Close to a million people, mostly women and children, have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries. Ukrainian men ages 18 to 60 are not allowed to leave the country.
#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #Ukraine #Refugees #Russia
Assainate Putin. Donate nuclear weapons to Ukraine
Thats half the amount of border crossers Biden let in to the U.S.
Send them F16s and A10s. That is what will make the difference.
EU needs to realise dealing with the ever increasing number of Ukrainian (and Syrian) refugees will become more costly than sending millitary support to Ukraine.
Be strong Ukraine ðŸ™ÂÂðŸ™ÂÂðŸ™ÂÂðŸ™ÂÂ
I'm so confused. Why are these countries like Poland, which has a prrrrretty notoriously rocky history with nazis, allowing these "Ukrainian nazis" (according to Putin and Lavrov) into their countries?? They're basically rolling out the red carpet for a new blitzkrieg.
Captured Russien soldiers should bee placed on roof tops, 1 on each roof top, broadcast name, rank and name of family members. for each bombardment they kill their own soldiers, the information should be posted on mass media, so the world can se Russia bombing their own soldiers. I bet that would stop the bombing 💙💛
Except non white people living in Ukraine have not been allowed to leave. people show their true colors during times of hardship
They probably should’ve left before the war.
Ukrainians are relatively European, relatively civilised , well dressed, white skin , blond hair, bleu eyed and Christians. They aren't like those refugees from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq.
Ah racist journalism…
I'm praying that Putrid doesn't escalate this war to nuclear status
from Japan
Japanese volunteer to fight against Putin on behalf of Ukrainian young.
omg my heart is breaking for these people! these are people who are facing unbelievable terror. i cant believe any human could do this to anyone , there is no excuse or reason for this! nobody alive deserves this. i know no human could be indifferent
or ignore this! i pray for you all. i pray we will be rid of this evil stain upon humanity named putin the most vile disease that has no conscience or soul. must be stopped before he obliterates poland, the capital kieve is a ruse he will pass it up most volenteers wiil be behind the push for polish border belaruse is pretending to be ready for ukraine they going into poland with russia attack from south of bearuse from the north HE WANTS POLAND ukraine fighterswill be surrounded after he takes poland. huge death toll threat of nukes keep us from striking back.huge convoy for invade of POLAND!
Ukraine will win the battle because they R FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES, FAMILIES, LANDS, FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY. hail to the soldiers and people volunteer as a soldier for their lovely COUNTRY-UKRAINE..
The small spikes r good they should be hidden by leaves so that thy cannot be seen thy need securing too but the larger barriers can be picked up n carried away
God bless them. Our southern borders are open.
These 9 million now know how Palestinians feel
Stay strong 💪 🇺🇦ðŸŒÂÂ
God bless the Ukrainian people. They're so brave and resourceful!
The UN must – urgently introduce its peacekeepers to Ukraine! Otherwise, Putin will not be stopped! Putin is a shameless liar and a merciless killer! He kills Ukrainians, Russian speakers, and even foreigners who are there! His rockets, shells and bombs are killing everyone indiscriminately!
NATO must accept Ukraine. That’s what will stop the invasion. There is no more reason to hold it off after putin has shown what he will do to non/ NATO members.
Russian in Great Britain/not safe?
