Biden extends student loan payment pause until May – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he was extending the pause on student loan repayments an extra 90 days.

#ABCNews #PresidentBiden #StudentLoans


By carmodpros


21 thoughts on “Biden extends student loan payment pause until May”
  1. 🤣 I love watching the stupidity of US citizens falling for Fox and CNN news. The two most biased news sources which only exist to keep citizens divided and arguing, yet you guys have such tiny limited binary thinking, you don't even recognize you are being constantly duped by the two party system of tyrants who only care about their fellow elite corporate pals 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 BTW….keep up Trump, Obama, Bush era drone strikes on not one, but over a dozen nations of black and brown people who never committed any crimes against the US. oh btw…keep stalling on federal legalization of cannabis in order to keep the private prison system going. oh btw….keep stalling on ending student debt because we all know a nation of young people in debt is great for the economy

  2. It is so obvious this is a bunch of republicans talking negatively because he is a democrat President Clear case of crabs in a bucket Count your blessings folks

  3. No one ever mumbles a word about the billions of dollars of credit card debt that is wiped away each year when people file for bankruptcy. I personally have postponed having children in order to build wealth and get ahead financially. Even still, I pay thousands of dollars each year so that kids that I don't even have are granted a free public education and food while in school (for those who need it). I pay thousands more in Medicare and social security taxes that again, I do not currently benefit from. You will never hear me complain about it because at the end of the day I know that it is for the greater good. While there are those who did not make the wisest decisions regarding their student loan amounts, most people were sincere in their decisions to take out student loans, however, the system is so flawed that millions of borrowers are now faced with a predicament that will likely never be resolved in their lifetimes unless serious changes go into effect to help student loan borrowers. It is for THE GREATER GOOD. CANCEL 50k of STUDENT LOAN DEBT! CANCEL STUDENT LOAN INTEREST!

  4. Remember when Biden ran on promises to wipe out 10k in loans. 😆
    He just stole all your votes for that lie.
    They will do it again next election as well .

  5. Sorry don't expect the American people to foot your loans. Hey pay all our credit cards while you're at it. My advice get a job btw don't spend your grants on vacations then take out a loan. Grow up. You borrow you have a legal obligation to pay it back.

  6. ❄️⛄ LET'S GO BRANDON! 🎄🎀

  7. DEMOCRATS need to hurry up and sign John Lewis, and the Voting Rights bill into office. Because the REPUBLICAN willing to cheat to win

  8. No Free Lunch – you go to College, you pay for it, there are 100's of current scholorship programs in each and every state, tuition assistance, but so many choose to go out of state, spend large amounts of money, borrowing it, and now expect the Tax Payers to pay for their bad decisions – NO FREE LUNCH, if there is any reimbursement, then every past student and or parent that paid their loans off, should also be reimbursed – only fair….. Biden is lost, asleep at the wheel, clown show – Bernie / Omar and the AOC Squad all need another job, they keep saying 1 person is holding up the BBB BS – SHEEP wake up / its 51 Senators that are all in agreement that additional spending is not needed, there are 11 Million jobs today open and need to be filled, who is going to fill additional jobs, where are you going to find people to work if you keep paying people to stay home, have more kids, get paid for each one, this is totally backwards of how the USA works – stop the spending, no more "Free Lunch" stop the AOC Squad "YOU OWE ME – CANCEL US CULTURE – CRT / DEFUND THE POLICE" Crew – VOTE NO, NO MORE SPENDING – VOTE 2022 SWEEP THE HOUSE AND SENATE, 2024 TRUMP COMES BACK…and the Economy takes off again, we become energy independent and your fuel cost drop, inflation drops, VOTE.
    DEMS WORKING TO CHANGE ANYTHING THEY DO NOT LIKE, CHANGE THE RULES IF YOU CAN'T WIN "GET YOUR WAY" – STOP THEM "VOTE" 2022 AND 2024……Trump back in 2024 and Business really starts to roll, USA all the way.

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