“It feels like the president and his party have sent us back in time,” Gov. Kim Reynolds said.
#ABCNews #RepublicanResponse #StateoftheUnion #Biden
“It feels like the president and his party have sent us back in time,” Gov. Kim Reynolds said.
#ABCNews #RepublicanResponse #StateoftheUnion #Biden
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Listening to Republican & Democrat responses to Biden's speech and this sounded more like a political campaign. Sure enough, Governor's re-election in Iowa takes place this November. Moving on.
Look for Jesus bunch of hater's look at your face liars
What a waste respond governor.
Did Iowans send back their stimulus money back to the federal government, I think not. Why not?
iowa gov orig Karen
TERM LIMITS would have stopped the corruption in government and the downfall of the USA
No original thought just follow the party line, whatever happened to representatives who actually thought for themselves.. Another party humanoid!
Buddhism is in danger from infidels. Terrorist Prime Minister The Desert Is Going To Give The Terrorist Group Desert came into Thailand, bought land for 1 million people.
Lying Liberal Controlled Puppet ! Just Delusional , Senile , Biden Is A Complete EMBARRASSMENT For Americans And A Laughable Joke , Liberal Controlled Puppet President ! Do You Really Believe 80+ Mil Votes ? Come On Man ! lol
Hey Covid Kim you give that Federal money back you improperly spent yet?
I choose to go to bed than listen to The State of Union Address i could not stay up to listen to all the lies and BS i have had enough . it’s sickening to listen to him boost how great everything is. delusional all of them . i cannot see us lasting another 3 years of this train wreck .
Wow that woman's crazy! Trump tried to take us back to the 19th century. Biden was left to clean up his mess. It may still take awhile but he's doing a pretty good job.
Aren't Americans already doing this since 1800s
We are human, we "make" mistake, nobody perfect, don't get me wrong, i think Biden is lame ass old Grandpa who can't think straight, don't act like you are the most important instead starving kids in third world country. Isn't living without earthquake, flooding, volcano, artillery, flying 7.62, and tank shell is good enough.
What is the cost of Trumps stupidity on the world's stage?
This senile president knows what's going on to think that we don't know what's going on..let's go Branden!!
Keep fighting Governor..
Ukraine is a leader in child sex trafficking and has always been a corrupt nation, yet everyone forgets about this and welcomes in the new world order, sadly even the republicans are in perfect step with the anti American party of the democrats. Only God can do something about the evil that has become the normL IN THIS FALLEN NATION.
This was not a GOP Response to the State of the Union, this was a grievance of White Republicans who are mad because they have nothing to offer the American People, most talking points they throw around on Fox News and their Twitter feeds are either bent, broken, twisted, or out-of-context misinformation that can easily be debunked.
Biden made it through a speech? How did Jill let this happen
'I was attacked by the left. I was attacked by the media.'
Frankly, this doesn't make this any better. Especially when times like right now where there's controversy over the book banning lead by Republicans. The issue of education needs to be addressed by the government and fixed so that the teachers have more control over how they teach (away from also school administration), but not even acknowledging how asinine the Republicans are when it comes to how they handle education (among many other issues throughout the US) is flat out ignoring the other half the problem.
Frankly, a lot of this statement is full of empty words and messages, given by a hypocrit who would just as willingly destroy the very system that needs true support and strengthening in order to make a better America. She sounds great and professional. Compassionate, even.
But, that all basically may as well be written down on paper, burned and thrown away. The actions of the Republicans, the Conservatives, are just as disastrous as those of the Democrats. The Liberals. None of them care, and this entire speech is as worthless as either party.