ä¸ÂÂ国江è‹ÂÂçœÂÂ连云港市财æâ€Â¿å±€å…¼åœ°ç¨Žå±€é•¿å¼ æ–‡æ¦
当事人邰秀文,目å‰ÂÂç³»ä¸ÂÂåŽ人民共和国澳éâ€â€Ã‚¨Ã§â€°Â¹Ã¥Ë†Â«Ã¨Â¡Å’æâ€Â¿åŒºå±…民。本人曾ç»ÂÂ是一åÂÂÂÂ优秀共产党员ã€ÂÂ先进干部,从部队转业到连云港市税务局工作。在税务局工作的几年里,本人通过税æâ€Â¶å®žè·µåÂÂÂÂå¤ÂÂæ€ÂÂ考,写过一些税æâ€Â¶è®ºæ–‡åœ¨çœÂÂ级刊物上å‘表。在担任å¾ÂÂæâ€Â¶è‚¡é•¿æœŸéâ€â€Ã‚´Ã¯Â¼Å’为æÂÂœç»ÂÂæâ€Â¶äººæƒ…税,æÂÂœç»ÂÂæâ€Â¶å…³ç³»ç¨Žï¼ŒæÂÂœç»ÂÂ贪污国家税款的现象,公开办税开先河,å¾â€â€ÃƒÂ¥Ã‹â€ °äº†è¿žäº‘港市å§â€Â主è¦ÂÂ领导的高度é‡ÂÂ视,但也因æ¤å¾â€â€ÃƒÂ§Ã‚½ÂªÃ¤Âºâ€ Ã¤Â¸â‚¬Ã¤Âºâ€ºÃ§Â¨Å½Ã¥Å Â¡Ã©Â¢â€ Ã¥Â¯Â¼Ã¥Â¹Â²Ã©Æ’¨ã€‚有一部份领导对我是æ¨之入骨,因为我的åš法侵犯了他们的个人利益。
1994å¹´åˆÂÂ,税制æâ€Â¹é©实施增值税。1994å¹´2月全民国有特大型ä¼ÂÂ业“ä¸ÂÂ国轻骑摩托车集团济åÂÂâ€â€ÃƒÂ¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚©Ã¦â€°ËœÃ¨Â½Â¦Ã¦â‚¬Â»Ã¥Å½â€šÃ¨Â¿Å¾Ã¤Âºâ€˜Ã¦Â¸Â¯Ã§Â»ÂÂéâ€Â€å¤„â€ÂÂçâ€Â³æŠ¥çš„期åˆÂÂ库å˜,我直接ç¾åÂÂâ€â€ÃƒÂ¢Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã…“情况属实,准予抵扣â€ÂÂ,附件1。æÂÂ¥æºÂÂ于连云港市ä¸ÂÂ级人民法院案件å·å®â€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒÂ§Ã‚»â„¢Ã¤Â¼ÂÂ业节çœÂÂ了大é‡ÂÂæâ€â€Ã‚¶Ã©â€â€Ã‚´Ã¯Â¼Å’我为æ¤感到光è£。就因为这个æ£确的事情,我因æ¤被定罪。我万分怨枉ï¼ÂÂ我感到万分ä¸ÂÂå…¬ï¼ÂÂ难到一心为国ã€ÂÂ一心为民ã€ÂÂ一心为党的人,就因为积æžÂÂå‘上的工作,æâ€â€Ã‚ Ã¦â€žÂÂä¸ÂÂæŸ害了一些人的利益,就è¦ÂÂéÂÂÂÂæ¤劫难åÂÂâ€â€ÃƒÂ¯Ã‚¼Å¸Ã¯Â¼ÂÂ我的一çâ€ÂŸæ¯ÂÂ在这里ï¼ÂÂ我è¦ÂÂçâ€Â³å†¤ï¼Œæˆ‘è¦ÂÂ还自己清白ï¼ÂÂï¼ÂÂï¼ÂÂ
1995å¹´3月两会期éâ€â€Ã‚´Ã¯Â¼Å’我å‘张æ€ÂÂå¿ã€ÂÂ任建新ç‰控告陈å¦标ã€ÂÂå¼ æ–‡æ¦ã€ÂÂ黑帮组织。附件2,æÂÂ¥æºÂÂ于新浦区检察院案件å·å®â€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒÂ§Ã¢â‚¬ÂºÃ‚´Ã¦Å½Â¥Ã©Â“致了他们的风狂报å¤ÂÂ和残酷迫害。1996å¹´12月30æâ€â€Ã‚¥Ã¯Â¼Å’蒋当事人抓æ•。1997å¹´3月份,åÂÂâ€â€ÃƒÂ¦Ã‚£â‚¬Ã¥Â¯Å¸Ã©â„¢Â¢Ã©â„¢Ë†Ã¥Â¦标ã€ÂÂè¢ÂÂç«‹æˆÂÂ指使,连云港市物价所å¾ÂÂå…µå‡ÂÂ空虚构,æÂÂÂÂ造æ£å“ÂÂ摩托车价格鉴定è¯ÂÂ明,构æˆÂÂ陷害罪。附件3。æÂÂ¥æºÂÂ于连云港市ä¸ÂÂ级人民法院案件å·å®â€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒÂ¥Ã‚¼Â Ã¦â€“‡æ¦和陈å¦标åˆ谋,指使其åÂÂŒå¦è¢ÂÂå¹´æˆÂÂã€ÂÂ赵士桥造å‡,å‡ÂÂ空æÂÂÂÂ造国有特大型ä¼ÂÂ业å·税的伪è¯ÂÂ。
