Heavy fighting underway outside Kyiv l ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

Russian attempts to make gains have not gone as planned in most of Ukraine but officials say Russia has been successful in southern Ukraine.

#ukraine #russia #war #invasion #abcnl


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Heavy fighting underway outside Kyiv l ABCNL”
  1. 澤倫斯基醒醒吧!不要再相信美國與北約、不要支持將加入北約寫進憲法,就不會踩到俄羅斯的紅線。專家分析,美國背棄承諾、北約一再東擴,俄羅斯不會無止盡退讓,普丁事先已宣告意向,而你,澤倫斯基選擇對幹,再拖著全國人民的生命财产陪你一起承受後果,苦不堪言!這不是英雄,這是自撞冰山;與其說澤倫斯基你是英雄,你更像「被當作棄子的悲劇演員」。不要再被美国利用,将自己的国家变成代理人战场!

  2. Brought to you by Joe biden's weakness……..he hates the american middle class more than Russian war criminals……..his actions prove it.

  3. They censor everything"russian" then wonder why they dont know what Putin is thinking. 😂🤣.

  4. This Is Sad! I’m praying for The WORLD! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  5. "British lion! I am one of the first Britons to join the war in Ukraine and I was beaten by a guard during horrific interrogations.
    An enchanting story from Sun about an Englishman who went to fight in Ukraine. On the very first day, he, along with the “Georgian Legion”, came under attack from the Russian Aerospace Forces near the Gostomel airport, hid in the forest, was caught by the SBU and mistaken for a Russian spy. After that, he was beaten during interrogation to a concussion,
    As a result, after all the misadventures, he fled back to Britain through Lviv

  6. 美国去到哪里,战争災难就去到哪里!三思三思啊!不要将平民百姓推向死亡之路!

  7. Syrian fighting they have experience 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣

  8. This is coming from the same side of deceivers who did gave us " Weapons of Mass Distraction " and for twenty years the bs that our troops were winning in Afghanistan. Where is our freedom of info is, is gone with our full acceptance, approval and coward yes. Tell us the part where the Russian troops are helping and saving the civilian from the brutality of the other side and the use of civilians as human shields and martyrs, that is why from the beginning secretly and cowardly many civilians were not allowed to leave the war zones, think why after so many days of conflict there are still thousands against their will in this danger zones, think.. Now you know why our goody tissue Western media, press, secret agencies and politicians did suspend the freedom of speech, media and press banning all Eastern block info, media and press to keep us the blind and ignorant Western sheep from knowing the truth and what really is going on. So let's keep drinking their coolaid. We are a nation of brainless sheep.

  9. To Who bombed the children’s hospital and who ordered it, I wish you the same on your family !

  10. The Syrian fighters don't have Russian mothers that's why Vlad the impaler wants them to go into the cities were they will be slaughtered hole say ….make them bleed Ukraine

  11. Open more offshore oil drilling … if dont think American people will be pleased to pay 8 dollars per gallon…. there will be riots

  12. Where was the Western Media 🇺🇸 when Ukrainian government sold drone engines and phosphorus to Turkey 🇹🇷 and Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 to use on innocent 19-20 year old Armenians 🇦🇲 during November 2020 War ??? There are still young kids with burned 🔥 faces

  13. Where was the Western Media 🇺🇸 when Ukrainian government sold drone engines and phosphorus to Turkey 🇹🇷 and Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 to use on innocent 19-20 year old Armenians 🇦🇲 during November 2020 War ??? There are still young kids with burned 🔥 faces

  14. Why not send prisoner's that have life in prison and let them fight Russia ? I say send them to fight on front lines, I'm just saying it would help Ukraine

