Ukrainian civilians, infrastructure increasingly under Russian fire | WNT

Ukrainian civilians, infrastructure increasingly under Russian fire | WNT

A cruise missile struck a Ukrainian government building in Kharkiv killing at least six people. Over the past few days, more than 350 civilians have been killed, according to Ukrainian officials.



#WorldNewsTonight #Ukrainians #Infrastructure #RussianFire


42 thoughts on “Ukrainian civilians, infrastructure increasingly under Russian fire | WNT

  1. Dear friends. Be prudent and do not take your word for it for your media, which put the Russians as the main aggressor in the war in Ukraine. There is a major information propaganda. As a Russian, I declare that this is a fratricidal war. The Russian people wish an early cessation of the operation and the onset of peacetime. Russians and Ukrainians are one people. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

  2. Get prepared America Putin has a bigger plan:

    "The attack on the U.S. will take place within two years by Russia and China". – Owens, Ted. "How To Contact Space People". Saucerian Books, 1969

  3. The Rus were Viking tribes that settled in Kiev as far back as 750 AD, 400 years before Moskva existed. Moskva were Finnish Urgic Tribes; Mosk means cow and Va water, which are Finnish names. There is no RUS there. The ethnic background of Moskva is Finnish and Mongolian. The Rus developed the religion, city Kiev, alphabet, and had its saints. They spread Kievian culture  much like the Greeks Hellenized the known world, or like the British anglicized the world by the English language. This process does not make Moskva to become RUS in as much as Persian are not Greek. How we are misled by a name; Russia. The capitol of the RUS has always been Kiev. There is no other RUS and no RUS in Moskva. Many say Ukraine began recently; but the culture of the RUS is Kievian RUS, both culture and ethnic background. Ukraine is a name given by Poland meaning outer lands. The lands of the RUS before the Mongolian invasion was very large. The name RUS is a Norse name which means men that row; there are no men that row in Moskva. So Moskva adopted the name Russia while being a Mongolian vassal, essentially traitor to the RUS; and all the czars were Mongolian-Finnish. The Culture  of the Mongolian was centralized power, and that was passed on to present day Russia. Ukraine’s real name should be Kievian RUS, or Kievskarus!


    Putin & Lavrov should be ashamed of themselves, the USSR was an occupation; it never had the status of a sovereign state and due process of law that would be associated with a free society. As such, it did not deserve to exist; and history has shown such organizations fail over time and author in many gulags. The true culture of Russia is Finno-Ugric and Mongolian, having nothing to do with the RUS (Kievian), expect borrowed as in the sense of Hellenized or Anglicized "forms" as a comparative reference. The centralized form of Russian politics is a very Mongolian imprint on culture. The actions of Putin seem to be another Mongolian invasion of Kiev; here I suggest as to the correct metaphor. I believe so. Putin & Lavrov insistence to have purview over eastern Europe also seems like paying tribute to the Mongolian Horde. This is the Manner which Moskva formed, combining a Finnish name meaning cows water. Va means water. The RUS are men that row, Vikings, Norse, established Kiev 400 years before (750 AD) Moskva even thought to exist. The name Russia for current nation is totally inappropriate. All the lands should be returned to Kiev; the West of Russia to Finland, and the East to Mongolia. Russia’s place on the globe appears as a temporary aberration in my view. To use threats of Nukes publicly strikes at the heart as adolescent behaviour; surely any nation or person that issues such threats and being an ally to such while not even having war imposed on them is not fit to rule. This would include allies of Russia. Oh yes, I remember, Russia didn't invent the bomb, they stole it in the 1940's and gave it to Kurchatov,

  4. God will keep safe 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. Too bad the Ukrainian citizens didn't have guns before this started. I thank God we have patriot citizens with guns in America. This is a good example of why we need to protect our rights to defend ourselves. Especially with China talking about their 100-year war against America

  6. 1) 27 000 000 soviet people died in WW2 to bring peace onto European soil. Fact.
    2) second front was opened only in 1944. Fact.
    3) Churchill said : “The more Bolsheviks and Nazi kill each other, the better”. Fact.

