NATO allies respond to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ national security experts discuss how Germany and other nations are backing Ukraine as NATO allies send lethal military supplies to Ukraine to help build up defense against Russia.

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By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “NATO allies respond to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine”
  1. AMERICANS, TELL YOUR MR. PRESIDENT THAT HE IS A COWARD. HE BETRAYS THE HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOM!!! Your nation doesn't even try to block the sky over Ukraine!!! Moreover, your President has the audacity to count the days how long we will defend!!! YES!!! We will fight to the end!!! BUT HOW LONG THE WORLD WILL BE AFRAID TO STOP PUTIN, PLEASE TELL ME!!! I am really afraid of making such assumptions…HOW MANY DAYS LEFT IN MY LIFE TO STAY HERE AND FIGHT?

    So stop pray for Ukraine, it's time to pray for NATO and still believe that this alliance can do anything in hard time for one of its members…

    Wars are waged by older men
    In battle rooms in countries apart.
    Who call for greater firepower
    And troops for the combat chart.

    While out among the shattered flesh
    The dreams of all have turned gray.
    So young and determined their faces were
    Till on the battlefield they lay.

    Unable to overcome their pride
    The politicians cast their vote.
    For this or that or something else
    As the rage of war sounds its note.

    Wherever wars are won or lost
    The soldiers fall like toys.
    Down through history it remains the same
    Most who die are hardly more than boys.

    Like monkeys in a revolving cage
    Man squabbles for the peanuts of power.
    When will we rise above our greed
    And become as a beautiful flower?

    Death to death, dust to dust
    The wrath of war is a hideous crime.
    It’s our beast within that still prevails
    As it has through the torments of time.

    By Poet Tom Zart
    Google = Most Published Poet On The Web
    Tom’s 1,650 Poems Are Free To Share!
    Google = George Bush Tom Zart

  3. did you all react fully when many great country attack IRAQ and hanging his president? just only cause of iraq is suspect that having nuclear weapons. than till today that is all wrong. now some of us know clearly…. who is the LIAR

  4. So this is what I think. The 600 billion dollars of Russia Money that has been Frozen . That money should be used to Arm Ukraine against Russia. Use Russian money to fight Russia. Until Russia Stops the War. After they stop that money should be given to Rebuild Ukraine.

  5. America gave all the weapons to Iraq, Afghanistan & Iran just to buy them and their oil and opium.
    USA did teach Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden how to be a terrorist. Bin Laden was an university of Harvard, he was also in CIA. If you really want to know everything people should know that USA is guilty for many wars from 1945. till now. They want to be "NWO – New World Order" and rule over the world. And also USA and NATO and EU are fault of this war in Ukraine. But their plans are to make enemy to make first step then they will come like they are saving the world. Yeah right! 🖕🏻 USA – 🖕🏻 NATO – 🖕🏻 EU and 🖕🏻 RUSSIA 👉🏻👌🏻👏🏻
    Because of all of you now many kids are dead and many men and women!! 🤬


  6. Ukraine represents a unique opportunity to stop Russia's land grab. All NATO has to say our war is not with Russia, but with invading troops in Ukraine. If Ukraine has the guts to fight Russia, why shouldn't NATO jump in the fray? We can't live our lives scared of Russia's Nukes. NATO has nukes too. Let's fight while we can!!!

  7. Bless Ukrainians fighting for their country and fellow living Ukrainians, they won't get any help but as in independent as they vanish they will be remembered.

  8. Nato pushed into Ukraine. That's line China moving military operations into Canada or Mexico how do you think America is going to react.

  9. No Nato boots on ground to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression but they will supply Javelins and Stingers? It is exactly because of this mindset the war will escalate. It gonna be the Ukrainians who are going to suffer in the end and the country will be definitely ruined. U.S and Nato will watch the show, clap their hands and move on with life after Ukraine is ruined like they always do. And then two years later U.S will bomb some other country. But wait that will all be justified like Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and no one will step in.

  10. Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Lemberg sah ein deutscher Offizier, wie die Leute von Stepan Bandera die Einheimischen grausam verspotteten. Sie suchten Juden. Und dann fingen sie an, alle zu töten. Und sogar Kinder. Und dieser deutsche Offizier war schockiert über solch wilde Grausamkeit gegenüber seinen Stammesgenossen. Dieser Offizier wurde gezwungen, eine Pistole einzusetzen, um Banderas Leute zu zerstreuen, die ungestraft brutal misshandelt wurden. Und jetzt werden in der Ukraine für Stepan Bandera Denkmäler errichtet, und jetzt verprügelt in der Ukraine eine Horde von Idioten alte Menschen – Veteranen dieses schrecklichen Zweiten Weltkriegs. Jetzt grüßen sich die Nazis in der Ukraine, wie die Nazis sich grüßten … Der Nazismus muss für immer vernichtet werden!!!
    Und jetzt schickt Deutschland Munition, Munition und Waffen zu diesen Nazis in die Ukraine!!! Deutschland weiß von allen Ländern am besten, was Nazismus ist!!! Und er schickt Waffen an die Nazis ….. Es wäre lustig, wenn in Europa keine Menschen sterben würden !!!

  11. Israel and palestin how are you 😂😂😂😂 nobody want to help plestine and no other from Us

  12. I think giving tanks and different military arms,is not enough to help ukrain to push russian forces back on,they need men and country help,the president of russia pleading help now. What is a better things to do,just let them falling and killing one by one,with out rescue men and even two or three of natos country no one can help?

