Former US ambassador to Ukraine says Putin ‘needs to find a way out’ l ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks to former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor about calls for a ‘no-fly’ zone over Ukraine, and if there’s any off-ramp for Vladimir Putin.

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By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Former US ambassador to Ukraine says Putin ‘needs to find a way out’ l ABCNL”
  1. Stop worrying about Putin finding a way out. Yes, rational people would look for such a thing. Putin is beyond all that. He knows the West will be wringing their hands about such things, never realizing he has calculated that into consideration. He, himself, needs to portray himself as being possibly irrational. That way he keeps his opposition, internal and external, at bay. But what if they get wise to him, and convince them they are the irrational ones? What if he has to wonder if tactical nukes are heading for Red Square, and the Kremlin?

  2. Give him an out and then go after him. No matter how deceitful the out is, who cares about honor regarding this. He is facing war crimes. Give him an out now and deal with him tomorrow. And I mean really deal with him. Not jow the world has been dealing with him. Hold him accountable.

  3. No one in the world has ever faced such an unbelievable spread of false information. In a matter of days, the Internet was flooded with thousands of photos and videos representing Russia as the aggressor. Russian troops are shooting at them at residential buildings, kindergartens, hospitals. They kill children and the elderly, rape women and rob the population. They commit other inhuman and immoral acts. ATTENTION! It's a lie! We are not offended by those who reacted to this and began to oppress the Russian world in all countries. your reaction is quite natural and this is quite understandable, since no one has previously encountered such a volume of information and therefore it was very difficult not to believe in it. I emphasize again! This is a blatant shameless lie! We are ready to expose any photo, video or information. We will show you the truth! Who else but Russia during the 2nd World War suffered from Nazism and clearly knows what war is! Russians want war least of all in the world. The Russian soldier at all times has been the personification of honor, dignity, nobility and mercy. Never doubt it! I appeal to all the world's media! Don't spread unverified information. Only facts. The truth is beginning to be revealed to the whole world! We are for peace and friendship of peoples!!!!

  4. Putin will need to apologize to everyone involved including his people before blowing his brains out on live TV. If he doesn’t, he’s gonna suffer the same fate as Gaddafi. Those are his only two options left.

  5. • We do not want the militarization of Ukraine, NATO or non-NATO. We do not want to continue the trend in building a neo-Nazi state in Ukraine – Lavrov
    • We want Ukraine to be neutral, we are ready to discuss security guarantees for Ukraine along with security guarantees for European countries and Russia
    • Russia will do everything to no longer depend on the West in any way in decisive areas of life – Lavrov
    • Putin never refuses contacts. We just want these contacts to be organized not for their own sake, but to fix specific agreements. Discussed with the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry the possibility of a meeting between Putin and Zelensky – Lavrov
    • We will get out of this crisis… and we will no longer have any illusions that the West can be a reliable partner – Lavrov
    • Putin does not refuse to meet with Zelensky and someday, I hope, such a need will arise – Lavrov
    • Statements about Russian kidnapping on the territory of Ukraine are fake – Lavrov
    • ‼️ NATO is not ready to ensure the security of Ukraine – Kuleba
    • Russia has no data on the use of biological weapons in Ukraine – Lavrov
    • Lavrov called disrespect the requirement for China and other countries to implement unilateral sanctions against Russia
    • Russia will demand an answer on how to explain the biological activities of the United States in Ukraine – Lavrov
    • The US is even trying to influence China on the issue of sanctions against the Russian Federation – Lavrov.
    • The West from Ukraine only needs this country to work against everything Russian – Lavrov.
    • At the talks with the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, no one was going to agree on a ceasefire, Sergei Lavrov said

  6. "British lion! I am one of the first Britons to join the war in Ukraine and I was beaten by a guard during horrific interrogations.
    An enchanting story from Sun about an Englishman who went to fight in Ukraine. On the very first day, he, along with the “Georgian Legion”, came under attack from the Russian Aerospace Forces near the Gostomel airport, hid in the forest, was caught by the SBU and mistaken for a Russian spy. After that, he was beaten during interrogation to a concussion,
    As a result, after all the misadventures, he fled back to Britain through Lvi

  7. There will not be a no fly zone granted and for some reason I highly doubt that the situation around Putin is as dire as this guy claims. We need to stay out of it, thats what we need to do. After the embarrassment in Kabul, its quite clear that we dont have a war time CIC nor admin in place, no business. UKR is not NATO and we have given them a billion dollars of taxpayer cash in 3 months plus billions more in past years with plenty more being pushed now and for what? What did and do the people here get out of this even when they werent at war? Nothing. Somebody gets something out of it I suppose. Zelensky is a major part of why this is happening with his relentless NATO push and the U.S. is NATO, we flip the freakin bill and the world knows this. Bay of Pigs, we didnt want R at our doorstep, R doesnt want us at theirs via UKR, simple. Rt now Z isnt in control of much, if he were he wouldnt be asking for constant help and everything else. He has also weaponized his civilians into enemy combatants, turning them fair play in their oppositions eyes. This ambassador is not being realistic at all, come back to earth.

