Former Minneapolis police officer murder trial set to begin – Car Mod Pros Portal

Derek Chauvin is being charged with two counts of murder and one count of manslaughter in the death of George Floyd.


By carmodpros


30 thoughts on “Former Minneapolis police officer murder trial set to begin”
  1. Why isn't this trial over with yet? Everyone has to make $ off it. Judge should be embarrassed it is still going on and he is the problem.

  2. We need to set up a nation wide hot line for complaints on pigs, I'd bet the friends and family's of cops would tell some horrible stories about these boys in blue. The only honest cop is a dead cop

  3. Why is this dude on trial when the city didn’t wait and already paid out $27 million to George Floyd’s family. You can’t have both worlds playa.

  4. I want to eat pigs and blue be aware we know you period. I will not be allowed to get away with murder just because you are dressed in blue with a badge on your girdle… you will be turned into Chum food for the fish

  5. The whole world witness the murder of Mr. George Floyd. Police officer, DEREK CHAUVIN suffocated Mr. Floyd while he was down on the floor and handcuff. He put his hand in his pocket swiftly and calmly his knee on Floyds neck cutting off his breath. He was not move while Mr. Floyd was begging for his life. Let's not forget the officers that were present looking around making sure there were no witnesses, but little they did know it was being recorded. They are just as guilty as Chauvin. It's very sad and I wonder how many lives have been take by officers without witnesses or videos to confirm. It seem like a regular routine for them. I wonder how many have died in the hands of the law. I pray for justice for Mr. Floyd's family and all African Americans living this hell. I fully support the Black Lives Matter movement.

  6. He was screaming, crying for his Mom! Telling the dirty cop he couldn't breathe. You'd think his death could've of been prevented and handled differently. The look the dirty cop had the whole entire time gave me chills. Talk about serve and protect. This is murder drugs in the system or not this cop is a killer let's call him what he is.

    🖤 🙏🏽 🌹 🕊️ R.I.P

  7. Conveniently his last name is Chauvin as in Chauvininst Pig 🐖 🤯

  8. I honestly believe once the medical examiner testifies it will get people more angry and this is being watched all over the world, for the people attacking asians stop it you are doing exactly what donald trump wants you to do,follow the devil and he will leed you to hell.🙏

  9. If this cop is found not guilty get ready for the worst uprising and violence that america has ever seen, people have spent their stimulus money and are angry again waiting for a reason and opportunity to loot and be asses all over again.🙏✌️

  10. Excessive force? YES
    Cause of death? Maybe. Maybe not.
    Knee on back => “I can’t breathe.”
    Knee on neck (one side) unlikely to cause bilateral carotid compression => “reasonable doubt” unless autopsy confirmed diagnosis.

  11. They say the man had drugs in his system. That's half of the world..i want them to press on a neck for 8min full force. And see if they closed.

  12. All four of those wicked cops should have been shot in the head or pushed into oncoming traffic. Cops are tax paid assassins not God's people. George would have still been alive today.

  13. He doesn’t need a trial or any protection. He did the crime , now I it’s time to the the time. I hope he get life

  14. He’s a monster 👺, he was so comfortable having George Floyd pinned to the ground. He’s behavior was like I do this type of shyt all time. He needs to pay the ultimate price💯💯💯. He gave his hate boldly and killed a black man!

  15. Speaking of manslaughter what about the tens of thousands of people pouring into the country from a country overrun with coronavirus thousands have tested positive and they're releasing them into the American population. congratulations American taxpayers your lives were just deemed expendable for votes in coming elections!!!🤮🤮🤮 Voting without an ID has nothing to do with minorities it has everything to do with the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants pouring in that you will be paying taxes to support it's only the largest immigration wave in 20 years no big deal huh? Enjoy the next wave of lockdowns and loss of American lives courtesy of Joe Biden

  16. This is soo disappointed what the cops did! First one kneeling on his neck – second one kneeling on his back with his handcuffs around his back and third one kneeling on his legs this is soo horrible.. they should be lockup!
    There is one thing… I don’t understood the jurors and why are they taking soo long..?!🤷‍♂️ I think jurors don’t care.. that why they are taking soo long!

  17. There is a easy way to find out if it was the drugs in his system do an equal weight match and have someone kneeling on the officer neck well handcuffed for the same length of time if he lives must be the drugs then if not he got equal punishment fair justice

  18. George Floyd was not killed. He is alive and richer than ever. Floyd is a Freemason and the entire scene was setup just like the porn scenes Floyd use to do before he got RICH off this psychological operation. USA INC is a complete FRAUD to usher in a Totalitarian Regime and the New World Order. Wake up Americans you have been duped.

  19. Wow…even when Floyd stopped breathing the police officer still kept twisting his knee in Floyd's neck!! People standing around watched and kept telling everyone to take his pulse but no one did. The ambulance drivers loaded his dead body into a gurnee.

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