本人è´ÂÂ买的瑕次å“ÂÂ摩托车,实际价值3000元。本人如实æâ€Â¯ä»˜ã€‚附件4。æÂÂ¥æºÂÂ于连云港市ä¸ÂÂ级人民法院案件å·å®â€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒÂ¥Ã‹â€ †æ–‡æ²¡æœ‰å°‘给。å˜在于黑帮组织,å‡ÂÂ空æÂÂÂÂ造的伪è¯ÂÂ基础上的å‡案ä¸ÂÂ予平åÂÂÂÂ,永远ä¸ÂÂå¾â€â€ÃƒÂ¤Ã‚ºÂºÃ¥Â¿Æ’。
起因,王余忠担任民主路税务所所长,在对其所管的个体工商户å¾ÂÂ税æâ€â€Ã‚¶Ã¯Â¼Å’通过开税票大头å°ÂÂ尾,贪污国家税款。我们在接管王余忠的管户æâ€â€Ã‚¶Ã¯Â¼Å’股里陈大爷å‘现,王余忠在城乡个体工商户纳税情况登记表上,登记的税票å·ç ÂÂåŠ纳税金é¢ÂÂ。和王余忠所开税票å˜根èÂÂâ€Â,税票å·ç ÂÂ相åÂŒ,纳税金é¢ÂÂä¸ÂÂåŒ,金é¢ÂÂ大的是税票èÂÂâ€Â给个体户的,是个体户实际交纳的税款,金é¢ÂÂå°ÂÂ的是税票å˜根èÂÂâ€Â万,是税务局å˜档的是实际入库税款。个体工商户交税,都是按照纳税登记表上所定的定é¢ÂÂåŠ税款纳税。这是一个贪污国家税款的éâ€â€Ã‚®Ã©Â¢ËœÃ£â‚¬â€šÃ¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥Â°Â±Ã¥Â‘连云港市税务局监察科æÂŽ加èŠÂÂ科长åÂÂÂÂ映,ç»ÂÂ过监察科查实,纳税税票å˜根èÂÂâ€Â,å‘现连ç»ÂÂ四个月都是大头å°ÂÂ尾。当æâ€â€Ã‚¶Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥Â¸â€šÃ¥Â±â‚¬Ã¥â€¦Å¡Ã§Â»â€žÃ¤Â¹Â¦Ã¨Â®Â°Ã¥Â±â‚¬Ã©â€¢Â¿Ã¦â€°Â¾Ã¥Ë†Â°Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¯Â¼Å’明确ä¸ÂÂè¦ÂÂå†ÂÂ查了,对我进行å¨ÂÂèƒÂÂ利诱。王余忠ä¸ÂÂ但未处ç†,åÂÂÂÂ而æÂÂÂÂ为局长。附件5,è¯ÂÂæ®çâ€Â±åŽŸè¿žäº‘港市税务局人事监察科科长æÂŽ加èŠÂÂæÂÂÂÂ供。现æÂŽ加èŠÂÂ在上海和女儿çâ€ÂŸæ´»ã€‚
一,王余忠虚构全民国有ä¼ÂÂ业å·税。1994å¹´12月2æâ€â€Ã‚¥Ã¯Â¼Å’王余忠以连云港市国家税务局新浦分局的åÂÂÂÂ义,虚构《税务è¿ÂÂ章处ç†决定书》,附件6,æÂÂ¥æºÂÂ于连云港市ä¸ÂÂ级人民法院案件å·å®â€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒÂ¨Ã¢â€žÂ¢Ã…¡Ã¦Å¾â€žÃ¤Â¼ÂÂ业å·税628629.96元,根本没有é€ÂÂ达给ä¼ÂÂ业ç¾æâ€Â¶ï¼Œå®Œå…¨è™šæž„å‡ÂÂ空æÂÂÂÂ造。ç»ÂÂ过检察院检查根本没有å·税,没有补税,所以ä¸ÂÂå˜在当æâ€â€Ã‚¶Ã¨Â¡Â¥Ã¤ÂºÂ¤Ã§Â¨Å½Ã¦Â¬Â¾Ã§Å¡â€žÃ£â‚¬Å Ã¥Â®Å’税è¯ÂÂ明》。
二,1997å¹´3月,张文æ¦指使åÂÂŒå¦è¢ÂÂå¹´æˆÂÂ造å‡,è¢ÂÂå¹´æˆÂÂ以新浦分局的åÂÂÂÂ义,虚构æâ€â€Ã‚¶Ã©â€â€Ã‚´Ã¤Â¸Âº1995å¹´11月23æâ€â€Ã‚¥Ã¯Â¼Å’虚构《税务处ç†决定书》(95)囯税新稽åÂÂâ€â€ÃƒÂ§Ã‚¬Â¬027å·。附件7,æÂÂ¥æºÂÂ于连云港市ä¸ÂÂ级人民法院案件å·å®â€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒÂ¦Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã‚ Ã§Â»ÂÂ办人ç¾åÂÂÂÂ,åª有分局局长原年æˆÂÂç¾åÂÂÂÂ,æâ€â€Ã‚ Ã¥Â¸â€šÃ¥Â±â‚¬Ã¥Â±â‚¬Ã©â€¢Â¿Ã§Â¾åÂÂÂÂ。1,分局局长æâ€â€Ã‚ Ã¦Âƒé™ÂÂ,åºâ€Â该有税务å§â€Â员会ç â€Â究决定。没有税务å§â€Â员会也必须有ç»ÂÂ办人ç¾åÂÂÂÂ,分局长ç¾åÂÂÂÂ,市局局长ç¾åÂÂÂÂ。2,在王余忠虚构,检察院检查没有å·税,没有补税的情况下,四年之åÂÂŽå†ÂÂ次虚构å·税处罚。本身就是è¿ÂÂ法行为。税务ä¿ÂÂå…¨6个月期é™ÂÂ。根本没有é€ÂÂ达给ä¼ÂÂ业,没有ä¼ÂÂ业ç¾æâ€Â¶ã€‚完全å‡ÂÂ空æÂÂÂÂ造。构æˆÂÂ陷害罪。
