Russian troops slowed by Ukrainian resistance | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

Officials say dozens of civilians were killed in Kharkiv, the second largest city in Ukraine, in the worst attack of the Russian invasion. Belarus is hosting talks between Russia and Ukraine.



#WorldNewsTonight #UkrainianResistance #Ukraine #RussianInvasion


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “Russian troops slowed by Ukrainian resistance | WNT”
  1. Over the past few days, I have been watching my friends around the world change their Instagram and Facebook avatars to Ukrainian flags.

    Those who live in America or Europe do so because they have succumbed to the rhetoric of the mainstream media without even knowing how to locate Ukraine on a map.

    But there were also Russians who did the same. In truth, most of them live abroad. When the war started, they changed their avatar with the words: "I woke up with a sense of shame."

    It is strange that these same people have not felt shame for the last 8 years, while children, women and the elderly are dying in the Donbass.

    I am a Serbian and survived the NATO bombing in 1999. For almost three months I hid from the bombs, fearing for myself and the lives of my loved ones.

    That is why I have the right to say that war is the most terrible thing in the world. Any normal person would condemn any form of violence.

    Do you really think that those who are at the head of the Russian state are celebrating because they were forced to go to war? That they did it because of their imperialist ambitions?

    No friends. Russia endured. For the past 8 years, Russia has not ceased to insist on the observance of the Minsk negotiations, which Kyiv refused to comply with.

    And they had a lot of patience while Ukrainians were killing Russians in a neighboring country.

    At the same time, more and more Nazi movements were organized in Ukraine, they did everything possible to kill the memory of the common Soviet past. They destroyed monuments, historical symbols and forbade speaking Russian.

    The West has long been trying in every possible way to provoke the Russians to attack Ukraine. There has been talk of an "imminent attack" for months now.

    Hence the panic was born. And not in Russia, which has already denied these versions of bad intentions many times.

    This caused a panic in Ukraine, which continued to bomb Donbass day after day, feeling strong, thinking that NATO would turn its back on it.

    Now their president says they feel lonely. Surprise?

    It is surprising that they are now surprised by the reaction of Russia. They have been provoking one of the most powerful countries in the world for years, not respecting agreements, breaking promises. And now they're surprised?

    The NATO alliance promised not to expand and did so openly. Every day it is getting closer and closer to the borders of Russia.

    It's time for them to say a lot. And yes, it hurts. Russia is trying to stop NATO and their imperialist future.

    Many of those who are now shouting “no war” are the same people who for years promoted NATO expansion, organized the bloody revolution in Kyiv, armed and continue to arm Ukraine.

    In the end, it looks like this: this action was inevitable, for someone it was inevitable, but it is also a fact that after this February 24, the balance of power in the world will never be the same.

    Elena Milincic's video has been watched by millions of people around the world – there are almost 800,000 views on just one channelsss

    : tiktok

  2. I support Russia all the way. He is the only country standing against West. Respect! Ukraine is the result of fault of West. West has destroyed several countries when given chance but its okay for them. Western countries talking about peace?? is that a joke. If west wanted to avoid war and really cared about Ukrainians, they could have easily negotiated NATO, but did they? Hypocrites LOL Stay strong Putin! Stay strong Russia! Huge Respect!!

  3. Sleepy biden agrees to everything that scares me. Bring trump back this would never ever have happened with him in office but his own american ppl chewed him up and spit him out and now everyone is jumping on the wagon, u want mr magoo biden right???

  4. Start showing captured Russian soldiers YouTube videos of how the world is against Putin, his was, and Russian military in Ukraine. They need to see the truth.

  5. 🤣😂🤣😂 excellent coverage

  6. The USA and Ukraine are
    peacekeeping countries. Putin and Unfortunately few other countries out there are not interested in living a free and a peaceful life and are naive.
    Russia's Putin unfortunately is not interested in keeping peace because he is a dictator, and not even close to being as their wise former president Gorbachev was, Gorbachev was smart and had peaceful intentions just as the USA etc.
    I don't see Biden or etc here in the USA making any nuclear weapons threats. Putin is making those threats and this why he is untrustworthy and still has the old communist intentions and mentality…just as Adolf Hitler had,
    and this is more evident now than ever before. May. God bless 🇺🇦 Ukraine for fighting for what is right..

  7. war crimes against civilians + weak enemy military = send usa troops
    war crimes against civilians + strong russia military = don’t send usa troops

  8. “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”
    — Henry Kissinger

  9. Ukraine has been occupied for most of its history, and now it's fighting off another occupation. Ukraine may not have a dominant role on the world stage, like the US or China, but they are undoubtedly one of the most resilient countries I have ever seen.The Ukrainians have earned my utmost respect.Stand strong, Ukraine!

  10. they censorship Russian and other media that doesn't go along their narrative, welcome to Fascist Europe. Here is the so called free speech and democratic western world doing everything that they blame other countries for doing, censor what they don't want the people to know…they have been demonising Russia when in fact they are the evil…

  11. Why don't you show a picture of how the USA and NATO bombed Serbia and Belgrade, how many people you killed in other countries, Iraq Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam and all in the name of your democracy and killed hundreds of thousands of people and destroyed

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