ABC News Prime: Will progressives back Biden?; Fmr. NY Gov. Cuomo faces charges; Tiny Homes movement – Car Mod Pros Portal


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47 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: Will progressives back Biden?; Fmr. NY Gov. Cuomo faces charges; Tiny Homes movement”
  1. It’s the Corporate moderates of the democratic party that’s obstructing the Biden agenda.

  2. It's obvious we need to raise minimum wage atleast twice as much as it is now. I believe working for unlivable wages is a big problem also. I believe alot of people wouldn't mind the mandate if they were paid what they're worth. The US needs to pay workers a livable wage. Good daycare we can afford so more people can go back to work and affordable housing. People will be able to breath and live a decent life. Not enough money is a big stress on people. Working for nothing is wearing our people down and being treated like your not worth more, is degrading to our spirit.

  3. Money Is An Issue That Everyone Has For A Better And Luxurious Life. Life Was Hard For Me Until I Started Trading Bitcoin And Now Earning $14,060 BiWeekly

  4. Covid-vaccine is an obstruction of covid virus to create new variant, it only able to hide the symptoms after get infected, at the same time to enhance your immunity system to against the virus temporarily like Morphine-Sulfate.
    Covid-19 is cumulative and permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to replicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered from covid infection or fully vaccinated. Peoples will die in covid one day when the immunity system become weak`2

  5. Hey Liberals, your Messiah Biden has now decided to give Illegals streaming across the southern border $450, 000 a person or up to $1,000,000 a family in reparations. Your communist leader want even give you $10,000 to help with student loans. Glad you voted for him now, as he is hell bent on destroying the lively hoods of all American citizens and the United States. Source: WSJ.

  6. Some stuff in there it might help, but not for everyone, also there are hidden proposals that they are not telling us like making this ilegal immigrants free pass and pay them ontop of that that's bullcrap

  7. Covid-vaccine is an obstruction of covid virus to create new variant, it only able to hide the symptoms after get infected, at the same time to enhance your immunity system to against the virus temporarily like Morphine-Sulfate.
    Covid-19 is cumulative and permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to replicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered from covid infection or fully vaccinated. Peoples will die in covid one day when the immunity system become weak;;10

  8. I'm a say this right now normal everyday citizen start doing the wrong thing for the right reason like all we need is a couple addresses and I'm sure s*** that would be a lot of people a lot of angry people at some very important people's doorsteps

  9. Covid|9 is growing and permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to replicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered or fully vaccinated. Currently vaccine is incompetent due to vaccine maker adjust to be safe, so the victims rate is drop after vaccination. Litigation is applicable now after politicians fully approve the vaccine. This is great liberty status evolution. A lot of people having long term serious reaction even death in vaccination before, and the politicians still do not want to tell the truth.;'4

  10. Consider all the mineral rich fresh water that never reaches the oceans. Hydro electric dams are the cause of rapid climate change. Wind farms increase flooding. The race to E is simply folly. 🤔🤗❤️

  11. In the Netherlands they already do this for soo long, and it really helps you and gives you the time with your newborn, this is for woman and men. Woman a bit longer then a men, so the parent can fix everything before they have to go to work. Like daycare, babysitterd, payed leave should be as normal a normal healthcare system that you always get helped.

  12. السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته انا المواطن الفلسطينى من غزة أبلغ من العمر 32عام وعندى أربع أطفال ولم أجد لهم أكل وشراب ولبس بسبب سقوطى أثناء عملى عن الطابق الثاني ووضعى حرج وممنوع عن العمل بطلب من سيادتكم تنظرو إلينا بعين الرحمه تساعدونا لوجه لله ربنا يطعمكم في صحتكم وشبابكم والله يا إخواني انا شب مثل الورد بس قلبى محروق على اولادى وهما أقسم بالله العظيم بنامه بجوعهم بترجاكم ابوس ايديكم والله والله تعبان نفسي حدا يسمعنى الله يرضى عليكم ويوفقكم ويبعد عنكم شر المرض قال رسول الله صلى آلله عليه وسلم دوى مرضاكم بصدقه اقسم بالله قد ما اوصف حياتنا ما بقدر أعبر شعورى😢.الله يوفقكم ويبعد عنكم شر المرض ساعدونا لو بشى رمزى اطعم اولادى

  13. Democrats🐀
    Build Back Better 🇺🇸💅

  14. I don’t know who need to hear this but stop relying on the government and savings. Invest some of your money if you want financial freedom

  15. The World needs economic default virus rewarding money from China and WHO? Mr. Biden silent on this agenda? Mr. Biden oppose abortion and supporting vaccine Companies mandate on 45% nhealth Americans aggravating discrimination on Free land by saying not to be hired? Next election is costly much politicians?


    1964 Japan's first bullet trains, The Beatles first record album. Manchin & Sinema want the US to stay 57 years behind Japan.

    1998 China has 37,900km of high speed track with 32,000km more under construction.

    2021 US trains travel at 135mph, China's travel at 268mph. China's modern airports rub salt in the wound.

  17. We're never as strong, as we are until we have to be. Never Do as much, unless the need we see. Only give our best, when we fail at mediocrity. We Love rather than hate when we admit we're one humanity. We always give more, when compassion moves our heart with unbridled generosity. We Become more of our potential when we are made to see, that clearly our minds can believe in unfathomable possibilities, while seizing every opportunity, here in lies one's destiny.  More than our scars, higher than our stars, for in  our flaws are what defines our features, they're uniquely ours, as human creatures.
    We can run faster than on our slowest day. Reason better, and thinking it through all the way, regardless which direction our  emotions may sway. We can find our voice when speechless, our strong words with meekness and our Courage in weakness. Always patience not quickness. Silence for peace than loudness, quietness of fear, not hopeless, for time and effort  are equally unbiased. We are more than the stories we're told, we're the one's we write, each page unfold. We are the sum of our Lies and truth, fantasy, fiction, faith, and myths, no matter how uncouth. These are what shape us, our lives lived is the proof. We can be more right than wrong. More just than judge. More godlike than unlike. Reflecting Sunlight in our darkest night.
    Providing refuge. Never more alive until we die within and begin again. A Human Ark Divine in our human spark.

    Steven Gooden

  18. The big thing was to get prescription drugs under a price control the media doesn’t focus on that look at all the pharmaceutical adds they run sickening,our government needs to start making generic drugs .More Americans die from diabetes because they can’t afford insulin that cost 95.cents to make not even a dollar that’s why the guy who invented it gave to patients away to make it affordable ,And no one holds these companies accountable for murder,what would you call it ?

  19. Of course they cut everything that helps the people… and kept everything that gives more money to big business…they don't care about us… 64 square feet to Live in…what a crying shame

  20. Today one of my coworkers told me that her husband who is fully vaccinated and an avid jogger was having an episode where he could not breathe so they took him to the hospital where the staff was insisting he be put on a ventilator…she told them where to stuff that ventilator and insisted he get X-rays and they found a "bubble" around his heart and had to operate immediately instead …. so yeah those vaccines are fugging people up pretty good. If you have not figured that out yet, you have to be dumb as a rock and will probably receive your own karma soon enough.

  21. The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this:The rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left ✔👍

  22. Big Pharma rapes the sick and gives to shareholders, pays themselves huge salaries and bonuses, etc. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, lower drug prices.

  23. Why is Manchin and Sinema called moderate? Their proven agenda and views are to biased towards the wealthy and corporations like big pharma. They are Republicans in Democrat clothes and they need to be filtered out.

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