三,1994å¹´7月1æâ€â€Ã‚¥Ã¯Â¼Å’江è‹ÂÂçœÂÂ国家税务局挂牌æˆÂÂ立。原江è‹ÂÂçœÂÂ税务局立刻撤削。1997å¹´3月份,赵士桥å‡冒连云港市国家税务局新浦分局åÂÂÂÂ义,使çâ€Â¨å››å¹´å‰ÂÂ作废的《江è‹ÂÂçœÂÂ税务局罚金æâ€Â¶æ®》è‹ÂÂ税罚87年,附件8,æÂÂ¥æºÂÂ于连云港市ä¸ÂÂ级人民法院案件å·å®â€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã¢â€šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒÂ¨Ã¢â€žÂ¢Ã…¡Ã¦Å¾â€žÃ¦â€â€Ã‚¶Ã©â€â€Ã‚´1995å¹´12月19æâ€â€Ã‚¥Ã¯Â¼Å’处熓济åÂÂâ€â€ÃƒÂ¨Ã‚½Â»Ã©Âªâ€˜Ã¦â€˜Â©Ã¦â€°ËœÃ¢Â»â€¹Ã¦â‚¬Â»Ã¥Å½â€šÃ¨Â¿Å¾Ã¤Âºâ€˜Ã¦Â¸Â¯Ã§Â»ÂÂéâ€Â€å¤„â€ÂÂä¸ÂÂ使çâ€Â¨ã€Šæ±Ÿè‹ÂÂçœÂÂ国家税务局罚金æâ€Â¶æ®》,因为《江è‹ÂÂçœÂÂ国家税务局罚金æâ€Â¶æ®》å˜æâ€Â¾åœ¨è¿žäº‘港市国家税务局稽查分局,国税局新浦分局æâ€â€Ã‚ Ã¤Â½Â¿Ã§â€Â¨æƒ更æâ€â€Ã‚ Ã¥Â¤â€žÃ§Â½Å¡Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦Âƒ力,而ä¸â€Â罚款必须入国库,ç¾åÂÂâ€â€ÃƒÂ¤Ã‚ºÂºÃ¨ÂµÂµÃ¥Â£Â«Ã¦Â¡Â¥Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¨â„¢Å¡Ã¦Å¾â€žÃ¥Â·税金é¢ÂÂ与王余忠虚构的å·税金é¢ÂÂ完全ä¸ÂÂåŒ,直接çâ€Â¨å›½æœ‰ä¼ÂÂ业çâ€Â³æŠ¥æœŸåˆÂÂ库å˜抵扣税款的金é¢ÂÂ,完全å‡ÂÂ空æÂÂÂÂ造,罚款5万元。根本没有é€ÂÂ达给ä¼ÂÂ业,完全å‡ÂÂ空æÂÂÂÂ造。构æˆÂÂ陷害罪。
Give me back my blood! Dedicated to the country's lifelong shame! President Xi Jinping
Zhang Wenwu, director of land Tax bureau of Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, China
Chen Xuebiao, chief prosecutor of xinpu District Procuratorate, was the chief offender
In order to monopolize lianyungang people's political power to form underworld organizations
Making the party! Making countries! Harm one party!
— Fabricating cases of tax evasion by large state-owned enterprises out of thin air
Strike and persecute tax grass-roots leading cadres anti-corruption hero
