Many summer camps and other businesses are facing a worker shortage. The U.S. has a travel ban on 33 countries because of Covid, many of them are where the workers typically come from. A backlog in visa processing is also contributing.

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#Coronavirus #Travel #NightlyNews


By carmodpros


35 thoughts on “Covid Travel Ban And Visa Backlog Leads To Summer Worker Shortage”
  1. The problem is. When these companies cut ties at the beginning of the pandemic and fired tons of employees. They should have been
    MANDATED to hire them back, after all we "flattened the curve"
    Instead, the media and our politicians want us all to hate each other and be jealous of each other whether employed or not.

  2. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.Ask Christ to have mercy

  3. 2008 No ble Prize of Med icine Doc tor for sequencing HIV/AIDs, Dr. Luc Mon_tagnier who sequenced cov id-19 was on French TV saying the virus has HIV snippets in it, which is why it's lab created to create a vacc ine for HIV. However,  cov id-19 lost its potency when it hit Seattle. People were becoming im mune to it and recovering naturally in fall, 2019 before lock_downs.  However, the vax x  creates new variants. Not good to vax x everyone. Need genetic diversity.  The high censorship deleted much of Luc's videos in 2020-2021 b/c it didn't support the local authorities/WHO, which contradicts YT, FB, Google, etc. medical guidelines.

    Dr. He_len Chu & Seattle F lu Study gathered 2,500 patient swabs to find that cov id-19 was seen in Seattle area in fall, 2019, but C D C told them to stop their research or be punished by federal authorities.

    Here's Luc Mon_tagnier interview explaining,  "curve in vacc ination is followed by curve in deaths." Not good to vax. However, all doctors worldwide against the mass cov id vacc are hidden, views cut, debunked, fact checked, even deleted when shared on FB, YT, Twitter,  Instagram, even Google. They're  called anti-va xxr, conspiracists, not credible. Their medical license threatened to be removed,  deplatformed, gag orders issued by local authorities. People's accounts deleted,  comments removed on social media if sharing cen ssored doc_tors worldwide for going against W H O pro_poganda for mass vacc.—spot-by-Laureate-Nobel-price-Luc-Montagnier—Ockovani-lide-zemrou-podle-Luc-Montagniera:3

    Prof. Dr. Luc Mon_tagnier puts his No ble Prize and life work on the line coming out against the mass vascination pro_poganda. It needs to stop. Along with vacc ine pass_port/privileges.

    Here's details of the retracted med ical research that vir ologists in India published in Feb. 2020 that explains exactly what Luc Mon_tagnier & his team found,  which is that H I V snippets were fused with the common cold for developing H I V vacc ine. The cov id-19 vacc ine was developed for a lab created vir us and not yet tested on people.  The long term safety is unknown. Ad verse life threatening effects are found in animal trials of all cov id-19 vaxx. The bioRXiv Journal is funded by Mark Zuck erberg's wife, former pediatrician, Pris cilla Chan Zuck erberg Initiative.

    Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and
    Gag Prashant Pradhan$1,2, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey$1, Akhilesh Mishra$1, Parul Gupta1, Praveen Kumar Tripathi1, Manoj Balakrishnan Menon1, James Gomes1, Perumal Vivekanandan*1 and Bishwajit Kundu*1 1
    Kusuma School of biological sciences, Indian institute of technology, New Delhi-110016, India. 2 Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, New Delhi-110019, India
    $ Equal contribution

    This paper has been withdrawn by its authors. They intend to revise it in response to comments received from the research community on their technical approach and their interpretation of the results. If you have any questions, please contact the corresponding author. available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
    (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made bioRxiv preprint doi:

    This version posted February 2, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint

    Face book whistleblower advises how the algorithm's AI deletes people's post/comments about cov vasx ad_vers reactions by parsing out "keywords" (which grows).


  4. Well. The title of this story explained the reason why. Most jobs that sad to say are jobs that US Americans don't want to do and or these are jobs the close to US Americans and reserve them for work visa and even illegal immigrants who just come and make their little money which is little to us and a lot to them when they return home with. Some are wiring money and making as much as possible before they are frost bitten by ICE and when they are busted, I don't buy the whole act. Our government let this happen for months on end while many of us are actually wanting to get the jobs they had. Then weeks later, a whole new crew emerges and more months pass,paying them half of what the job is worth so they don't have to pay the maximum to Americans who actually want the job. Now we are complaining about a worker shortage. Whats wrong. They can't get anyone to do the job cheap and trying to blame unemployment benefits on the shortage? There is always two truths to a story and only one prevails.

  5. Love the commercial takes me back welcome back cotter oh oh oh👋👋👋

  6. No this is fake news! It’s the liberal policies. Why would any want to work when they make more money sitting at home while I work for you then.. media is yet again poison

  7. Are There Any Job Vacancies For Americans ? Many African Americans Need EMPLOYMENT. List Your Vacancies With Dept of Labor. in NY Especially WESTCHESTER COUNTY Please All Counties !!!

  8. careful if you're hiring north korean immigrants, you're literally funding the north korean regime, they make billions selling their citizens as a labor force and taking their earnings. keep in mind their citizens aren't allowed to travel within North Korean, let alone even leave North Korea unless their government allows it.

  9. No one believes that Blacks will become a minority in Africa, that Asians will become a minority in Asia, or that it would be a good thing if they did.

    But not only are White people expected to become minorities in ALL White countries within a few decades, people actually celebrate this fact.

    What's going on here?

    Under international law, imposing conditions on a race causing it to become a minority in its own lands is genocide.

    But you'll never hear an anti-White call it genocide.

    Instead, anti-Whites use terms such as "multiculturalism" and "diversity."


    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

  10. Hmm, now they are offering bonuses, relocation packages and housing you say? Sounds like the foreign workers are driving down wages for American workers.

  11. Biden bans other countries from coming to America and Democrats say nothing. I guess if Biden does the same thing Trump does it's acceptable because Biden doesn't have mean tweets

  12. Pay attention what he said we hire a lot of outsiders to come and do the job for the American people wait a minute how about our people here why do we have to use other people from other countries to come in to help businesses no we need to keep our people working not why people don't want to work because they're hiring other people from different countries That's a shame you all should be ashamed of that hire American

  13. I’m not on a visa and I’d love to get a job right away.

  14. Of course, those businesses could raise the wages they pay workers, but that is un-American, pay raises would cut into the employers' profits. Look at the price of plywood tripling due to limited supply and greater demand. A free market economy at work. Those overseas workers coming here on J-1 visas only accepted their crap salaries at summer camps to get their foot in the door, their goal being getting a "green" card and eventual American citzenship.

  15. LIES, LIES, and MORE LIES. We have 8.2 million less jobs than before covid, and some how there's a labor SHORTAGE ??? It's so bad, it's a CRISIS !!!!

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