“I got here on faith” Jackson said on her journey to this historic moment.

#ABCNews #SupremeCourt #KetanjiJackson


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Ketanji Brown Jackson remarks on her nomination to the Supreme Court I ABCNL”
  1. WOW! amazingly humble speech, the only decision by a weak inept President Biden that we can all support !!! A well-earned congratulations to Ketanji Brown Jackson!!!

  2. Biden opting for affirmative action candidate Jumanji Brown Jackson to appease BLM clowns like Clyburn speaks to his weakness as a leader. A strongarm tyrant like Putin smells weakness and exploits it, which is why he invaded Ukraine immediately afterward. Sadly, Republicans are cowards. They’ll pass this ridiculously unqualified woman through because they lack vision and purpose. If McConnell had any stones, he would’ve blocked Jackson’s appointment and demanded a qualified person REGARDLESS of race.

  3. Hopefully she’s not being planted in the Supreme Court to bring back the Mandates or let’s say a stooge for the NWO.

  4. The point is that Biden knocked out ALL other races and sexes that might be more qualified, because he wanted to nominate a "Black Woman". That was HIS only requirement! How narrow-minded!

  5. Conservatives are right about this nomination not being on their side. She’s failed to be party to lynchings over the last century (even the attempted one of 1/6/21). She failed to rally thousands to attack the Capitol of the United States. She failed to place her knee on the neck of anyone and kill them. She’s proven she’s incapable of bombing a federal building and killing 168 people. She can’t even claim to have murdered nine church members or even shot people with an MR-15. She is one piss poor participant in the march for hate. ‘Nuff said!

  6. The best thing would be for this plantation mammy to not be confirmed. This Thomasina blocked a class action suit that was ready to pay out millions of dollars to Black employees through a class action suit…..This woman is basically Clarence Thomas in a dress and this further supports that Jim Crow Joe is without a doubt a virulent anti Black racist and his Indian sidekick Scamala Harris is no better.

  7. The new BLACK Supreme Court Justice was pre-planned by and suggested by a group called DEMAND JUSTICE'S who provided her name to China Joe so Biden appointed her to the US court of appeals for DC. a stepping stone to the Supreme Court then the news broke out of Steven Breyer retirement of which he found out on the news the top name that surfaced over and over was Ketanji Brown Jackson – go figure right? at one time she had an Uncle in jail for life but had the Obamanator commuted his sentence so he was released. It's nice having friends in high places right?

  8. This move by JIM CROW JOE in nominating a BLACK-looking female, is nothing more than the "52-fake-me-out." It's only SYMBOLISM.

    Also watch out for this sudden "restarting" of a push for U.S. Congressional hearings concerning REPARATIONS, with all the usual RETREAD groups like NCOBRA. It's still the same "let's do a STUDY" (which may be concluded by the end of JIM CROW JOE's 4-year presidential term); but we BLACK FOLKS still won't get any TANGIBLES during this period or thereafter.

    But the DEMON-crats will still expect us BLACK FOLKS to VOTE for them in any upcoming ELECTIONS in 2022 and 2024, because they will say: "Look at what we are trying to do for you BLACK FOLKS."

    WE don't need any damn STUDY!!! It's only a PLOY and a STALL TACTIC. WE have many a BLACK SCHOLARS who have already made our CASE for REPARATIONS, – – and ALL of those BLACK FOLKS in the U.S. Congress already KNOW the EGREGIOUS WRONGS that were "historically" COMMITTED against BLACK FOLKS. So, STOP the B.S.!!!

    BLACK FAMILY: Tell them to CUT THE CHECK, now!!! Settle for NO-thing less than this, which equates to the following as REPARATIONS for 246 years of SLAVERY, and 100 years of JIM CROW LEGISLATION, and other DISCRIMINATORY practices and CRIMES committed against BLACK PEOPLE:

    (1) several TRILLIONS DOLLARS in REPARATIONS PAYMENT (some say as much as 10-20 trillion) to be put in a TRUST FUND for our own allocation;

    (2) additional INDIVIDUAL CASH PAYMENTS to each eligible BLACK PERSON (i.e., actual DESCENDANTS of formerly ENSLAVED AFRIKANS in the territory of NORTH AMERICA; specifically, the UNITED STATES), perhaps in the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS;

    (3) additional FINANCIAL SUPPORT from the U.S. government over a protracted period of time (perhaps over a 20 year period); and

    (4) the allocation of LAND and INFRASTRUCTURE (our 40 ACRES and a MULE).

    This is our DEMAND. So, keep PUSHING for it, and KEEP your EYES on the PRIZE, and don't fall for the "okie-doke.".

    And WITHHOLD your VOTE in 2022 and 2024!!!

  9. She sure is qualified for her job. But she was picked because of her race first. So everyone else was automatically disqualified because of their race. “Look like America “ ? Looks should not matter, only qualifications! Let’s go Brandon!

  10. are we ever going to have a secular nation or are we going to pretend that some invisible man in the sky is responsible for everything for the rest of history?

  11. A good speech by Judge Jackson. I have little doubt that she'll be confirmed. Just a word, however, on correspondent Mary Bruce's comment about "two black women standing beside [President Biden]": how is Kamala Harris a Black woman? Her mother was Tamil Indian and her father a light-skinned Jamaican. Is the "one-drop rule" in operation here? Clearly more than anything else, Harris is Tamil Indian.

  12. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. -MLK

  13. So only people from harvard and yale are now qualified to be on the supreme court? And she is just replacing a Justice she clerked for just like John Roberts and a few others. This country is nothing but a secret society filled with people from the same club.

  14. WAKE UP: Brandon would NEVER nominate someone who adhered to the constitution. These m@ rxists do not like the constitution.

  15. Affirmative Action Jackson did not get on by faith. Unfortunately, she represents the continued splintering of the USA. Like Lebanon, the US has to make ethnic or religious identity (and gender) the primary qualification for particular positions.

  16. Insisting a black women be the nomination is the epitome of racism and a black eye to diversity. Blacks and other minorities can make it on their own without the need to assign them to places of importance. Biden's selection abandons chances for other equally worthy minorities, such as Native Americans, who have yet to have a women or man serve on the US Supreme Court, & dismisses true diversity. The black women thus assigned and approved will forever be thought of as inferior because she got the position because of gender & rrace. This is harmful to the elimination of racism as well as the selected black women. Biden has made several racist remarks but this action tops them all.

  17. blk women are just as happy as they were when they all thought Kamala was black… idiots 😒

  18. So should she be treated in hearings in the same contemptible and disgusting manner that Amy Coney Barrett was treated by Democrats?

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