Biden announces US ban on Russian oil imports – Car Mod Pros Portal

The president has been under pressure from both Democrats and Republicans to go forward with a ban.

#ABCNews #PreidentBiden #Russia #OilImports


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Biden announces US ban on Russian oil imports”
  1. WARNING: if this us can control all world, no one is in safe!
    Emergency warning: All countries nations must be aware of usa danger!
    Take a look: usa dictate world economy!
    Usa ban anyone! Us have ally: west europe, australia, canada, uk and south asia!
    Danger is near! Wake up all nations!
    The real danger is us nato! This is the real criminals and spoilers!
    China be carefull!
    Russia don t give up!
    India don t go with this evil us!
    Arabia must be united against this monster us nato!
    This is not fake news, not propaganda! Is a real fact!

  2. 46 has done a great job killing USA's energy sector overturning 45's energy policies. The USA was
    energy indep. and net exporters of energy. Let's toss that all out the window and become reliant
    on foreign oil again. Sounds like a great idea.

  3. Hmm, there was this guy who made America energy independent who was also able to secure peace in many countries in the Middle East, but then we had mail in ballots and somehow Brandon got 81 million votes!

  4. Definitely on purpose. Both sides are corrupt!!!! We have enough oil in the US and we don’t need Keystone .. look up the oil reserves in Odessa Texas and Grady county in Oklahoma. Enough oil to last 150 years at 2 drill sites.

    Biden is a undercover Oil guy driving up prices manipulating the market. Both Dems and Republicans invested in oil before the prices skyrocketed. Wake up America

  5. US sanctioned oil trade from Venezuela, Iran and now Russia. WTF, these idiots think now from where countries will get this strategic resource.

  6. The only way to stop a bully is to 'Bully the Bully'.

    We don't want Russian oil. We want to stop the Bully….even if it costs us.

  7. The future is the future one needs to be honest. Where will the crazy stop? It's up to the whole world to support Ukraine and also support everyone in what may come. Because peace has never been free it's the people that determine what they are willing to accept as freedom. The people are the government and should be allowed to elect somebody that is choice.

  8. The first step to Putin is to open up multiple fronts in to the EU. China will then join to take the pacific. It's a obvious play. Ukraine is bleeding and the price is always going to be the same at the end.

  9. Ridiculous that the American people have to suffer to punish Russia. Not only does it hurt their economy but ours as well , Biden is punishing us along with Putin

  10. This clown Biden is a joke and a idiot……….he is an insult to the American people…….he said he is banning Russian. oil………..we only buy 4% from Russia,,,,,……..mean while Europe is still buying Russian OIL…….plus everyone is buying Russian gas………( so much for his oil embargo )…..this clown has already called up the Arabic two times ………..BEGGING FOR OIL……..AND THEY DID NOT ANSWER HIS PHONE CALL…….he's even trying to get Venezuela and Iran to sell us gas……( our enemies )……That show just  how much this idiot of a president is respected AROUND THE WORLD……………………All this jerk has to do is open our pipe lines…….and the price of gasoline will go down again………SO WHATS THE PROBLEM HERE…….is it really Russia…….or is it Biden…..??????????… of course the oil companies are having a big pay day………FOLLOW AMERICANS..REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU VOTE NEXT TIME……

  11. this is misinformation and propaganda. We don't have enough fuel for transportation but Russia has plenty of it. You may be banning Russia's oil but Our fuel prices are way higher than Russia's and our transportation is hurting more, fuel costs more at the bowser. No fuel for transportation = poor economy

  12. Why hasn’t he mentioned that he’s still importing uranium from Russia? Hmmm 🤔 🤣🤣🤣 what a joke. US hypocrisy and games as usual.

  13. …also, how can America be a net exporter of energy all while receiving Russian oil at it’s ports? That’s contradictory.🤔🤔🤔🤔

  14. 😂🤣😂🤣These other countries with essential products are rofltao….sanctions ONLY work against nations that don’t really have anything to offer(sorry for bluntness). Countries, such as Russia already have side doors built in their economies for situations like sanctions….geez, I hope the average American citizen isn’t falling for this.

  15. Biden thinks common people are dumber than him…absolutely not…we will remember when it matters..

    Crude Oil Price on Mar 10, 2021 was around $65 and on Dec 21, 2021 was $88. Crude price had been creeping up mainly due to Biden's push to shut down keystone and a cancel-culture to kill domestic oil industry. A lot of oil industry people lost their jobs. Biden did nothing to reduce gas price at pump other than talking about SOR which does not materially impact to reduce price. The consequence of Biden policy error is big and impacts entire world. In Feb'22, after pushing Russia into conflict, he thinks he will become popular by banning oil import. Russia + China are not afraid of Biden sanctions and even weak Europeans members distanced from US over Russia oil ban.
    Amazing how dangerous world can become under a weak and corrupt US president.

  16. biden started this war. he likes to blame putin but he is to blame. and when biden doesnt get his way everybody is racist what do you call it when he said he is picking a black person for the supreme court judge. in other words no other nationality need NOT apply. that is straight up racist right there. everybody should have been able to apply. i wonder how that candidate liked being used by biden. he picked a black person for HIS political reasons only he doesnt care one bit about the candidates .we should not have let him do that. he uses that racist word a lot because he thinks it will get all the brown people to vote for him or for a democrats. but he will never or the democrats get this brown person native american to ever vote for a democrats again and i was a democrat for years UNTIL I WISED UP. so i hope all of you democrats like the high gas prices. we have a senile president in the white house. at least when trump was in office he was a strong president who said americans can bet all these other countries make their country first. we got homeless people we need to help. we use those streets too and there all aligned with feces,rats we can all get very sick. they talk about in humain places at the border what about our american people like the president likes calling us where they are living in inhumain and squalar on all of our streets. lets think about our people first biden blames everybody. he is still blaming trump. we need term limits for these people in office. we cant have a senile resident in office. when he tripped on the plane not one person helped him. biden reversed everything trump did including keeping the illegal to remain in mexico and then guess what a federal judge put it back to remain in mexico, putin went after biden because he is week. they interviewed an illegal immigrant and asked him if trump was president would he try to cross the border illegal and he said NO WAY ABSOLUTELY NOT. THATS WHAT YOU CALL A STRONG PRESIDENT. AND I dont need biden calling ME the AMERICAN PEOPLE. I DONT NEED TO BE REMINDED THAT I AM AMERICAN I AM MORE AMERICAN THEN BIDEN WILL EVER BE. maybe the indians should have built a wall then we would be in charge. gas tax in california is supposes to be to fix the roads BS THEY HAVENT FIXED ANY ROADS FOR YEARS THEIR JUST NOW WORKING ON SOME. that money doesnt go for roads it goes in their pockets . because it is all about the BENJAMINS people think that trump is prejutice against immigrants he married 2 immigrants. biden uses that word racist soooooooooooooooo much that it means nothing anymore and he uses it a lot just so the brown people think he is for them but he could care less about them all he wants is their votes. wake up people this brown person did.VOTE REPUBLICAN

  17. We are the leading producers of oil in the world, and the leading consumers of oil in the world. If we are able to drill and pump more oil why are we suffering at the pump. Gas in Kuwait is .80 cents a gallon, while we paying $5.00 a gallon. And Russia is $2.10 a gallon. So how is Russia the cause of our high prices? He is not being honest about anything.

  18. Biden is a total incompetent buffoon. He will go down history as literally one of the worst Presidents this country has ever had. Shame on anybody for voting for him. He has dementia.

  19. What a smart a$$. Using Putin as the scapegoat for all the problem in the us. I wonder if Americans are smart enough to see through that.

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