Russian invasion of Ukraine could begin during Olympics: White House – Car Mod Pros Portal

National security adviser Jake Sullivan said the situation has grown so dire that Americans in Ukraine should leave “immediately.”


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “Russian invasion of Ukraine could begin during Olympics: White House”
  1. I anticipate the following will happen:

    – NATO will execute a "false flag" attack on Ukraine and via the use of mainstream media it will be propogated that Russia was behind the attack. Russia will be blamed with no proof. As the stage is already set in showing Russia as the oppressor, the sheeps of the world will believe what the MSM says.

    – Russia will be attacked by NATO forces and the sparks of war will begin.

    – There will be such devastation and economic chaos caused by the conflict that the US dollar will be close to its death, exactly as the secret societies ruling the world want it.

    – A swift and rapid deterioration of the US will occur which will lead to the collapse of the US dollar.

    – 90% of the world will be in famine and poverty after this collapse. When the US dollar has collapsed, all fiat money will be rendered null and void. 90% of the world will become moneyless all at a time and the poor will die.

  2. Nobody wants war in Ukraine but the USA and Britain. Ukrainians keep repeating that they prefer talks on Donbas. Russia has no plans of invasion, but American intelligence, notorious for its lies and disinformation, threatens Europe and the rest of the world of Russian aggressiveness. A fatal miscalculation! All this may end in a Nuclear War. Americans got used to thinking that they are safe, but they're not.

  3. What do you think of the existence of massively incapacitating weapons? A bit like bacteriological weapons, but with technology located in low orbit around the earth? I can't stop thinking about that lately. An unconventional war. A war that happens before the war and that would reduce the ability to fight? Science Fiction or not?

  4. NATO especially America should leave Russia alone, this is not a joke. NATO alliance is strong enough, does not need any NEW members from ex-Union. You have to show no further signs of NATO expansion before you praying for no war, wake up.

  5. What do you think of the existence of massively incapacitating weapons? A bit like bacteriological weapons, but with technology located in low orbit around the earth? I can't stop thinking about that lately. An unconventional war. A war that happens before the war and that would reduce the ability to fight? Science Fiction or not?

  6. "our intelligence says the invasion could begin during the Olympics"

    Why is the US national security adviser Providing the world Just NOW, With this kind of "information" In the middle of the game?

    This couldn't be some kind of DIS information campaign? Could it? NAAHHh…. Not America?!


    He looks so earnest with Such a wholesome face that reminds me of Opi Taylor from Mayberry RFD

    Too bad he works for "corn pop"

  7. When will this worthless government protect Americas border… The EU can do it we are broke… NATO is a leach on US taxpayers…

  8. The new political agenda is "them" saying the elite are corrupt the shadow government is ruining everything but keep in mind the ones who are talking about it are the same ones who are a part of it

  9. Me omw to mexico:

    🏃🏽‍♂️ 🏃🏽‍♂️ 🧱 🏃🏽‍♂️ 🏃🏽‍♂️

  10. We are never care sanctions, here bigger partners china's front of china's nothing uk 🇺🇸 usa Europe.we hippersupersonic west country's nothing we need Ukraine whole

  11. There is a joke that NATO literally means No Action Talks Only

    So history is gonna repeat itself. This policy of appeasement is going to fail. Hence Russia and China will make good of their threats sooner or later because they want to rebuild their empire.

  12. NO EVIDENCE. The White House keeps throwing out alarming hypotheticals, but it's really all a bunch of things that "could" "possibly" happen "at any time" according to "our intelligence" or "sources close to the matter." Worse than useless, it's fearmongering on behalf of the same war machine that lied about weapons of mass destruction before destroying Iraq.

    Nobody with a functioning brain could ever trust these people given their history of regime change using such delightful tactics as arming and training extremists to overthrow elected governments. By the blood of their wicked deeds may these shameful demons be cursed.

  13. The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming. The main stream media dutifully treats this propaganda as the truth. Of course the panic is cause by "intellegence, which the govt can't disclose". How many times can the US cry wolf before everyone stops listening?

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