAS YaH!!!

    HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH”

    The Hebrew Book of Isaiah

    Isaiah 42:8
    "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.

    Isaiah 43:11
    I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me.

    Isaiah 45:5
    I am YaH, and there is none else.

  16. This is the kind of world 🌍 we've made for ourselves and our children, better have no enemies when the light goes out due to the economic crisis and the rate of unemployment.I think it's the best time to invest for the future.

  17. I'm so excited 😊, my life has totally changed since I invested with $ 10000 and I now make $ 35700 every 14 days.

  18. There’s a far more dangerous cult. It’s called the “Branch Covidians”. They think they will be going to heaven if they get their booster shot…..and based on VAERS, some of them will be going to heaven.


  20. Poor white folk. And with the 1700 year anniversary of their "Book Of Fibs" coming in 2025 watch many more turn to others "opiums". As I sit here with my two dolphins charms hanging from my gold neck chain, I bet many find the "pagan or nostics" writings interesting. {In the year 325 A.D. the roman empire and the catholics constructed their "book of books"}

  21. NATO and USA 🇺🇸 has made 👇👇

    14,500 dead in Libya
    165,000 dead in Afghanistan
    1,200,000 dead in Iraq
    224,000 dead in Syria

    It didn't shock anyone.
    None of these countries has been sanctioned.
    Russia starts a war in Ukraine and leaves barely 200 mostly military dead that everyone is shocked !!

    Does NATO has a moral grounds to rebuke Russia 🇷🇺 ??

  22. your "cult next door" is the 40% of america who thought voting for (what is arguably) the worst human being in history since Caligula and then fighting a violent insurrection in order to install him as a dictator after he lost a fair democratic election. heavens gate is THE LEAST of your problems …

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