Massive winter storm – Car Mod Pros Portal

Millions of Americans are set to be impacted by the dangerous storm wreaking havoc from Dallas to Detroit. Thousands of flights have been canceled. ABC News’ Andrea Fujii has the latest.


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Massive winter storm”
  1. It's another time to set a goal for the year, one need to set goals and take bold steps in achieving them. Remember success is not obtained overnight, you have to stop procrastinating and try what you have always wanted to improve in you're life and well being. Investment will take you closer to your dreams.

  2. Must be brutally punish the murderers Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton's and American ABC perpetrators and their families. And dogs of them, too. Punish them more cruelly than their crimes. Punishment right now.

    살인 학살자인 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 클린턴의 개들인 미국의 ABC 방송국의 범행자들과 그것들의 가족들을 잔인하게 처벌들을 하여러. 그것들의 범행들 보다 더 잔인하게 처벌들을 하여라. 바로 처벌들을 하여라.

  3. Crime news of lies and manipulation in the United States and South Korea ;

    Now in the United States, it is impossible to lead a normal life due to the punishment of heavy snowfall, wildfires, earthquakes, strong cold, etc.

    However, US news broadcasters are saying that the number of people infected with 'Coronavirus 19' will decrease.

    How can they say that there are fewer cases of 'coronavirus 19' when people are not normally tested for 'coronavirus 19'?

    What did the criminal Biden and the broadcasters do well to reduce the number of 'coronavirus 19' cases?

    미국과 한국의 거짓과 조작의 범행 뉴스 ;

    지금 미국에는 형벌의 폭설과 산불 그리고 지진과 강한 추위 기타 등으로 정상적인 생활을 할 수가 없다.

    그런데 미국의 뉴스 방송들은 '코로나 바이러스 19' 에 감염이 되는 사람들이 감소가 된다고 하고 있다.

    사람들이 정상적으로 '코로나 바이러스 19' 검사를 받지 못하는 상황에서 어떻게 그들은 '코로나 바이러스 19' 확진자가 적어졌다고 할 수가 있는가?

    범죄자 바이든과 방송국의 범행자들이 무엇을 잘해서 '코로나 바이러스 19' 감염자가 적어졌는가?

  4. Must be brutally punish the murderers Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton's and American ABC perpetrators and their families. And dogs of them, too. Punish them more cruelly than their crimes. Punishment right now. 살인 학살자인 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 클린턴의 개들인 미국의 ABC 방송국의 범행자들과 그것들의 가족들을 잔인하게 처벌들을 하여러. 그것들의 범행들 보다 더 잔인하게 처벌들을 하여라. 바로 처벌들을 하여라.

    Massive winter storm 2022. 2. 3 news

  5. Good afternoon hello how are you I'm watching you from the Philippines 😊😘😊😊😊😘 have a great day today 🌞

  6. It's another time to set a goal for the year, one need to set goals and take bold steps in achieving them. Remember success is not obtained overnight, you have to stop procrastinating and try what you have always wanted to improve in you're life and well being. Investment will take you closer to your dreams.

  7. stack up on food when the power goes out if you don't have electricity for those that don't have a generator what are you going to do with that food that is just stupid

  8. Government services cannot battle natural disasters. People need to worship and acknowledge God. God is in control. A human is only a mortal. Government services are not capable of nature and Gods wrath. Worship God or die in the cold 🥶 God wants acknowledgment now!

    Saint Flower Of Peace 💐🙏+

  9. I gave you a dislike because of the way you end every clip. Sometimes I don't notice the creator and add you to my playlist in error.

  10. 🧕😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭
    Please pray to God that Rayan's child , who fell into the well since Tuesday ,is saved and the depth of the well is Go meters , and until this moment they have not been able to get him out 😭😭😭😭😭🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦 Morocco

  11. 0:34 “this car” 🤔 Mmm, looks like a truck to me 🛻

  12. Damn 🇭🇳 🇭🇳 🇭🇳 not used to this cold I demand a rematch lol

  13. Horrors of Hell!! Beware!!
    Repent or perish!!
    "… but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish". Luke 13: 5

    23 "And in hell He lift up his eyes, being in TORMENTS. . . " 24 ". . . for I am TORMENTED in this flame." 28 ". . .PLACE OF TORMENT." Luke 16:23-28. Do not take lightly what you are going to read. *You could be in serious danger!
    Mark 8:36, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and LOSE HIS OWN SOUL?"
    Jesus Christ took hell very serious. . .
    Hebrews 9:27 says, "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this THE JUDGEMENT:"
    it is appointed unto man once to die . . . and one day — YOU will die. . . Revelation 20:15 says, *"And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE

    "fire"Matt 7:19, 13:40, 25:41" everlasting fire"Matt 18:8, 25:41"eternal damnation"Mark 3:29"hell fire"Matt 5:22, 18:9, Mark 9:47 "damnation"Matt 23:14, Mark 12:40, Luke 20:47"shall be damned "Mark 16:16"damnation of hell"Matt 23:33"resurrection of damnation"John 5:29" furnace of fire"Matt 13:42, 50"the fire that never shall be quenched"Mark 9:43, 45 "the fire is not quenched"Mark 9:44, 46, 48"Where their worm dies not"Mark 9:44, 46, 48"wailing and gnashing of teeth"Matt 13:42, 50"weeping and gnashing of teeth "Matt 8:12, 22:13, 25:30"torments"Luke 16:23"tormented in this flame"Luke 16:24 "place of torment"Luke 16:28"outer darkness"Matt 8:12, 22:13"everlasting punishment"Matt 25:46

    In Matthew 25:41, Jesus says: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting FIRE,. . .". Rev. 14:11: *"The smoke of their TORMENT ascends up for EVER AND EVER: and they have NO REST DAY NOR NIGHT."

    Jesus Christ says in Mark 9:43-48,
    43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
    44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
    45 And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
    46 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
    47 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:
    48 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
    Jesus Christ took hell so serious — He could say without the slightest hesitation — to remove your eye, cut off your hand or foot, if that would keep you out of hell!
    Jesus Christ knew exactly what He was talking about!
    John 3:36, ". . . he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abides on him."

    Repent of your sins now or it will be too late!! *Your righteous deeds cannot save you, Only the Cross Can.
    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
    Matthew 7

    There is nothing more terrifying than the WRATH OF GOD

    Three people die every second, 180 every minute, since you started reading this — 1000 more people have gone into eternity! An automobile accident. . . A heart attack. . , A stroke. . .One thing is CERTAIN — you will DIE — today. . . tomorrow . . . a week. . . a month . . . a year. . . 5 years. . . 10 years. . . 20 years. . . 50 years — ONE THING IS CERTAIN —" . . .YOU WILL DIE "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this THE JUDGEMENT:"
    Believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and rose again on the third day. This is the your only last chance to get saved. *Don't be caught up dead without Jesus!!*.

  14. It’s simple just don’t drive in a storm ⛈ 🤦

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