Ukrainian refugees try to settle into their new reality

Ukrainian refugees try to settle into their new reality

Its my life, its nothing now, said a Ukrainian refugee whose daughter was set to get married, but instead had to flee after Russia invaded.

WATCH the ABC News Livestream:

#ABCNL #Ukraine #Refugee


37 thoughts on “Ukrainian refugees try to settle into their new reality

  1. PAY ATTENTION …..this message can save your life
    Please WARNING…….PLEASE TELL everyone about the criminals of White Slavery that pay people to meet the Ukrainian buses and trains to offer FREE homes to stay at .

    WARNING…….WARNING….the Police say the criminals are using wars to kidnap woman and children for the sex trade.

    Tell Ukrainians to come to the safety of Canada as our Government can place you with Ukrainian communities in Saskatoon and keep you safe and keep you warm and with food.

    You can return to the Ukraine when it is safe again or stay in Canada.

  2. "Highlighting the double standards of international response to Ukrainian armed resistance compared to other non-White struggles such as Palestine is not a competition for attention. It’s highlighting how inherently racist attitudes and perceptions are to our struggles."

  3. We definitely need to do more to help Ukraine but I’m worried that Scotland won’t be able to cope with an influx of Ukrainian refugees as scotland has a really bad social housing problem especially in Edinburgh where there is a struggle for affordable housing

  4. so who is going to pay to take care of all the refugees? and for how long? can these refugees settle down in these countries? would they be allowed? can they become productive or will need handouts? if/when russia withdraws, what is there to go back to? who is going to pay for the reconstruction? is russia going to pay (like mexico paid for the wall)?

    knowing the outcome, do you think the ukranian people would have chosen this path, believing that america/NATO would come to defend them? if they knew america/NATO would abandon them, would they have accepted russia's terms? politicians talk tough, but it is the average people who will suffer, and suffer greatly. ukraine and russia are not equals. america and russia are also not equals when it come to territory that's right next to russia.

  5. If anyone of you Ukraine refugee end up in Hegiman, don't get a suntan. Heads up, you didn't the colleagues of our former onetime Trumpetup president to think that you have an excessive amount of melanin. Yes, if you are the Nazis type you should fit right in. In hegiman they have different names, you can find them in the government also. They are police, Judges governors, corporation CEOs. However, if you insist on artificial melanin you can join the Black Panther. Ok just wanted to help. Later.

  6. west encouraged ukraine to withstand russia and now they left ukraine alone xD enjoy cheap labour now. never trust nato. a friendly advise from turkey 😉

  7. "I AM having my Oscar Schindler moment as I am saving a family of 6 ukrainian war Refugees from Odessa [three children and three adults] from the neo nazi Ukrainian nwo controlled government and army. The beautiful woman worked for my female medical device company, Lumeden Medical.
    They are coming to Chicago as war refugees."
    Ukrainian Corruption
    "Corruption equals unconsciousness. Ukraine is a horribly corrupt country and in the top twenty in the world. Bribery is a form of corruption. It is a remnant of the communist system where the only way to get anything done was to pay a bribe. It is pervasive there through all levels of society. If you wish to graduate from University, you bribe the professor. I eyewitnessed it there in business and refused to play that game. The biden crime family knew how Ukraine works and took advantage of that system where "the big guy" got his ten (10) percent.
    Problem: Corruption, bribery, currently got Ukraine into its kinetic war with Russia.  The Ukrainian politicians were bribed by the NWO NATO/America/European Union and affiliated military industrial complex businesses to set up thier military bases and bioweapons labs at Russia's doorstep. I first hand spoke with American soldiers there who told me they were stationed at a military base near the city of Lutsk a few years ago. By 2022, the military bases expanded enormously. Now Ukrainians suffer because of thier corrupt nwo politicians after Putin and Russia said: "No more."
    Solution: Ukrainian's solution includes replacing corruption as a way of life with Full Consciousness being the ONLY way of Life. That is a systemic change which requires an overthrow of the unconscious way of doing things. It requires Fully Conscious individuals, and a Fully Conscious collective where corruption and bribery are NOT tolerated. It requires dethroning all HuMans who remain unconscious and corrupt. It requires regime change. It requires Fully Conscious Ukrainians taking on positions of power and leadership. Sadly, war is the tool to raise Ukrainians' individual and collectively Consciousness. Those who choose to remain unconscious will kill others and ultimately be killed. That is how the clean up process and The Law of Attraction works. As the saying goes: "Those who live by the sword, die by the sword." Just listen to Zelensky's unconscious requests for more bombs and weapons so Ukrainians can kill and be killed.
    A Fully Conscious quick and lasting peace is the best result for Ukraine. Anything else, destroys the Ukrainians individually and as a Nation no matter who wins the war."

    WAZiarno, Esq.
    (c) 2022, I Am Studio Productions LLC

  8. "Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly."

    (Leviticus 25:44-46)

  9. Why USA NATO not helping Ukraine coward backstabbers 👎👎👎

  10. A new game I invented:
    Spot the Bot!
    Try for yourself.
    There’s some really sneaky ones.
    Good Luck🍀

    Slava Ukraini🇺🇦❤️‍🔥

  11. Heartbreaking but has anybody else noticed…the vast majority of Ukrainian refugees are women and children.
    Unlike those refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan where the vast majority are men!😏

  12. Everyone should evacuate then we'll capture it peacefully 😁

  13. Here's the plan. EU must fund massive day care centers in Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary, and once the children are settled in, then the mothers can join their husbands in fighting the invading Russians who are carrying out a campaign of terror and violence.

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