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection:
The litigant tai Xiuwen is currently a resident of Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. I used to be an excellent Communist party member, advanced cadre, transferred from the army to work in lianyungang City tax Bureau. During the years of working in the Tax Bureau, I repeatedly thought through the tax practice and wrote some tax papers and published them in provincial journals. During the period of head of collection unit, in order to put an end to the collection of personal tax, to put an end to the collection of relationship tax, to put an end to the phenomenon of embezzlement of state tax, the open tax handling was the first, which was highly valued by the main leaders of Lianyungang Municipal Committee, but also offended some leading cadres of tax. Some leaders hate me very much, because my practice has violated their personal interests.
In early 1994, the tax system was reformed to implement VAT. For the initial inventory declared by lianyungang Agency of Jinan Motorcycle General Factory of China Light Motorcycle Group, a state-owned super-large enterprise, in February 1994, I directly signed "If the situation is true, it is allowed to be deducted", attachment 1. Source from case files of Lianyungang Intermediate People's Court. I'm proud of the time I saved the business. I was convicted for doing the right thing. I am so sorry! I feel so unfair! Is it difficult for a person who is dedicated to the country, the people and the Party to suffer such a disaster just because he inadvertently harmed the interests of some people through his active work? ! My whole life is ruined here! I want redress, I want to return their innocence!!
