Former Afghan interpreter reflects on fleeing the Taliban, journey to US | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Martha Raddatz reports on a former Afghan interpreter for the U.S. Marines and his family’s escape from Afghanistan amid the U.S. troop withdrawal and Taliban takeover.

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #Afghanistan #TroopWithdrawal #Taliban


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Former Afghan interpreter reflects on fleeing the Taliban, journey to US | ABC News”
  1. What about the rest of the innocent women children and men that the Taliban has put fear into with all those American weapons that was left behind tanks they took over the Taliban has took over so what does Biden have to say to those people that's left behind that has nowhere to go that lives in fear every day what would you say to them?????

  2. All bullshit propaganda all these traitors of their own country all have innocent blood on their hands and they seen some war crimes that need to be covered up that's y they being brought over to the USA.

  3. Interpreters and all of them that worked for the corrupt Afghan government used to steal from the people and abuse women and children. This man in the video is a criminal, only the Taliban stopped their evil. Now they come to the USA and Europe and do more crimes on kids and women.

  4. Wowww….. what an irony! The crocodile tears and the fake smiles the media under the US and West – rather than condemning the destruction, brutality and 100s of thousanda killings in Afghanistan by the American and its allies, they showing the world that they have helped a few to escape the country which is far safer now than even America itself.

  5. The American media is so fake. You don’t know how many people died over there from friendly fire and from bombs that landed on the wrong houses.

  6. Four months after losing a 20 year war that cost $300M a day, US arms dealers are back on the gravy train making submarines for Australia.

    America bombed Muslims in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen.

    International aid to Afghanistan is BLOCKED because the US ARE SORE LOSERS.

    7 children 4 months ago and No weapons of mass destruction 18 years ago. US intelligence?

  7. I'm so happy that they got out. I pray that our government will start doing their part to get more people out. They helped us, we need to help them. They need our help.

  8. They should be able to leave if they want buttttt why is it the United States problem they believe what they believe to keep ppl there okay yes get the ones out that have something to loose from working with the u.s. they should’ve been on that plane first not others that didn’t

  9. Can you request Afghan brothers to demand from Pakistan 42 billion dollars collected from USA – in the name of Afghanistan – for the destruction of Afghanistan! This would solve the problem of Afghanistan!!

  10. Can you request Afghan brothers to demand from Pakistan 42 billion dollars collected from USA – in the name of Afghanistan – for the destruction of Afghanistan! This would solve the problem of Afghanistan!!

  11. Talibans destined to be in Afghan. its God will. That's why US lost in Afghan. Just get the Americans out from that country. Help the poor and destitute civilians and families in Afghan also. God will appreciate that . Merry Christmas.

  12. I swear they are crying about how bad things are in their country then maybe they should have resisted and fight for their country after america spent 20 years and billions their

  13. "what would your message be to abdul and his daughters?"

    Uhm here i got it Thanks for translating and making no difference at all in Afghanistan. Sorry your country is full of cowards that fled


  14. And when will Taliban compensate to families veterans taxpayer's who lost lives or disabled or victim of terrorist activities?
    But Americans and all people & families who lost lives , health want compensation from Taliban.

    It's time to sue Taliban for compensation.
    Why should American taxpayer's should pay for others mistakes . They have lost trillions & lives they should be compensated

    It's now Taliban problem and responsibility u can't burdened other countries for Afghan failure .

    So need of any Humanatarian medical food aid & funds too for Taliban .

    Here Americans need help
    American Kids & families need help
    Want more stimulus cheques, cash BENIFITs , students loan & house mortgage waivers & free houses food & electricity, other debt waiver .
    Stop wasting American taxpayer's money on Afghanistan trillions already lost

    More people should come to sue Taliban for compensation in court freeze all fund's & aid & more sanctions on trade , funds and aid .
    First Afghanistan Taliban r liable to pay trillions of compensation

    Request to Biden Blinken white House @un @unsc for more blockage freezing and sanctions on Afghanistan. Stop , Block, freeze all trade, medical HUMANITARIAN AID funds by @UN, @wFP @wfpchief @fao @Fao @UNSC divert it for other countries & give funds to the families veterans families army who lost live in Afghanistan and other courts.
    Afghanistan Taliban should be sued in courts for trillions of dollars compensation for losses

    On social media & twitter I have not only requested Indian government MPs to stop all food aid CHARITY humanitarian medical aid fund's to Afghanistan and Pakistan but also to @FAO @UN @WFP @WFPCHIEF @usaid @redcross @WHO @UNSC to also put more sanctions on Afghanistan and Pakistan & freeze, block, stop all FOOD Humanatarian medical aid to Afghanistan & divert it INDIA & MYANMAR as India is big country billion population need help as Afghanistan is getting enough help from Chinnas russia rich gulf countries etc and claim by UN & others agencies about food & Humanatarian crisis, starvation , food shortages are false & over exaggerated . Whereas other countries need more help according to HUNGER INDEX

    I have given this two references of GHI index to them


  15. But Americans and all people & families who lost lives , health want compensation from Taliban.

    It's time to sue Taliban for compensation.
    Why should American taxpayer's should pay for others mistakes . They have lost trillions & lives they should be compensated

    It's now Taliban problem and responsibility u can't burdened other countries for Afghan failure .

    So need of any Humanatarian medical food aid & funds too for Taliban .