  15. In the Bible Genesis 27:41
    "And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob.",,, — Esau had become a man with a large army and was in his way with his large army to kill Jacob and possibly his family and country ,,, but Jacob prayer to God that Esau would change his mind and not destroy them ,,,, but Jacob repented too first of any of his own wrongs or sins against God ( which is why the angel asked him what his name was — the angel knew his name but was making a point about him getting right with God himself first before God turn Esau heart to mercy ,,,,my point in Love as my heart goes out to Ukraine : Only God can intervien and change Putin's heart , but we all have to pray from a place of showing God that you are not just using God to be your genie in a lamp to help us, without those that call in Him first turning their lives to Him in what he requires of us ,,,, this is a time of repentance so God can be on your side by you getting on His side through Christ Jesus and His program and side of Holiness and righteous ,,God did turn Esau heart and they made peace and the army ceased !!! ,,,,, But God wants people to stop rebelling against Him when things are going good ,,, Most people ignore God's will in living as they want ,,, look at the LGBTQ community, as well as all things against God's word -if they were in trouble and in need of a miracle to be saved from trouble or danger , I'm sure most would cry to God , but if God said " repent from your ways( that's everyone ), most won't repent even in a crisis ,,,, we need to pray from a position of first seeking His righteousness -" first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you " — " the effectual fervent prays of a righteous man a availeth much" ,,, righteous don't mean that none has not ever sinned ,, but it means they admit it or confess it to God as they seek His mercy and help to turn from it , instead of excuse themselves or reject God ,,, after all we all need Him and you really know how much when a miracle is needed in trouble !!! ,,,, the best think people can do is pray , but first talk to God before you pray for others and feel sad for someone else , pray for yourself in repentance so that you are praying from a humble position of being in agreement with God in your own life as it is written :2 Chronicles 7:14
    "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

    ,,,,,I'm not saying this because want to write a long comment, but because , tears came to my eyes listening to these Russian boys , and the women and people of Ukraine and I feel helpless ,, but the only and best help I know to help a life , is God almighty in whom all things are possible , ,,, so we must first to except His son Christ Jesus who died for our sins and for us to turn to Him in repentance ,,, Even for those who are living in a peaceful place of the world right now in sunshine right now and you think it will always be that way ,,listen to this next Scripture :
    Luke 13:1
    " There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

    2 And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?

    3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

    4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

    5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish."
    ( I hope the Ukrainians read this somehow in my love and heart to help and turn this around ,,I hope Russians read this ,,sure I know some will ignore it but I know someone and to many this will serve as victory unto their soul )– amen

  16. Prices will soon go up. It is not just oil and gas that are produced by Russia and Ukraine, which will not be exporting anything for a while. Of course, it will take the EU and other countries choosing not to use as much Russian gas for there to be any real effect. Today's decision is probably designed to gently pressure them to follow the US president's decision via moral suasion.

    We must bear the burden like others. A brave Russian economist named Andrei Illarionov, on BBC's Newsnight, just risked getting a polonium tea dose to point out the incontrovertible truth: since 2012, Putin's clear, repeated, threatening statements as to Ukraine and other neighbors have placed all in the West and NATO on notice to expect an attack. This was repeatedly reported in the world's media.

    We could have armed Ukraine adequately in 2012 or in 2013 or in 2014 or in 2015 or in 2016 or in 2017 or in 2018 or in 2019 or in 2020, before Russia had finished its preparations, rearmed with weapons like hypersonic missiles and felt itself strong enough to invade. Also, do not deceive yourselves, it is not NATO or its "expansion" that is the problem: Putin means to re-create the Soviet empire with its oppressed, slave nations that it can oppress, use, and abuse. NATO just stands in the way.

    Putin was known to have engaged in horrific, war crimes in prior conflicts, e.g., Chechnya and Syria. Nevertheless, the last administration tried in 2017 to remove the already too weak sanctions against Russia and some oligarchs for its 2012 invasion of Ukraine's Crimea and Eastern Ukraine and even sought to withhold the meager aid that congress approved to Ukraine until its brave president did something to benefit that orange buffoon, whose contacts with the "Russian red" mafia that supported Putin for years have been reported.

    See “Donald Trump Is a 'Russian Asset' Owned by the Mafia, Author Claims in New Book” and also “Donald Trump's Mafia Connections: Decades Later, Is He Still Linked to the Mob?” in the conservative Newsweek. See “Donald Trump’s Alleged Mob Ties: 5 Most Damning Revelations From Report” in The Wrap. Note that the head of organized crime, reportedly the most powerful organized crime leader in the world lives free and safe in Russia and before his murder, Litvinenko reported, that criminal leader has a good relationship with Putin: Semion Mogilevich.

    Accountability should be imposed, and not just on Putin or his Russian cronies. His enablers in Western countries, including those not connected to that organized crime organization, which is extant and has not evaporated like morning dew, must face the music.