I would like to offer some evidence on the record.
In March 1995, during the two sessions, I complained to Zhang Siqing and Ren Jianxin against Chen Xuebiao, Zhang Wenwu and gang organizations. Annex 2 is from case file of Xinpu District Procuratorate. Direct way to their wind crazy revenge and cruel persecution. On December 30, 1996, Jiang was arrested. In March 1997, by the procuratorate Chen Xuebiao, Yuan Licheng instigation, Lianyungang Price Institute Xu Bing invented, fabricated genuine motorcycle price identification proof, constitute the crime of framing. Appendix 3. Source from case files of Lianyungang Intermediate People's Court. Zhang Wenwu and Chen Xuebiao conspire, instigate its classmate Yuan Niancheng, Zhao Shiqiao to fabricate, fabricate out of thin air the perjury evidence of tax evasion of state-owned super-large enterprises.
I buy defective motorcycle, the actual value of 3000 yuan. I pay faithfully. Appendix 4. Source from case files of Lianyungang Intermediate People's Court. Not a penny less. A case based on perjury fabricated out of thin air by a gang is never exonerated, never popular.
The cause was that Wang Yuzhong, as the director of minzhu Road tax office, embezzled state tax money by issuing tax invoices to collect taxes on individual businesses under his charge. When we took over Wang Yuzhong's custodian account, Uncle Chen found that Wang Yuzhong registered his tax receipt number and tax payment amount on the tax registration form of urban and rural individual industrial and commercial households. The invoice number is the same with the invoice issued by Wang Yuzhong, but the amount of tax is different. The large invoice is linked to the self-employed, which is the tax paid by the self-employed; the small invoice is linked to the tax, which is the tax filed by the tax bureau. Individual industrial and commercial door pays tax, it is the norm that decides according to pay taxes on the place that registers a form and duty pay tax. It is a matter of embezzling state tax money. I reported to Li Jiazhi, chief of the supervision department of Lianyungang City Tax Bureau, that after verification by the supervision department, the tax receipts were kept on file and it was found that they were all big and small for four consecutive months. At that time, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee found me and made it clear that I would not check any more. Wang Yuzhong not only did not deal with it, but was promoted to director of the bureau. In Attachment 5, the evidence is provided by Li Jiazhi, former chief of personnel Supervision Department of Lianyungang Tax Bureau. Li now lives in Shanghai with her daughter.
In October 1994, When Wang Yuzhong was the director of Xinpu Private Branch of Lianyungang City National Tax Bureau, Wang Yuzhong took advantage of his power and conspired with Yuan Licheng and Huang Xiaobo of the Tax prosecution office of Xinpu District Procuratorate in Xinpu Private Branch of National Tax Bureau to falsely retaliate and frame me.
First, Wang Yuzhong fictionalizes the whole nation's state-owned enterprises to evade taxes. On December 2, 1994, Wang Yuzhong, in the name of Xinpu Branch of The State Taxation Bureau of Lianyungang city, fabricated "Decision on Handling Tax Violations", attachment 6, which was obtained from case files of Lianyungang Intermediate People's Court. Fictitious enterprise evades tax 628,629.96 yuan, did not arrive at the enterprise to sign for receipt, completely fictitious and fabricated. After being examined by the prosecutor's office, there was no tax evasion and no tax payment, so there is no tax payment certificate showing that the tax was paid back then.
Two, in March 1997, Zhang Wenwu instigate students Yuan Niancheng fraud, Yuan Niancheng in the name of xinpu branch, fictitious time is November 23, 1995, fictitious "tax treatment decision book" (95) international tax New ji character No. 027. Annex 7 is from case files of Lianyungang Intermediate People's Court. No agent signature, only the sub-bureau director Yuan Nian Cheng signature, no municipal bureau director signature. 1, the bureau director has no authority, should have the tax committee to study the decision. No tax commission must also have the signature of the agent, the signature of the sub-director, the signature of the director of the municipal bureau. 2. Wang Yuzhong invented the punishment of tax evasion again four years later under the circumstance that there was no tax evasion and no tax payment after inspection by the procuratorate. It's illegal in itself. Tax preservation period is 6 months. There was no delivery to the enterprise, no enterprise signed for it. Completely out of thin air. Constitute a frame – up.