  13. We all know that this is a peace agreement that was mandated for Ukraine by Rusdia NATO And the U S.
    Fake media is exposed and cannot lie their way out of this one.
    The media chinese strong hold, the cabal Rothschilds global agenda is exposed and over with.
    Washington dc swamp is exposed world wide. We are watching evil play against itself. All swamp serpents are being hunt down and destruyed before our eyes.
    GOD WINS……..

  14. Ага,сначала из кожи вон лезут чтоб случилось подобное,а потом,когда Путин их опередил,метают сопли,какая Россия "плохая"

  15. Russia's initial request to NATO was that Ukraine should demilitarize and not join NATO, otherwise Russia would start a war to disarm Ukraine. NATO knows that Russia is indeed likely to go to war, but it would rather Russia go to war than try to negotiate a solution, which is very abnormal. Russia spent days assembling its troops, and all NATO did was evacuate its own citizens, shouted that Russia was going to go to war, and even issued a statement that it would not send troops to Ukraine. It feels like expecting Russia to go to war with Ukraine, which obviously doesn't take Ukraine's security seriously. Putin also waited until the last minute to finally go to war with Ukraine. China and India were also surprised, so they did not evacuate their citizens at first. They probably thought that NATO would agree to Russia's conditions at the last moment of the war, because for NATO, Russia's requirements were not harsh, in exchange for Ukraine Peace is worth it. Therefore, the responsibility for this war lies not only with Russia, but also with NATO.

  16. Over the past few days, I have been watching my friends around the world change their Instagram and Facebook avatars to Ukrainian flags.

    Those who live in America or Europe do so because they have succumbed to the rhetoric of the mainstream media without even knowing how to locate Ukraine on a map.

    But there were also Russians who did the same. In truth, most of them live abroad. When the war started, they changed their avatar with the words: "I woke up with a sense of shame."

    It is strange that these same people have not felt shame for the last 8 years, while children, women and the elderly are dying in the Donbass.

    I am a Serbian and survived the NATO bombing in 1999. For almost three months I hid from the bombs, fearing for myself and the lives of my loved ones.

    That is why I have the right to say that war is the most terrible thing in the world. Any normal person would condemn any form of violence.

    Do you really think that those who are at the head of the Russian state are celebrating because they were forced to go to war? That they did it because of their imperialist ambitions?

    No friends. Russia endured. For the past 8 years, Russia has not ceased to insist on the observance of the Minsk negotiations, which Kyiv refused to comply with.

    And they had a lot of patience while Ukrainians were killing Russians in a neighboring country.

    At the same time, more and more Nazi movements were organized in Ukraine, they did everything possible to kill the memory of the common Soviet past. They destroyed monuments, historical symbols and forbade speaking Russian.

    The West has long been trying in every possible way to provoke the Russians to attack Ukraine. There has been talk of an "imminent attack" for months now.

    Hence the panic was born. And not in Russia, which has already denied these versions of bad intentions many times.

    This caused a panic in Ukraine, which continued to bomb Donbass day after day, feeling strong, thinking that NATO would turn its back on it.

    Now their president says they feel lonely. Surprise?

    It is surprising that they are now surprised by the reaction of Russia. They have been provoking one of the most powerful countries in the world for years, not respecting agreements, breaking promises. And now they're surprised?

    The NATO alliance promised not to expand and did so openly. Every day it is getting closer and closer to the borders of Russia.

    It's time for them to say a lot. And yes, it hurts. Russia is trying to stop NATO and their imperialist future.

    Many of those who are now shouting “no war” are the same people who for years promoted NATO expansion, organized the bloody revolution in Kyiv, armed and continue to arm Ukraine.

    In the end, it looks like this: this action was inevitable, for someone it was inevitable, but it is also a fact that after this February 24, the balance of power in the world will never be the same.

    Elena Milincic's video has been watched by millions of people around the world – there are almost 800,000 views on just one channel: tiktok

  17. Ukraine was beside Russia an important part of Soviet Union. It's unthinkable that the current government of Ukraine under Zelensky now wants to join NATO/EU…
    The mistake of Mikhail Gorbachev, the last president of Soviet Union.
    I hope the current government of Ukraine, who receives too many influences from the west especially the United States, will be removed ASAP.
    Ukraine would be the best strategic NATO/United States military base…

  18. There is no Russian invasion. Only invasion of NATO because it takes a expansion in all world .But this will not happen in Ukraine……. I support Russia not any like ……..

  19. Yeah just like the Palestinian people fighting back or support Israel violation against human because protecting their rights due to illegal settlements?

  20. Putin and Ukraine need to work this out. US needs to stay out of it. I pray for the innocent victims, but we have paid our share in NATO where almost all other nations have not all along,that's why Trump took us out . Also we have made America most responsible when other countries did nothing or very little and frankly I'm sick of sacrificing our citizens. Putin warned us in no uncertain terms to stay out of it. Foolish Biden so gung ho about sending money and troops there,while Americans are still stranded in AFGHANISTAN?! Biden and his administration needs to choose their battles. Going AGAINST Russia in war WOULD be disaster! Is this REALLY worth starting a nuclear war?! Remember we were warned and Biden can't deny it.

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