Ukraine reacts to Putins decision to recognize breakaway regions

Ukraine reacts to Putins decision to recognize breakaway regions

On the ground in Lviv, Ukraine, as Putin announces Russia will recognize Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states.

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#ABCNLUpdate #Russia #Putin #Ukraine #separatists #Donetsk #Luhansk #BreakAwayRegions


41 thoughts on “Ukraine reacts to Putins decision to recognize breakaway regions

  1. When America does it, it's liberation
    When other countries does it, it's invasion

  2. He's on the phone with Biden cause it's almost nap time for Sleepy Joe 😴 🥱 😪 🤤 😩 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂

  3. Putin is using Hitler’s play book. Hitler attacked Sudetenland, part of Czechoslovakia where ethnic German speakers lived & everyone was too afraid to act …. NOW Putin uses same excuse with Dunbas region of Ukraine where ethnic Russian speakers live. History is being REPEATED. TIME TO OPEN YOUR EYES….
    Waiting too long already as we become the modern day equivalent UK prime minister Neville Chamberlain. Chamberlain is the one who waved a paper Hitler had signed as if that was going to stop Hitler, while Hitler expanded his power quickly and it dominoed into the attack on Poland, then the rest of Western Europe quickly falling to Hitler.
    PUTIN IS a 21st century HITLER… He has even deployed mobile crematoriums with his army…. while Trump cheers on Putin…. call Trump the modern day Mussolini who kissed up to Hitler (Putin).
    Anyone else see the similarities playing out.!🤔🤨🧐

  4. I can’t believe this is happening in the modern world we live in. My heart goes out to the Ukrainian people and hope this all comes to a stop as soon as possible. Putin is the Adolf hitler of the 21st century!

  5. Putins kinda awesome 🤣

  6. Support for Russia 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

  7. Love from India🇮🇳

  8. What diplomacy? Putin has exhausted all the possibilities to resolve it by diplomatic way.
    Another one-sided news. Does anybody worry about people in Donetsk and Lugansk? There are a few millions of citizens who's been bombed by criminal Kiev's government everyday since 2014. Thank God that Russians don't leave their people behind!!

  9. USA is still Looking forward to sell their oil in times of war also.

    To the 911 attackers, Biden administration has given weapons worth billions in Afghanistan 🇦🇫… And the weapons are now found attacking Indian borders with Pakistan..
    This is the reality double faced America of today.

  10. 👻 TRUTH IS;
    👉 "FAILURE" 👈

  11. My wife’s entire family lives in Ukraine 🇺🇦 👁 hope they will be safe.

  12. Ras Putin , ☣️ ☢️

  13. Here is one of my songs “Bullet” This drummer is amazing, I was the singer. Let me know and and subscribe. I can about both sides of Ukraine. Choose is the best Ukraine or Russian the song “Bullet”?

  14. The Russians are bullies, with Putin as their ring-leader. Putin is a
    thug, a leader of a bunch of thugs. Have you ever watched Russian news?
    It is like Jerry Springer on crack with more FAKE NEWS and contradiction
    than you'll ever see anywhere.

    Nancy sells Pfizer.
    Nancy buys Raytheon.
    nothing new under the sun 💰

  16. That's funny how the news defines the United States as the government, and never once takes anyone else out of over a billion, into consideration, when just a few greedy, grubby, prejudice, ignorant parisites are the United States. You know irony. They and their politically owned news corporations couldn't survive without you, but you could survive without them. You should realize that was the power they stripped from you through programming, and making you think they are important and needed.

  17. Putin isn’t escalating anything it’s our freaking democrat government pricks that is to blame!

  18. ukraine is like Lebanon , a western puppet land stolen from a larger land and created 😂

  19. Pray for Mother Russia and Putin..Biden and his demonic forces want to go to war with Russia..
    Putin did nothing wrong..By going into these regions in Ukraine..they are after all Russians in need of help..from the bullying by Ukraine..they been begging Russia for help and now it is being given to them ..Putin has decided to help them..

  20. 8 bloody years when Ukraine did NOTHING apart from MURDERING those people,waving Nazi flags -what the HELL do you expect now??? Russia for them it is a salvation from being slaughtered-and most of the other countries did closed their eyes ot that for all this time!!!!

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