  8. I guess Putin will be killed by his own gang later this year !
    Putin knows that he is in great danger.
    That's why he had ordered all oligarchs returned back to Russia (to keep an eye on them).
    Possible traitors in his own party & in the army are also under surveillance by the FSB/GRU.
    Impose more sanctions.
    Only hard sanctions which will make the Russian people turn against Putin and kick him out of the Kremlin with massive demonstrations against the war and a collapsed economy !
    Putin has many ennemies in Russia. They are waiting for a chance to take him out.
    But Putin will fight back.
    Many Russians will be killed by his supporters before they get him!

  9. 2:10 Mr Zelensky is a finger puppet, not a sovereign ruler of a sovereign country. Point in fact – Mr Zelensky begs for help everyday from the West. Without Western support Mr Zelensky couldnt even win an election, much less a war.

  10. No he doesnt. Putin has nukes. He could sack an entire generation of draftees plus ten thousand Soviet era vehicles in exchange for 1 million Ukrainians and he would see an overall increase in political support. It is obvious the power brokers in Moscow would rather have the fight with the West around Kiev than around Moscow.

  11. Putin can tell his people "the special operations are over and the soldiers are coming back" Nobody in russia will know the difference, except the rouble is now rubble. The rest of the world will heave a sigh of relief.

  12. Could NATO peace keeping troops help civilians leave Ukraine? Putin is engaging in war crimes. Initially we turned a blind eye to Hitler when he murdered civilians, we can do better this time…

  13. Putin loves his country very much and will do anything to defend it. On various occasions he has conveyed clearly and firmly but you underestimate it. You are even being arrogant in trying to get NATO close to Russia. He also clearly said he felt threatened but you guys didn't want to care. You guys are too arrogant. How can Putin believe in your self-righteous, self-righteous propaganda when your history is weeping, death and corpses? I, as an Indonesian citizen, will not believe in the NATO alliance as a peaceful alliance. Too many records and data for evil decisions. On the other hand, the western media tried to ignore it all and at the same time percuss Putin with unfounded accusations.

  14. Prices will soon go up. It is not just oil and gas that are produced by Russia and Ukraine, which will not be exporting anything for a while. Of course, it will take the EU and other countries choosing not to use as much Russian gas for there to be any real effect. Today's decision is probably designed to gently pressure them to follow the US president's decision via moral suasion.

    We must bear the burden like others. A brave Russian economist named Andrei Illarionov, on BBC's Newsnight, just risked getting a polonium tea dose to point out the incontrovertible truth: since 2012, Putin's clear, repeated, threatening statements as to Ukraine and other neighbors have placed all in the West and NATO on notice to expect an attack. This was repeatedly reported in the world's media.

    We could have armed Ukraine adequately in 2012 or in 2013 or in 2014 or in 2015 or in 2016 or in 2017 or in 2018 or in 2019 or in 2020, before Russia had finished its preparations, rearmed with weapons like hypersonic missiles and felt itself strong enough to invade. Also, do not deceive yourselves, it is not NATO or its "expansion" that is the problem: Putin means to re-create the Soviet empire with its oppressed, slave nations that it can oppress, use, and abuse. NATO just stands in the way.

    Putin was known to have engaged in horrific, war crimes in prior conflicts, e.g., Chechnya and Syria. Nevertheless, the last administration tried in 2017 to remove the already too weak sanctions against Russia and some oligarchs for its 2012 invasion of Ukraine's Crimea and Eastern Ukraine and even sought to withhold the meager aid that congress approved to Ukraine until its brave president did something to benefit that orange buffoon, whose contacts with the "Russian red" mafia that supported Putin for years have been reported.

    See “Donald Trump Is a 'Russian Asset' Owned by the Mafia, Author Claims in New Book” and also “Donald Trump's Mafia Connections: Decades Later, Is He Still Linked to the Mob?” in the conservative Newsweek. See “Donald Trump’s Alleged Mob Ties: 5 Most Damning Revelations From Report” in The Wrap. Note that the head of organized crime, reportedly the most powerful organized crime leader in the world lives free and safe in Russia and before his murder, Litvinenko reported, that criminal leader has a good relationship with Putin: Semion Mogilevich.

    Accountability should be imposed, and not just on Putin or his Russian cronies. His enablers in Western countries, including those not connected to that organized crime organization, which is extant and has not evaporated like morning dew, must face the music.

    Do not indulge in fantasies; like thousands of innocent Ukrainian children, women and men are being murdered every week, Putin is objectively evil and will murder the valiant President Zelenskyy, sooner or later unless Putin falls first. Another genocide is occurring before our TV cameras. Once again, the blood of murdered innocents calls for justice!

  15. Nuland just confirmed there are US Biolabs in Ukraine. Ukraine is the 9th most corrupt Country. Biden, Clintons & Obamas families have corrupt money laundering & business ties to Ukraine. Russian experts have warned about this for decades. Putin has been consistent for decades, especially the last two years on trying to resolve situation with Ukraine joining NATO. Ukraine's Zelensky, Biden Admin, EU & NATO have been extremely provoking towards Putin & Russia. Corp Media too.

  16. To bad there are no General Pattons in the White House, Congress or the Senate. 141 nations and all of them are hiding in their respective corners afraid of one Hitler one a be…jc

  17. America never backs down and Russia will never back down until Ukraine has been broken down in 2 halves. Only after that are we going to have any yielding negotiations

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