    Here Americans need help
    American Kids & families need help
    Want more stimulus cheques, cash BENIFITs , students loan & house mortgage waivers & free houses food & electricity, other debt waiver .
    Stop wasting American taxpayer's money on Afghanistan trillions already lost

    More people should come to sue Taliban for compensation in court freeze all fund's & aid & more sanctions on trade , funds and aid .
    First Afghanistan Taliban r liable to pay trillions of compensation

    Request to Biden Blinken white House @un @unsc for more blockage freezing and sanctions on Afghanistan. Stop , Block, freeze all trade, medical HUMANITARIAN AID funds by @UN, @wFP @wfpchief @fao @Fao @UNSC divert it for other countries & give funds to the families veterans families army who lost live in Afghanistan and other courts.
    Afghanistan Taliban should be sued in courts for trillions of dollars compensation for losses

    On social media & twitter I have not only requested Indian government MPs to stop all food aid CHARITY humanitarian medical aid fund's to Afghanistan and Pakistan but also to @FAO @UN @WFP @WFPCHIEF @usaid @redcross @WHO @UNSC to also put more sanctions on Afghanistan and Pakistan & freeze, block, stop all FOOD Humanatarian medical aid to Afghanistan & divert it INDIA & MYANMAR as India is big country billion population need help as Afghanistan is getting enough help from Chinnas russia rich gulf countries etc and claim by UN & others agencies about food & Humanatarian crisis, starvation , food shortages are false & over exaggerated . Whereas other countries need more help according to HUNGER INDEX

    I have given this two references of GHI index to them


  16. Wow that's was powerful. Need more stories like this. Not the BS that's on news nowadays. The last few sentences of the interpreter were strong and gave me goose bumps.

  17. But Americans and all people & families who lost lives want compensation from Taliban.

    It's time to sue Taliban for compensation.
    Why should American taxpayer's should pay for others mistakes . They have lost trillions & lives they should be compensated

    It's now Taliban problem and responsibility u can't burdened other countries for Afghan failure .

    So need of any Humanatarian medical food aid & funds too for Taliban .

    Here Americans need help
    American Kids & families need help
    Want more stimulus cheques, cash BENIFITs , students loan & house mortgage waivers & free houses food & electricity, other debt waiver .
    Stop wasting American taxpayer's money on Afghanistan trillions already lost

    More people should come to sue Taliban for compensation in court freeze all fund's & aid & more sanctions on trade , funds and aid .
    First Afghanistan Taliban r liable to pay trillions of compensation

    Request to Biden Blinken white House @un @unsc for more blockage freezing and sanctions on Afghanistan. Stop , Block, freeze all trade, medical HUMANITARIAN AID funds by @UN, @wFP @wfpchief @fao @Fao @UNSC divert it for other countries & give funds to the families veterans families army who lost live in Afghanistan and other courts.
    Afghanistan Taliban should be sued in courts for trillions of dollars compensation for losses

    On social media & twitter I have not only requested Indian government MPs to stop all food aid CHARITY humanitarian medical aid fund's to Afghanistan and Pakistan but also to @FAO @UN @WFP @WFPCHIEF @usaid @redcross @WHO @UNSC to also put more sanctions on Afghanistan and Pakistan & freeze, block, stop all FOOD Humanatarian medical aid to Afghanistan & divert it INDIA & MYANMAR as India is big country billion population need help as Afghanistan is getting enough help from Chinnas russia rich gulf countries etc and claim by UN & others agencies about food & Humanatarian crisis, starvation , food shortages are false & over exaggerated . Whereas other countries need more help according to HUNGER INDEX

    I have given this two references of GHI index to them


  18. It's time to sue Taliban for compensation.
    Why should American taxpayer's should pay for others mistakes . They have lost trillions & lives they should be compensated

    It's now Taliban problem and responsibility u can't burdened other countries for Afghan failure .

    So need of any Humanatarian medical food aid & funds too for Taliban .

    Here Americans need help
    American Kids & families need help
    Want more stimulus cheques, cash BENIFITs , students loan & house mortgage waivers & free houses food & electricity, other debt waiver .
    Stop wasting American taxpayer's money on Afghanistan trillions already lost

    More people should come to sue Taliban for compensation in court freeze all fund's & aid & more sanctions on trade , funds and aid .
    First Afghanistan Taliban r liable to pay trillions of compensation

    Request to Biden Blinken white House @un @unsc for more blockage freezing and sanctions on Afghanistan. Stop , Block, freeze all trade, medical HUMANITARIAN AID funds by @UN, @wFP @wfpchief @fao @Fao @UNSC divert it for other countries & give funds to the families veterans families army who lost live in Afghanistan and other courts.
    Afghanistan Taliban should be sued in courts for trillions of dollars compensation for losses

    On social media & twitter I have not only requested Indian government MPs to stop all food aid CHARITY humanitarian medical aid fund's to Afghanistan and Pakistan but also to @FAO @UN @WFP @WFPCHIEF @usaid @redcross @WHO @UNSC to also put more sanctions on Afghanistan and Pakistan & freeze, block, stop all FOOD Humanatarian medical aid to Afghanistan & divert it INDIA & MYANMAR as India is big country billion population need help as Afghanistan is getting enough help from Chinnas russia rich gulf countries etc and claim by UN & others agencies about food & Humanatarian crisis, starvation , food shortages are false & over exaggerated . Whereas other countries need more help according to HUNGER INDEX

    I have given this two references of GHI index to them


  19. Although they were sometimes annoying, I was/am thankful for my interpreters in Ballad ‘05-‘06. They risked more than most of us and still got disrespected by some.
    His daughters will likely excel more than their peers considering how spoiled and lazy the average American is

    Hopefully they all excel and help make this place a more perfect Union

  20. oh yea… i don't think these muts have the right to talk about freedom of women when they themselves used them as living dummies for bombardment exercises in Afghanistan

    I'm not supporting taliban mind you
    I'm just talking about US's trivial reasoning and labeling taliban when the GOv themselves suffers from mass rapes each year.

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