  7. "Unprovoked?" Did you get that word from the sotu ? I have a bridge for sale?
    oligarch boerbock the line of hitler was set up at same time as zalensky a jew by klaus schwab. Ukraine is the bread basket of the world. Us arms Germany for reaarmament of the Germans. I am so heartbrooken for my country as it has no boundaries. It lets the ss in. God bless 🇲🇽

  8. That’s why they call it war.

  9. Russia's military will eventually eclipse Ukraine's defense. Putin will no longer stop what has started, he can't. He has to get something return for what he has already lost.

    Ukraine will fall unless the West intervenes. Once Russia captures Ukraine it will be harder to restore it.

    Either the West needs to decide what they are going to do or the Ukrainians need to retreat to save lives. It will be a really bad precedent if Ukraine falls.

    Putin will not stop until he gets something for the price he has already paid.

  10. What you ganna do with Putin’s family. Send them to Kiev. Then they will stop bombing.

  11. Putin 🙏 great leader

  12. Ukrainian civilians under fire??
    If civilians are armed with automatic weapons of war, they become legitimate targets!!!
    So get your reporting facts right ….

  13. America is still buying Russian oil @ $100 a barrel. Think about that. Who’s financing Putin war? Joe Biden is. Fact.

  14. Yeah you, Yankees gave roses to the same civilians in Rakka Iraq just because they were the families of Isis fighters.
    You hypocritical so called news makers turned a blind eye to those atrocities as the Tyranny was executed by your military war machine.
    Now you care about the civilians!
    And one more thing, where were the International Authorities while America did the same in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan?
    Not that I support that bloody Putin guy, yet show us that you are not biased.

  15. Whats new?? It has been happening in the middle east for a very long time by some self intrest powers.. No such fuss was made but now it seems the world has turned upside down when the war comes knocking on their doorsteps… Making theor problem a world problem.. it was never a problem when it happened in the african and middle east nations… But now it seems everyone needs to take sides and suffer together.. a joke that is so hypocritical… The UN seems to act differently for different regions of the world… Only seems work when countries of of interest is facing a problem..

  16. Yeah ok🧐🙄

  17. The countries that destroy world peace are America and NATO. America is the biggest criminal in the world.
    Zelensky is America's puppet,
    peace destroyer, cruel man,
    who sacrificed his people, for power
    Zelensky = American Doll.

  18. BEST STRATEGY: encourage Russian soldiers to surrender discreetly, and pay them handsome amount of CASH MONEY if they surrender.. pay also if they surrender their weapons.. Keep them inside a certain location, and feed them until ALL Russian soldiers surrendered.. in this way, Russian soldiers will abandon evil PUTIN🍻

  19. Honestly I was totally against intervening, but this has gotten out of hand and the world need a response the world not the U.S. but the entire world and nations need to realize this is not right and is uncalled for, drop the stupid paperwork that says Ukraine isn't part of the UN this doesn't need paperwork no one's life especially innocent civilians life is worth a piece of paper we need to intervene as one Global Group!

  20. Putin will order to use extreme lethal weapon against Ukraine to hold his reign, because he will be pressured to resign if lose war, USA and EU have to attack Russia before Putin use lethal weapon, it is breach of global treaty if Putin use lethal weapon. don't be afraid of WW3.

  21. F..k to all your news ABC NEWS Russia attacks Ukraine big news..

    Why isreal attacks Palestine never say anything…?????

    Why Palestine Islam Russia army 76% Islam?

    F..k you all .. now is coming END of world .. the end will be the only hold the world is imam Al mahadi.

  22. The world wants PEACE! 🧡🇺🇦🙏

  23. Well thanks to Putin covid finally ended 👍

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