Florida movie theater shooter Curtis Reeves speaks out after acquittal – Car Mod Pros Portal

The man behind the fatal shooting inside a Florida movie theater speaks exclusively with ABC News’ Victor Oquendo after being acquitted for the murder of Chad Oulson.

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By carmodpros


20 thoughts on “Florida movie theater shooter Curtis Reeves speaks out after acquittal”
  1. How many interviews did he do? Looks like he’s making the rounds. So, is he making money off this now ? What a freaking ghoul, hope his judgement comes at some point.

  2. It's completely baffling how the court allowed such jury instructions to be considered and deliberated by the jury. The jury essentially put Chad Oulson (He was the victim) on trial instructed jury to find him guilty without any required burden of proof while at the same time required State to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Curtis Reeves was guilty of killing Oulson. If one reads the jury instructions, the jury is required to prove the State's case beyond a reasonable doubt but not required to use any burden of proof to prove Chad Oulson was guilty of battery. I have never seen that in court where a court had instruction a jury to consider the guilt of a person without any burden of proof. Only the prosecution can bring charges against a person. The court or defense can't bring charges against a person but that is exactly what happened in this case.

  3. It is quite interesting that no one in the movie theater saw this alleged life and death attack take place, not even his wife who was sitting virtually point blank in Chad Oulson's face. Vivian I believed testified, that was watching the previews when all of this was happening. Apparently, to Vivian, some angry, menacingly looking guy out to do some real harm to her hubby was not an interest or a concern for her.

  4. The jury clearly F***ed up. I mean if the jury had given due consideration to the case like the jury did in RittenHouse (The Jury deliberated for 26 Hours) I might, just might, buy the jury verdict. But, this jury barley deliberated for 3 hours before rendering it's verdict. Clearly, "Justice", was not on the jury's mind that night. It was Friday night and jury probably wanted to go home.

  5. Wow!, the lack of remorse is stunning on the part of Curtis Reeves. Ok! I get it! Chad Oulson was trying to kill him and he shot Oulson in self-defense and the jury bought his story and acquitted him. I get that! But, Curtis Reeves also shot the wife, Nicole Oulson in the process. She was just an innocent victim in all of this. You would think that after 8 years, Curtis Reeves might have little sympathy or remorse for shooting Nicole Oulson. Curtis Reeves came off as truly a cold-blooded killer.

  6. This is why courts are courts of law and not courts of public opinion. Public opinion might be loud and persistent but plays no part in a court of law.

  7. If you want to get away with killing someone Florida is your state. If he was so fearful for his life after getting up to talk to the manager why did he change seats? There looked like plenty of seats available. I hope the victim's wife brings a civil case against him.

  8. This guy was 71 years old when he was assaulted by a 43 year old. Based on that information alone I would have acquitted him. How much of chance to defend himself would he have had at 71 without the use of a firearm.

  9. The movie theater clearly posted that NO FIREARMS WERE PERMITTED INSIDE. Mr. Reeves saw those signs, walked past them & took his seat in the theater. If you're being annoyed by another patron: MOVE. If Reeves wasnt carrying a gun on his hip that day, would he have approached this young husband & dad at all, or would he have listened to his wife & found different seats? I feel that he was spoiling for a fight & he found one. Unfortunately the victim was at a grave disadvantage.

  10. The movie theater clearly posted that NO FIREARMS WERE PERMITTED INSIDE. Mr. Reeves saw those signs, walked past them & took his seat in the theater. If you're being annoyed by another patron: MOVE. If Reeves wasnt carrying a gun on his hip that day, would he have approached this young husband & dad at all, or would he have listened to his wife & found different seats? I feel that he was spoiling for a fight & he found one. Unfortunately the victim was at a grave disadvantage.

  11. The movie theater clearly posted that NO FIREARMS WERE PERMITTED INSIDE. Mr. Reeves saw those signs, walked past them & took his seat in the theater. If you're being annoyed by another patron: MOVE. If Reeves wasnt carrying a gun on his hip that day, would he have approached this young husband & dad at all, or would he have listened to his wife & found different seats? I feel that he was spoiling for a fight & he found one. Unfortunately the victim was at a grave disadvantage.

  12. As a Republican and proud NRA member, this is the kind of story that gives me hope. Our Blessed Second Amendment guarantees white people the right to shoot anyone, anywhere, anytime.
    I hope that he celebrates by going to a theater and blasting away another guy. St Rittenhouse is so proud.

  13. White cops are always afraid for their lives after they kill somebody, cowards with guns, if you didn’t have that gun you would have had to man up. Or hide behind your wife.

    He was known for picking fights and threatening other patrons, all he had to do was move to another seat. Instead of killing somebody over nothing. 8 years house arrest, that’s looking out big time, got to be a record in this crooked illegal system of mis justice

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