Swathes of Ukraine’s eastern city of Kharkiv were reduced to rubble after Russian airstrikes.


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Russian strikes on Kharkiv leave homes in ruins”
  1. like a witch constantly burning firewood, that's west propaganda. they throw you in a hole. Now Zalensky has fallen into the West's propaganda trap. but haven't realized it yet. He is hypnotized by the information and West applauds. But what do the Ukrainians get? The people got a harsh reality, while Zalensky kept dreaming, he was addicted to praise.pleasw resign

  2. Show pictures of the devastation Americans did in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 yrs. America invades a country and calls it fighting for freedom. Bunch of hypocrites! It’s all how the propaganda machine wants you to view things. America invades a country they fight for freedom …. Any other country starts a war it’s an atrocity. If you do not think women and children were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan by Americans you live in a deluded reality

  3. The United States paid Ukrainian scientists for the development of biological weapons from $2.5 to $5 per hour. For an eight-hour working day, employees of various biological laboratories in Ukraine received from $ 20 to $40, according to documents published by the Russian Defense Ministry. According to the papers, the US military department has signed contracts with at least eight laboratories in Ukraine. The work was paid on behalf of the Military Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which is one of the divisions of the US Defense Ministry. The statement refers to a project codenamed UP-8. Within the framework of this project, the Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever and hantaviruses were studied.

  4. Those old russky leaders have a lot to answer for. Childrens hospitals and civilian homes.
    This has got to stop.😠😠

  5. Wow, I remember Biden mocking Mitt Romney for saying that Russia was our greatest geopolitical threat. I remember Democrats and ABC laughing at Mitt so much. I wonder how funny it was to the people in that house? It must be completely humiliating to be a Democrat now. Let's GO Brandon!

  6. Wow even Putin called the green people out, that this blaming him & Russia for gas prices, is the American system of never let a good crisis go to waste. Sad but not one penny of added gas cost will go to Ukraine

  7. Best of luck Ukranian we are totally destroying your country….. 😎 How dare you to start war against Russia we are your father don't forget it….Long live Russia 🇷🇺

  8. По данным Минобороны Великобритании, ПВО Украины добилась «значительных успехов» против современных российских самолетов. В своей последней оценке ситуации министерство заявило, что Украина «вероятно» помешала России «завоевать какое-либо господство в воздухе

  9. Russia has put Europe and the world on the brink of nuclear Armageddon. Russian occupation forces are deliberately shelling the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. This is not a coincidence, but a deliberate attack to cause a global catastrophe.

    Ukrainian Chernobyl 36 years ago became a generalized concept of global environmental and man-made disaster. Zaporizhzhya NPP is many times more powerful and dangerous than Chernobyl.

    All this indicates that Putin's crimes have reached global proportions and threaten the existence of Europe and possibly humanity.

    This crime clearly demonstrates the need to introduce a no-fly zone as soon as possible in order to protect not only Ukraine but Europe as a whole.

    Stop the nuclear maniac!

    #StopPutin #StopRussia


    Dear Heavenly Father, we come before Your presence based on Your invitation through the words Your prophet Isaiah who wrote: “Look to Me, and be saved, All you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other (Isaiah 45:22 NKJV).

    We come before your presence with many mixed emotions: We come with a great deal of pain and sorrow because of the war in Ukraine. However, we feel comforted by Your Holy Spirit who is assuring us through Your word in Ezekiel 33:11 that You do not wish the death of those who are dying. We feel comforted by your Holy Spirit who is also giving us an assurance that it is your will that all humans on earth look at Your law in the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:3-17 and that it is your desire that all humans could feel motivated, through the help of Your Holy Spirit, in their hearts and minds, to comply with those Ten Commandments in the same way that Jesus Christ, Your Son, obeyed those commandments when He walked on this Earth about two thousand years ago. Oh, Heavenly Father, we ask your forgiveness because the war in Ukraine is just a result of our reluctance as individuals and as nations to read those Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:3-17, to learn them and then to have a commitment to obey those Ten Commandments through the help of your Holy Spirit in the same way that our Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son obeyed those Ten Commandments when He walked among us around 2,000 years ago.

    Dear Father, today we are greatly saddened and greatly disturbed because through a violation of the Sixth Commandment of Your Ten Commandments is that we have many beautiful Ukrainian & Russian lives lost in Ukraine through the madness of hate and war.

    Dear Father, we come before your presence to ask Your help. Please send thousands of your angels from heaven so with Your children and followers on Earth, under the guidance of Your Holy Spirit, we could all work together to turn the land and the skies in Ukraine and Russia into a hate and war free zone. Dear Father, help us turn Ukraine and Russia into nations where there is an abundance of godly justice, love, mercy and peace.

    Father, we need your angels to go to your Ukrainian and Russian children, living out of Ukraine and Russia, so they could be impressed to have a zoom meeting with the Ukrainian President Voldymyr O. Zelensky so he and his military commanders could give their permission so all captured Russian soldiers instead ob being jailed or executed and all Russian soldiers who could express a desire of no willing to kill or die fighting in foreign Ukrainian territory, they could be given a way out of Ukraine so your children could teach them about your plan of salvation for the whole human race and later they could feel motivated to worship You out of Ukraine with the joy of being able to understand and sing together with us: “How Great Thou Art.”

    Dear Father, we know that most of the destruction and deaths in Ukraine is due to Russian pilots who come out of Ukraine to bomb Ukrainian territory. We ask that Your Holy Spirit could rebuke the hearts and minds of those pilots and of lower level Russian officers who are directing and supervising those pilots. Father, please send your angels so those pilots and those loading the missiles and bombs in those Russian fighter planes could have a change of heart. Father, we ask that your angels could establish a link of communication between Ukrainian, NATO and Russian fighter jet pilots so Russian fighter jet pilots could be escorted into a friendly nation so that they abandon the war and they could be accompanied by your Ukrainian & Russian children living out of Ukraine and those fighter jet Russian pilots could also be taught of your love and greatness and that they could also be moved to love You and to worship You.

  11. I am from Ukraine, but to believe that Americans" are helping ukraine is far from true: this is the same thing like america is promising to immigrants to protect the immigrants. One group of people is bringing you to United States, and another group of Americans are hunting you; And they are using all kind of illegal chemicals to hunt people:
    I have been spy for over 15 years in the United States which they try to hunt and kill me – and that is only because i am Christian,, it is a miracle that I am still alive today.

    Refuges immigrant people should be protected in the United States not to be hunted"

    If you hear an American saying i love the Christian's – That is a lie.bb

  12. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you"
              -Psalm  50 :15

  13. President Biden I ask you, in what chapter of American history will you be remembered. The American president who made a contribution to Ukraine, or the American president who liberated Europe and America from pure evil? Please support a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Tomorrow May be too late.

  14. Those Russian Armies are really good at attacking apartment buildings and schools and hospitals and civilians in general. They are so brave and accomplished.

  15. How Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! https://youtu.be/c6EP87lvaGUHow Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! https://youtu.be/c6EP87lvaGUHow Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! https://youtu.be/c6EP87lvaGUHow Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! https://youtu.be/c6EP87lvaGUHow Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! https://youtu.be/c6EP87lvaGUHow Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum rules the World! https://youtu.be/c6EP87lvaGUThe Great Reset has infiltrated
    Political Cabinets and Celebrities!
    The Great Reset has infiltrated
    Political Cabinets and Celebrities!

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