ABC Transportation Producer Sam Sweeney discusses the potential delay in the 5G rollout and the steps airlines have taken to make 5G safe for airlines.
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One day Allah will shut down everything nothing will work not even are cars
Shout out to George Floyd on 603 days of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals!
Some people also said airplanes would fall out of the sky for Y2K, and here we are…
Fake news
5G kill birds and Bees. They re not Telling you that.
Who cares? Why are they complaining about this now? Airports are terrible anyway.
this is a huge cover up! they say it’s bad for planes, what about humans?
CHINA already has 6G
Europe seems to have had no issues with 5G.
With all the technology now days planes can equip with 5g jams on board.
What about our human bodies? To heck with your planes
IT Needs to Start Thinking About 5G and Edge Cloud Computing
So it's sounds like they need more tax payers money.I mean government welfare I mean help ………….Again.smdh
I don't care, I don't fly anywhere any more. Let them fall.
"The Chicken has Come Home to Roost"
These companies have been contaminating people in residential NEIGHBORHOODS with SUBSTATIONS, CELL TOWERS, and GWEN TOWERS for however long.
Hey. Anyone remember when all the computers were supposed to crash January 1, 2000? Yeah. Like that happened.
Well if? the pilots have consumed bottled water, or city water anytime after 1995, they could have nano-bots with programs for Nano Domestic Quell. To quell civil disturbances due to engineered financial system wipeout from engineered system hack. Which both the national guard and military and private groups similar to 201, have already been thru training exercises for. 5G trigger, activating the bots and causing death with flu-like symptoms in 12- 14 days. is a Big possibility. Mark 11:22 – Jesus said have faith in God. Troubles that are under His over-ruling are for the purpose to make ready His Matthew 25:4,10 wise virgin Christians to allow tgem to be at the marriage of the Lamb – Revelation 19:7,8. Then the "door" shall be shut to the 1rst resurrection. These lessons are for all others, as well. To teach them that only the God of the Bible; the true and livibg God in Heaven, is the Only One Who Can Be Trusted, for life and salvation. James 1:17
To all libs… Go love yourself and let’s go Brandon, I agree!!!!
Shout out to George Floyd on 603 days of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals!
One thing is for sure if planes start falling out of the sky and people die, you bet there will be changes… Til then meh.
Embarrassment and teasing is stopping the US asking China to help with US 5G as China has been running 5G across the whole of China since 2019.
America makes excuses for having outdated infrastructure.
5g for xrp
I've read on science websites that it puts out the radiation of a microwave oven on your 5g phones.
Because it’s the 5G that makes flying in America seem dangerous. And nothing else.
ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂBut you just got to have 5G? Smdh. 🤦🤷Frying brains world wide!!! Why not?? 👀💩
Wow is this nut job for real! 🤪🤡🤮
"Call on the Lord in the day of trouble
and He will deliver you. "
     Psalm 50 : 15
People know more than they think we do 5G has nothing to do with cell phones.