Deadly Flooding In China Leaves Passengers trapped In Subway Cars – Car Mod Pros Portal

Nearly a year’s worth of rain fell in just three days in Zhengzhou, China, forcing tens of thousands to relocate. Passengers trapped inside flooded subway cars shared harrowing images on social media of the rising water. At least 12 people were killed.» Subscribe to NBC News:
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#China #Flooding #NBC

Deadly Flooding In China Leaves Passengers trapped In Subway Cars


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Deadly Flooding In China Leaves Passengers trapped In Subway Cars”
  1. American males won't have stood still they would have pushed those doors open and fought to get out. Why were they calm ducks

  2. Roger Smith : “We have choices. Some people like to stand in the rain without an umbrella. That's what it means to live free.”

  3. Enough is enough with the CCP’s lying about deaths at catastrophic events like what happened in Wuhan and now in Zhengzhou where hundreds of cars were trapped in a car tunnel and people were trapped in the subway cars as they filled with water and drowned the good citizens. Netizens trying to show respect for their dead relatives have had to contend with the government putting a wall around the subways station entrance where the memorial of flowers grew and grew!…..Obviously NOT just 16 people dead per CCP releases. There MUST be an internet savvy person out there who can build a memorial site Where people can post pictures, names, birthday and China ID number of their relatives who perished in these terrible incidences. If this had been done at the time of the Wuhan virus then the death figures produced by the CCP would not be so askew with the rest of the world.

  4. for China.Please read this!
    Jesus Christ is coming soon , and he is king , and he is lord of lords , and King Of kings , Alpha and Omega beginning of the end.

    China , He is very angry with you.
    Did you know China? He warned you.

    China do you hear voice of God today? .
    He wants you safe and he wants you to run to him.
    Can you deny its existence after all this?.
    He wants you to know him. He wants you to pray to him and walk in his path.He wants you and your descendants in salvation and eternity.
    Because he is the Savior.
    You can find Jesus in the bible.

    I can give you some of his words.

    Matthew 24:42: Be watching, then! for you have no knowledge on what day your Lord will come.

    And I also gave you the word of another book.

    وَاِنَّهٗ لَعِلْمٌ لِّلسَّاعَةِ فَلَا تَمْتَرُنَّ بِهَا وَاتَّبِعُوْنِۗ هٰذَا صِرَاطٌ مُّسْتَقِيْمٌ .
    QS. Az-Zukhruf :61

    And indeed, he [i.e., Jesus] will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path.

    So what are you waiting for?

    I pray you are given opportunity and salvation. amen 🙏

  5. This is a combination of climate change and Culture of GREED. They constructed so many dams so that they have the water all for themselves and denied neighboring countries the needed water for their livelihood….

  6. How China respond to its neighboring countries on disputed territorial waters again?

    Sending militia of fishing vessels and bullying others who are incapable to fight.


  7. China is dead 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  8. The future generations will ..see so much destruction the world has had enough of human abuse ..we as people have destroyed what God gave us to care for and worst of all have forgotten our Creator …

  9. Just inside the 6 lanes tunnel alone already witnessed close to 7000 dead bodies. The tunnel is now being controlled and blocked by china criminal party soldiers ie won't allow the news to leak out. This is a repeated annual man-made disaster of CCP.

  10. a foreign reporter show up in the flooded area try to report this disaster , Chinese saw him then lot of people started to surround him & start to condemn & scold him & try to get him out of this area ( this reporter is from germany i guess) , o god , i really can't believe it , this is 21 century now , China , grow up ok !!!

  11. China Criminal Party regime is no country but a transnational inhumanity criminal mafia aimed at taking down the US & democracy since day 1 through no-limit unrestricted warfare & bioweapons, to be replaced by CCP-Leninist ideologists.
    CCP is illegally conquering and occupying HK which is a free liberal country.
    A Hong Kong martyr, 50-year-old senior manager Mr. Leung stabbed a commie mafia cop then killed himself.

    Carrie Lam and her mob are criminals, traitors, the illegal, illegitimate government of Hong Kong. They must be jailed for life once CCP is kicked out of HK. @
    Hong Kong's murdered and disappeared victims are more than the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre. CCP is currently committing discreetly genocide and ethnic cleansing in HK.

    Primary 5 emperor Xi's 7300-words speech with 26 times "China Revival" broadcasted to the whole world in over a dozen languages: CCP must remain the core in leading China/Chinese under socialism and uniting Chinese ethnics around the world. Interesting summary of Xi's rants in Cantonese, ​@
    CCP constitution states all freedoms and voting rights protected but CCP never followed their own laws as they never kept their promises made in treaties, contracts & Sino British Joint Declaration.
    Yesterday HK today the US & World! Takedown CCP the giant mafia!

  12. recently floods occurred in several countries in a very close time. and all the countries affected by the flood disaster are all located north of the equator. For countries located south of the equator, they must be vigilant in the period from December 21, 2021 to March 21, 2022. But hopefully there will be no disaster and everything will be fine.

  13. Good one😂😂😂😂👍👍

  14. God showing them who is more power…dont greedy too much…this china killing millions of people to gain more money to became top….now the world people suffer because of china …millons of people already die…..their soul already cursing China….now China facing it

  15. Absolute power = absolute corruption, Chinese government charge about 5~10% infrastructure tax on local businesses. But they pocketed big chunk of that money needed to properly implement the subway or other infrastructure.

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