    Do not indulge in fantasies; like thousands of innocent Ukrainian children, women and men are being murdered every week, Putin is objectively evil and will murder the valiant President Zelenskyy, sooner or later unless Putin falls first. Another genocide is occurring before our TV cameras. The blood of murdered innocents again calls for justice!

  17. I think the country will fall in the next week.
    Then we enter a new cold war period.
    Otherwise, it will expand into WW3, as it is happening now, as other countries inevitably get involved, Poland and Syria Cina, Canada, US,

  18. The Biden admin and the puppet masters are pushing their agenda. The patriots were counting on this, everything has been accelerated, which means they never expected to move into the green new deal this quickly. The fiat system began in with the fuel crisis and will end with a fuel crisis, watch Europe. The [DS] is powerless, they do not have the leverage and they are struggling. Blinken put pressure on Poland but Poland is not doing what the [DS] wants. The [DS] wants WWIII, they will not get it. The narrative is about to shift, the world is watching. The bio labs are coming into focus, Nuland is worried that Russia might have the data. The election fraud is being produced and it is getting worse and worse of the [DS] players, no deals, they chose the path

    Whatever Joe Biden touches has turned to $H1T..It started with Crimea ,Afghanistan and today it is Ukraine..
    Biden closed the Keystone Pipeline after the Oil Companies spent $Billions on building it ..Now he wants them to TRUST him when it comes to drilling for more oil..The only winner was the RADICAL Democrats who do not want Fossil Fuels who want their Green New STEAL…..President Trump made America SELF SUFFICIENT when it came to American Oil and LOW PRICES.
    Trump was 100% CORRECT when he said Biden and the Democrats will destroy the American Economy and will start WW3 …FACTS MATTER

  20. Ukraine has been part of Russia for hundreds of years, and half of the population there are Russians connected by numerous family blood ties with Russians living in Russia. In 1991, the Russian government betrayed its people and divided Russia into 15 parts, and separated from Russia the Russian lands – Ukraine. It's like separating the state of Texas from the US, turning part of the population of Texas against the US, arming and directing against part of the population living in Texas and against the US. The united West represented by the USA and the EU countries again went to war against Russia on the territory of Ukraine. By the hands of Ukronazi militants nurtured in Ukraine. It was the US and the EU that staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and put Ukrofascists in power in Ukraine. And the Ukronazis with the support of the EU and the US began to kill dissenting Ukrainians and Russians throughout Ukraine. On the Dnbass, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Nazi battalions killed civilians from all types of heavy weapons and bombed from the air for 8 years, in Odessa they burned alive more than 50 people of civilians, closing them in the house of Trade Unions. Tens of thousands of civilians died at the hands of the Ukronazis. And Russia finally went to liberate Ukraine from American proxy troops = ukrofascists. Russia will win!

  21. Jag tror jag har kommit på anledningen till att Putin anfaller Ukraina!!!!! Tänkt på detta länge, "han kan väl inte vara så korkad"" ??? Men nu kom jag på det!!!😏😏😏😏 . Rysslands största inkomst är gas och olja. Men Ukraina har de största kärnkraftverken i Europa. Västvärlden ställer om till EL, då går Ryssland i konkurs. Så dom tar över Ukraina för att komma åt kärnkraftverken för att säkra sin ekonomi!! Hur fan kan jag vart så dum och inte sett det innan. Har ju ingenting att göra med gamla sovjet eller annat att göra!! Så uppenbart!! 😯😯😯😯😒😒😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

  22. Thank you all for supporting my homeland! Respect for you all guys! If you like short videos about this conflict, please consider subscribing on my channel, its free.

  23. How many Democrats, liberals, socialists, marxists, communists, media journalists, woke activists, blm activists, lgbtq activists, climate change activists, u.s. southern border activists, Immigration migration refugee dreamers, antifa, those been screaming fascists nazi at eveyone and everything past years WILL be volunteering to go to Ukraine and fight ? None I predict

  24. I wonder if these sanctions and the destruction of Russia’s economy will drive them to expand the war. Eventually leading to a dreaded world war.

  25. Bonjour
    Est il vrai que des oligarques Russes pourrait payer pour faire éliminer Poutine et ainsi sauver leur fortune
    Ce serait affreux .
    Confirmer moi que c est faux .
    Vive la république et vive la France.

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