On July 1, 1994, Jiangsu State Taxation Bureau was established. The former Jiangsu Provincial Taxation Bureau was immediately removed. In March 1997, Zhao Shiqiao pretended to be the Xinpu Branch of The State Taxation Bureau of Lianyungang city and used the Receipt of Fine of Jiangsu Taxation Bureau, which had been abolished four years earlier, as attachment 8, from the case file of Lianyungang Intermediate People's Court. Imaginary time on December 19, 1995, dealing with "tahe jinan motorcycle motorcycle factory lianyungang agencies" do not use the state tax bureau of jiangsu province fine receipt, because the state tax bureau of jiangsu province fine receipt in lianyungang city, the state administration of taxation inspection bureau irs sinpo branch has no right to use more power without punishment, and the penalty must be into the state Treasury, The signatory is Zhao Shiqiao. Fictitious tax evasion amount and Wang Yuzhong fictitious tax evasion amount is completely different, directly with state-owned enterprises to declare the beginning of the inventory to deduct the amount of tax, completely fabricated, fine 50,000 yuan. It wasn't delivered to the company. It was a fabrication. Constitute a frame – up.
On August 5, 2013, the transcript of the conversation between the former Director of Liancheng Sub-Bureau and my lawyer who signed the Tax Treatment Decision Letter. At that time, Shao Jian, deputy director of Lianyungang Municipal Tax Bureau, and Qiao China, director of Lianyungang Municipal Tax Bureau inspection Bureau, were present. Moreover, Director Shao clearly proposed that we must seek truth from facts, say what we have, and bear legal responsibility. The former director of niancheng made it clear: the enterprise did not evade taxes, lianyungang City Tax Bureau of Xinpu branch, not to Ji 'nan light motorcycle general factory Lianyungang distributor made any tax, punishment decision. Appendix 9, provided by the lawyer.
The tax registration book of Wang Yuzhong's urban and rural individual industrial and commercial households is the evidence of Wang Yuzhong's embezzlement of state tax, and also the root cause of my injustice. At that time, when the national and local taxes were divided up, Wang Yuzhong sent the chief of supervision department to my unit and secretly searched and destroyed it without directly asking me. It was still in my home in Macao.
The parties strongly demand: the cancellation of criminal Judgment No. 63 of Xinxinzhuzi of People's Court of Xinpu District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province (1997) and criminal order No. 27 of Lianyungang City Intermediate People's Court of Jiangsu Province (1997);
Acquit the client and clear the client!
Tai Xiuwen March 2, 2022 L
Please, watch this video on the evacuees.
Putin is a bloody murderer and a shameless liar! Putin is waging a ruthless, bloody genocide of all residents of Ukraine. He is introducing more and more military equipment and soldiers into Ukraine to defeat Ukrainians and occupy our Homeland! Therefore, Ukraine urgently needs to receive even more stingers and Javelins to protect itself and defeat this treacherous and merciless invader! They are necessary to protect the Ukrainian people from Putin's fascist troops, so that he could not surround and seize our cities, and could not shoot their inhabitants with rockets and tanks. We wholeheartedly want to defeat him and expel his troops back! This is a wonderful weapon that allows us to successfully destroy Putin's military equipment! However, the territory of military operations is so huge that only a small amount of it goes to specific units of the Ukrainian army! We ask for an increase in the supply of weapons, as they are necessary both to protect our people and our children, and to maintain security throughout Europe! Thank you for the help you have already provided! We really appreciate you and are incredibly grateful to you! ( putin explain everything here) your own choice to listen and obey ) watch this so you know why Putin doing all this