Retired police captain Curtis Reeves, 79, claims he acted in self-defense and was recently found not guilty of second-degree murder in the fatal 2014 shooting of Chad Oulsen.

#ABCNews #Florida #StandYourGround


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Florida man acquitted for fatal movie theater shooting speaks out l GMA”
  1. Booooooo! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  2. This is ridiculous you don't bring a gun to a popcorn fight. This is just more proof that Police privilege is alive and well Today even if your Ritired!!

  3. We can't live in a fantasy land spewing crap like well this person could have done anything after throwing popcorn on me so I had to shoot them. Pigs use that excuse all the time when they lose control of a pullover of a car and then try to deflect their negligence onto the victim. There really is no argument here. You don't kill someone for such an incident. We are even extended qualified immunity to these old bastards that are retired and without emotion. I used to be emotional myself when these police would be gunned down when I was a kid and teenager but after years of seeing how full of crap, vile, evil and overall not there to protect and serve us but the totally opposite, I just grin a little and think how many people did this officer send to jail or prison he knew was innocent and how many future false arrest did his killing save the public from?

  4. Six moronic jurors when EVERYONE else can seeeee the video clearly and know he murdered a husband and father and human being over popcorn!!!! The witnesses heard Curtis say “throw popcorn on me”. This was a murder and we see through his “acting”. He told his wife to be quiet right after he shot him when she even said it wasn’t necessary. I KNOW she doesn’t sleep well at night. He does because he’s a narcissist, but his wife knows the truth like we ALL do. Justice absolutely not served!! Get ‘em Nicole!!!!

  5. t's a shame that COVID didn't or hasn't gotten Curtis or Vivian yet.

    Fred Goldman is bitter The Juice survived his alleged bout with COVID-19.

    The still-grieving dad of murder victim Ron Goldman told the Daily News Friday that O.J. Simpson’s claims that he nearly died from COVID last year left him with one overriding emotion — disappointment.

    “Out of all the people who’ve passed away from COVID, what a shame he wasn’t one of them,” Goldman said.

    “I certainly don’t think he deserves any sympathy. He’s alive, he’s free. He can do anything he wants. Everything my son can’t do,” he added.

    “Honestly, the only thing that strikes a chord with me is that he didn’t think about death before. I think about his death all the time. I can think of no one better suited to be underground,” Goldman, 80, told The News.

  6. You know, keep watching the case. You will know how cold blooded Curtis Reeves is when he will ask for his gun back. No rational or humane individual would ask for a gun back that used to kill a person with.

  7. So the ONE thing you would've done differently is go to a different show? If you would've just listened to your wife and moved seats NONE of this would've happened. Men ruled by their pride are the weakest link in our society. You may have once worn a badge but your THUG mentality took a little girls father away. That's your sin to bare.

  8. 👧🏼 👧🏼 @1:27 ~ That’s wrong. The deceased father, Chad Olsen, was NOT using his phone to check on his daughter. That’s false. Chad Olsen was lying. Even during the trial the prosecution freely admits that Chad Olsen was not calling or texting the babysitter about his daughter, he was surfing a football website and looking at football memes. How in the heck can a supporter not know that?

  9. 100% justified in my opinion. This guy was the aggressor, the victim here was in fear for his safety and defended himself. Sad that he lost his life but he was 100% in the wrong.

  10. POSTCARD FROM AMERICA. "Mass shootings in the US are a National Embarrassment". J.Biden.

    Does America's love of killing and racism indicate a 'stupidity gene' within American DNA?

    44 Americans are shot by other Americans each day, 187 school shootings in the last 10 years so you may be shot while on vacation.

    Homeless line the beaches so watch out for needles in the sand. Have a nice vacation unless you are Black, Asian, Latino, Jewish…

  11. Here's how all this could have been avoided never throw popcorn or phone or anyting at a person sitting next to you at a movie theater you never know what they're what they have get off your darn phone at the movie theater it's not a place to be on your phone

  12. Imagine living in a country where someone can get away with killling someone else for having thrown them popcorn…'s always funny that Americans always see crime in other countries and accept the gun killing rates here. When will gun violence be controlled? When the loved ones of a politician are taken by such violence.

  13. I am sorry but how was the elder gentleman to know how far Chad would take it I would have done the same thing because he was ex cop he knows how horrible this evil world is and I do not blame him. Chad shouldn't have acted like a bully and he would probably be around today.

  14. I think the problem is that some people think a popcorn is deadly.
    a buddy of mine threw popcorn at me the other day….. I ate them

  15. As a Republican and proud NRA member, this story tickles my bulbous regions!
    As St Rittenhouse demonstrated, white Americans have the right to carry deadly weapons EVERYWHERE and the right to shoot ANYONE, ANYTIME.

  16. Liars. If I can’t believe EVERYTHING you say, I can’t believe ANYTHING you say. Go F yourselves to death MSM, corporate liars. Your lives are meaningless no matter how many dumbfux believe your BS, or how nice your outfit is.

  17. How Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! Great Reset has infiltrated
    Political Cabinets and Celebrities!
    The Great Reset has infiltrated
    Political Cabinets and Celebrities!

  18. Why did that guy throw popcorn? People keep saying its an overreaction to shoot someone, but that chad guy escalated on purpose, and while he couldn't have expected to get shot, assaulting anyone, even with popcorn, can lead to immediate consequences. He felt the need to act like a tool, and got himself killed.

  19. The old lady – I’m sorry we killed your husband, we hope you move on now”

  20. If he was such an amazing father and husband how come he’s punching a 70-year-old man. Sounds like a coward.

  21. He didn't have to shoot the guy. This guy got off on the charge because he was ex-law enforcement. If anybody else did that they'd be held responsible. This is why so many people distrust law enforcement workers. Plain and simple.

  22. Really you punch an old man there something wrong with you he could have killed the old guy.dont mess with people never put your hands on someone else hitting old people yea that guy probably would not have stopped

  23. The reason he was acquitted was because the witnesses all stated with the old man that the other guy was threatening him and escalated the situation.

  24. Give me a f&ckin BREAK! He’s deathly afraid of POPCORN??? He claims he was under mortal threat from popcorn.? What a piece of sh@t! Carries a gun wherever he goes so he can defend his warped fragile ego with deadly force. Star chamber for him

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