My $20,000 Ferrari Engine was Ruined by a 22 Year Old Part Failure (Or So I Thought…) – Car Mod Pros Portal

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By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “My $20,000 Ferrari Engine was Ruined by a 22 Year Old Part Failure (Or So I Thought…)”
  1. Minor thing but that infamous oil/water unit in the V of the engine isn't an oil cooler; you can imagine that's a weird place to put a cooler. It's actually a heat exchanger that uses hot engine coolant to warm up the gear oil from a cold start and reduce the stress on the gear change for both manual and, particularly, for the F1 transmission.

  2. 1. Grind down a crows foot wrench.
    2. Find out if it’s inch pounds or foot pounds torque, take that same wrench to a machine shop and have then mill a square notch to fit whatever torque wrench you use.
    3. If it’s inch pounds, look at gunsmithing tools. We have a lot of tools to fit in small tight areas.
    4. Send my hat!

  3. Simple torque wrench?
    Saw off the unused end of the wrench.
    Find a piece of square steel tubing that will go over the end. Secure it by drilling a hole through the two combined and putting in a bolt.
    Measure 500mm from the centre of the socket, and then drill a hole through the tube to attach a hook.
    Now get one of those cheap luggage weighing scales with a hook for the luggage, that you pull up by hand.
    1kg is close enough 10 N, so if you use the luggage weighing thing to pull the wrench round (being careful to keep it at 90 degrees to the shaft) multiply the reading by 5 to get newton metres, e.g. 10kg on the scale = 50NM.
    This is at least as accurate as a normal torque wrench. In fact if you have double ended ring wrenches and can do a bit of arithmetic you can use it for a lot of torquing up operations in awkward places.

  4. The way I torque hard to reach bolts is use a scale with a hook on it (like the ones you weigh your luggage with). I calculate by the length of the wrench how much pounds I need to pull on the scale. In some situations I have to extend the wrench

  5. Why don't you just get another wrench, cut it and weld a 3/8 th square drive onto the cut end. You can then use an extension and a torque wrench to torque those nuts.

  6. The valves are at least bent on one bank, it is an interference engine so when timing goes out of order the piston hits the valves. But replacing valves and fix those issues should not be to expensive.

  7. The problem with prices at the moment is that virtually any decent model of car has seen secondhand prices go up a lot since the start of the pandemic. I just sold a small car in good condition for twice what I was offered a year ago. So prices of exotica slowly going up is not actually a good sign. They should be going up very fast indeed.
    Also, I wish I had so much money that I could just leave a Ferrari engine out in the rain and not bother to cover the inlets, then give it away.

  8. Hi guys from uk 👍 (solution as made one) cut wrench that fits to the hard to access bolts weld a socket or summit to fit torque wrench 3/8 1/2" at closest point you can and trail torgue on old block or summit and adjust your torgue down or up to get required spec (only trail as you and adjust as you have extended the leverage on torque setting ) so in nutshell on trail torque 1 to spec then keep on that one with you ""new made"" attachment til you find your required spec. Rite it down say if 40lb and you back off 10 lb to find your extended torque as (your bit longer now ) rest be 40lb and u should effectively be able to to reach required spec (might take few goes ) but it is effective if done right set rest to 40lb and hard to reach at say would 30lb + 10 of extended = yi 40 (cos u trailed this) all should be to (THESE ARE HYPERTHETICAL NUMBER QUOTES NOT REQUIRED SPEC FOR EXPLANATION PURPOSE ONLY)

  9. Resleeve to start. From what I've read the tolerance is going to be
    .000315" in those cylinders. So taking a "couple thou" off is gonna leave you 7x out of tolerance. Yikes

  10. SCOTTY KILMER: “Ferraris are eeeeeendless money pits!” 🤗

  11. If you have regular/cheap tool instead of buying a $500 specialty one just to get it a little narrower i would just grind part of it away…..worst case you break it and regardless buy another for under $10 or get one to modify and roll the dice. Just do not go too cheap as it would be more likely to break

  12. You think Europeans do the date backwards?
    Lol. Just the day and month mate. They have it the right way around. Day/Month/Year
    None of this Month/Day/Year horse shit. Lol

  13. For the torquing the head to spec a kamasa tools K 2615 may help you. It's a crowfoot 3/8 wrench, so it'll fit a number of torque wrenches and will probably fit that gap. I have these in a set and they're useful in these weird to access places. For like $7 worth a shot, I guess

  14. That date (00.12.01) at 8:04 indicates to me that they followed the ISO 8601:2000 extended date format (YY.MM.DD). However it has a Y2K issue in that the year was mentioned with just 2 digits instead of 4 digits which can only cause confusion 😉

  15. I think you'll find the correct way to read a date is.
    Why you yanks do it backwards is a total mistery. And don't get me started on the fahrenheit system you use… Madness.

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