A Man Who Made Parole And Then They TOOK IT BACK!!! – Car Mod Pros Portal

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Other Videos to check out!
Why I went to prison FULL STORY: https://youtu.be/7ECgj1NzG_8
How tattooing saved my life in prison: https://youtu.be/SkKQHbFBmH0
How to TALK like a PRISONER: https://youtu.be/EAnTkMCEVDk
10 Ways To Cook Ramen Noodles In Prison: https://youtu.be/CAZuyscGGNU
My FIRST day in PRISON: https://youtu.be/57cxNR4WFEU
5 Myths about Prison: https://youtu.be/6Lh3Q2iE8js

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By carmodpros


23 thoughts on “A Man Who Made Parole And Then They TOOK IT BACK!!!”
  1. to be honest bro i forgot your channel for a bit but i remember when u were just getting this channel off the ground and when i found u again and ofc i am still subbed i saw u finally got over 1mil subs and i also remember i left a comment a few years ago saying i cant wait to see your channel blow up and im so glad u did i love u man and your many subs also love u you are the one who changed his life for the best and help a hole lot of ppl in the process and its still nice to see that your personality and your comedy and way of teaching has not changed even with fam love u man

  2. I love your stuff! I was on a livestream watching a defense lawyer and prosecutor discussing cases. They were wanting to talk someone who's been in prison and I dropped your channel to them. The channel is Natalie Lawyer Chick and she said she'll get in contact with you. She's a great lady! Keep up the great work!

  3. Here’s my thought just because he didn’t kill no one doesn’t mean we wasn’t trying to kill that officer

  4. If everyone understood how much imprisoning someone for life costs dollar wise, I think life w/o parole would be reserve for crimes that resulted in death only.

    To think we spend an average of $100 a day on each inmate is insane when you look at how dilapidated our schools and in general infostructure is. I would rather you cut my taxes in half and parole 90% of the prisoners and let me fend for myself, most of these crimes are specific towards individuals involved with a conflict not just at random. The likelihood you will be a victim of a completely random violent crime is still super low in most of the United States regardless.

    Also, I can’t believe how we went from fearing people based on race and now to criminal record without question. We literally treat felons the same way blacks were treated in the U.S. after slavery, all we did was create a reason to legalize and justify discrimination. The felon is the new group or class to be unrealistically fearful of.

  5. That is total bullshit for them to do that!
    Now I’m not saying i think violent offenders should get parole for sure. BUT for the State to Grant then take it back because they don’t agree with previous parole board. Is not right. Ok fine they had some bad apples in their system but then fine fire them and hire new and move forward, and make sure they don’t hire people who will not follow guidelines… But to grant parole then take it back is not right, that is screwing with a persons mental health and his families. Prisoners go through way more than they should because we have such a shitty prison system. People should be held accountable for their actions! Without a doubt! But it is beyond bullshit that its expected they have zero rights and its expected that they will be in danger if being murdered and or beatin , extorted, by prisoners. Or beaten or mentally abused by guard’s is bullshit. They have the right to serve their prison sentence in a safe environment, with recreation and learning/educational programs. Guards should make really good money for one so they dont take bribe money from prisoners and two they dont want to lose their jobs so they work together to make sure prisoners are not beating/abusing or even murdering other prisoners. Because 8-9 out of 10 times a guard helped that prisoner beat or murder a prisoner. Well if they valued their job and really wanted to keep it. They would make damn sure non of that went on. It would also help to deter guards from smuggling drugs in for prisoners.
    Just because someone breaks a law egregiously or not, does bot mean that they should be expected to serve time in a prison where they are in fear of their safety or life or are abused mentally by the guards! I also think that there should be a separate set of guards that are not necessarily guards but have oversight on guards. They are the ones who monitor the staff coming and going from the prison, they also watch over the guards, to make sure they are not getting buddy with any inmates to set up the chance of them being bribed by inmates and to make sure the guards are properly doing their jobs and not abusing inmates mentally or physically, this group of guards or oversight need a degree in law enforcement and a degree in psychology and starting salary $100,000 now guards starting salary would be $60,000 if they have either a law enforcement or psychology degree start out at $75,000 now if a guard has one degree and he goes and gets another while he is a guard he can move up to one of the oversight guards but cant move up in same prison has to change prison locations. Now you say how can they afford so much in salaries well imagine all the bullshit stops or drastically reduces the money saved by guard paid leave for investigating their actions, prosecuting the guards that offend the lawsuits the wrongful death lawsuits and all the other expenses dealing with all that bullshit goes on it will pay for itself. Every prison should also grow their own food even animals the prisoners will be in charge of growing and taking care of the animals seeds for plants to grow food is cheap. The money spent on shit poor food is definitely enough to use towards raising animals and growing food. Inmates can build greenhouses for northers states to grow food in winter greenhouses can be built to stay warm in winter without electricity maybe in the winter its much less to grow obviously you cant greenhouses the size of the fields used for summer growth.
    There is no reason why prisons have to be run the way they do now with death, violence, mental and physical abuse, none what so ever!

  6. every time he says "it wasnt my intention" i just hear, "my intentions was good, went damn near my whole career without ever mentioning.."

  7. I've been watching your content since the concrete pouring job days and i wanna let you know that i greatly enjoy the prison asmr rolepay videos. I look forward to each and every video and i will support you doing what makes you happy

  8. Lmaoooooooo “I saw you checking my sack out” 😩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  9. Belief is that people make mistakes and people change he should be given a second chance to go out in society and see whether he can make and if he makes one mistake his ass should be put right back in jail but at least give the man a chance to do the right thing something he's never had and I'm sure was looking forward to after they told him he was going to be paroled you just don't play with somebody's life like that

  10. Holy crap it's been about 6 or 7 months since I've come onto YouTube and seen good ol' Joe… I almost didn't recognize him!! Wow can a person change in a year! You keep morphing Joe!

  11. Hey Joe I have never been to Prison. But do you think about what's happening in my home town, Everyone calls it, Bloody Beaumont. I know it's Fed but what do you think? BIG A .

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