US ambassador delivers written response to Russia’s demand – Car Mod Pros Portal

The U.S. and NATO formally responded that they would not meet Russia’s demands, which includes NATO pulling back forces from Eastern Europe, amid escalating military tensions on the Ukraine border.



#WorldNewsTonight #NATO #Russia #Ukraine #EasternEurope #MilitaryTensions #US


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “US ambassador delivers written response to Russia’s demand”
  1. People let's not forget that the Franco-Belgian occupation of the Ruhr (January 1923) got started because of a bunched undelivered telegraph poles.

  2. Both sides are to blame: the West for making Russia feel threatened by militarising border nations, and authoritarian Russia for refusing to accept that democratic nations have sovereign rights. Meanwhile, the US cahses in through the arms industry …

  3. 𓎍𓏇𓆓𓎗𓄿𓄿𓐚𓂬𓁹𓃀𓎘𓀚

  4. Because of the economic crisis and the rate of unemployment, now is the best time to invest and make money 💯

  5. You support them to join NATO….

    But what happens when they turn communists?



    How about if they just remained neutral….


  6. The US, Western Europe and NATO have no business trying to lure Ukraine to join NATO. This is Russia's back yard, half the population is Russian speaking, There Russian Orthodox Church members.
    Take a look at 2015 Lecture by John Mearsheimer on "Is Ukraine the West Fault?" US & European Media Companies are fueling this dangerous buildup and the Ukraine people will be made to pay the price! Energy prices will skyrocket in Western Europe and western military stocks will also soar. Ukrainian people will pay a heavy price for all this folly and the West will be to blame.

  7. Get ready for a Real War ! The Russian don’t mess around they are super smart people these morans think this A joke starting a war with Russia ! There’s Weapons Are highly engineered .

    Great another proxy war

    U don’t just start a war with Russia or USA or China on a limb
    Visa versa – I don’t think you start worries at all unless absolutely necessary we’re driving since 1945

    I am a proud American but we need to get slapped in the face and get rid of these dirty politicians this will wake people up we are going to lose this war like All other wars in the past 20 yearsto Russia. Mark my words as soon as Russia invades Ukraine china will invade Taiwan immediately and there’s nothing NATO could do

    This has been planned out

    I believe this is where the power grid will go and blame with be on Russia . Power grid ain’t no joke we are so used to having everything chaos chaos chaos

    Dumb Brandon regime –

    iimmortal technique says in one verses one his songs

    Most of military is Black and Latino .

    It don’t matter to Brandon and thr cronies behind him Their kids won’t be fighting these wars.

    I hope god rains hell on these evil folks.

    I hope Russia wins this one

  8. Ukrainian Govt feed your people. you look too fat. Russian would not come if uninvited . Your people is hungry and NATO fail to feed Ukraine. Illegals would not come to USA if they are not hungry period. Like Nike say just do it Joe.

  9. We should call Putins “we’re scared of NATO” bluff and take him up on the offer he claimed in June of 2001 when he said he asked to join a year prior and Albright told him basically fly kite in a thunderstorm.

  10. USA Response: Biden says is time for a 3th World War.
    Russia: What? 🤨
    Europe: What? 👁👄👁

  11. A written response…not to be confused with…a telephonic response, an electronic response, a response in the clouds, a Morse code response, a flashing light response, a smoke signal response, or even a response of love…it was a written response.

  12. Biden’s administration agreed to the German – Russian pipeline deal. Now Germany doesn’t want to get too involved with the conflict in Ukraine. Great Democrat foreign policies at play here. Lets not forget to mention that Biden isn’t respected by international leaders.

  13. Ukrainian and Russian officials are negotiating directly right now. The U.S. isn't a part of it because the current Whitehouse resident is a potato with dementia that nobody respects. Brandon needs to swallow his pride and ask Trump for help.

  14. (I Share with you the way of Life and Truth and i share it like a Gift, you can take it or throw it away)
    When something continues to happen for more than one generation, the new generation considers the norm and they start thinking this is how its supposed to be, this is why Islam is teaching you, to question your faith, when you know that there is something wrong here, you feel there is something wrong, you question it in order to find the answer that is correct, this is how people come on the right path So dont be afraid Islam has the answers.

    ( The belief, Islam In short form)
    The belief in One God, One Creator, Allah = The only one worthy of whorship, allone and there is nothing like Him.
    This Creator send us guidens, In form of Prophets like, Abraham/Ibrahim, Moses/Musa,Jesus/Isa , Muhammad ï·º and many more, peace be upon all of them.
    The belief in all Angels and Books like the Original Zabur/Psalms, Tora/Tawrat, the Gospel/Injil and the Quran.
    The belief in the Day of Judgement and the Hereafter.
    To believe in all of them and that Muhammad ï·º Is the last and final Prophet and the Quran the last and final revelation from Allah, until Judgement Day.
    By following and believing in all of these, you are a Muslim = The one who submits to the will of the Creator.

    The evidance for this belief are the Quran and the Hadith, you can check both and study it and listen to those who done it, to understand this
    belief better and to learn more about it.

    Maybe you have a bad picture about Muslims and Islam from things that you heard or seen in the media, but isn't it better to make your own picture, before judge about something ? I'm sure you will discover a new side of Islam, a side of beauty and peace, kindness and compassion, you just have to allow it <3. / Medina as Non Muslim – Solo Travel in Saudi Arabia

    May Allah guide you Insha´Allah.
    Quran 17:15 – Whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul. And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.

    Here are a few links that might interest you. Just think about it, if you keep your eyes closed and ask me where the sun is, I can show you 100 suns and you'll never see them and live a life of darkness, but if you're willing to open your eyes, you will be able to see and even the tiniest ray of light will appear.

    1. / Surah Ar-Rahman (The most Merciful)

    2. / Proof Islam is the Truth

    3. / The Purpose of Life – Jeffrey Lang

    4. / Quran: 79. Surat An-Naziat (Those Who Drag Forth)

    5. / (Conversation Between Prophet Jesus/Isa And Allah )Surah Al Ma'idah

    6. / Lawrence Krauss vs Hamza Tzortzi | Islam vs Atheism Debate

    7. / The Day of Judgement – Quran vs Science

    More Information, Videos, Links about Islam on my Channel,(Playlists)

    Quran 2:210 – "Are they staring, waiting for God to come and appear to them in the shadows of the clouds, and the angels too?
    If that happened, the matter (test) would have already been finished. And to Allah/God returns all matters (for decision)"

    Quran 57:25 – "So Allah/God will know who of you supported Allah and his Messengers, whilst He is unseen.
    No doubt, Allah is strong and powerful."

    If you believe there is one Creator, but you have issues in your life, pray for guidens and you will be guidet Insha´Allah.
    The most reciting Quran surah, when Muslims pray is:
    Surah al Fatiah (English) translation.

    In the Name of Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.
    All praise is for Allah—Lord of all worlds,
    the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
    Master of the Day of Judgment.
    You ˹alone˺ we worship and You ˹alone˺ we ask for help.
    Guide us along the Straight Path,
    the Path of those You have blessed—not those You are displeased with, or those who are astray.

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